Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Equilibrium of a firm represents maximization of profits as well as:

A. Maximization of losses

B. Minimization of losses

C. Minimization of profits

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

B. Minimization of losses

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Market allocation fundamentally relies upon:

A. A system of relative prices

B. A belief that employees work for the good of society

C. Government ownership of the means of production

D. Moral incentives to encourage productive efficiency

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility states:


B. per income rupee



What is the correct answer?


The isoquant approach is based upon:

A. One output

B. One input

C. Two outputs

D. Two inputs

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following goods is most likely to be exchanged in a market of local rather than national scope?

A. University professors

B. Computer components

C. Building materials

D. Jet airplanes

What is the correct answer?


In Nash equilibrium, a player:

A. Deviates from his strategy

B. Does not deviate from his strategy

C. Does not think in a good way

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The critics of Sweezy model say that kink generates:

A. Frustration

B. Poverty

C. Uncertainty

D. Integrity

What is the correct answer?


The reaction curve of a firm is attained by joining the:

A. Isoprofit curve

B. Super profit curve

C. Normal profit curve

D. Indoprofit curve

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist:

A. Can not influence the market

B. Can influence the market

C. Is a price taker

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


An effective price ceiling usually results in:

A. Excess demand

B. Qd > Qs

C. Shortage of supply

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Extension (expansion) and contraction of demand are result of:

A. Change in consumers income

B. Change in consumers tastes

C. Change in price

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, because of difference in choices, the firm charges:

A. Different prices

B. Similar prices

C. High prices

D. Low prices

What is the correct answer?


When price decreases and with it the total outlay on a commodity also decreases, it is a case of:

A. Perfect elasticity (infinitely elastic)

B. Relative elasticity (greater than one elasticity)

C. Perfect inelasticity (zero elasticity)

D. Relative inelasticity (less than one elasticity)

What is the correct answer?


Price discrimination is undertaken with the aim of:

A. Increasing sales and maximizing profits

B. Reducing sales and raising prices

C. Minimizing cost and maximizing revenue

D. Serving the markets without earning profits

What is the correct answer?


In perfectly competitive markets, the profit maximization rule can be represented by:





What is the correct answer?


The difference between average cost and average revenue is:

A. Total profit

B. Average profit

C. Net profit

D. Marginal profit

What is the correct answer?


If a firm is producing output at a point where diminishing returns have set in, this means that:

A. Each additional unit of output will be more expensive to produce

B. Each additional unit of output will require increasing amount of inputs

C. Marginal product of the variable factor of production decreases as the quantity increases

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following models are associated with non-collusive oligopoly?

A. Bertrand model

B. Chamberlin model

C. Kinked demand model (Sweezy Model)

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns can be explained in terms of:

A. Economies and diseconomies of production

B. Indivisibility of factors

C. Fixity of supply of land

D. Variable factor productivity

What is the correct answer?


Nash equilibrium is applicable in case of:

A. Cournot model

B. Edgeworth model

C. Chamberline model

D. Sweezy model

What is the correct answer?


The main contribution of Prof. Lord Keynes is in the field of:

A. Determination of the rate of interest

B. Determination of the market price

C. Determination of the wage rate

D. Determination of production of firm

What is the correct answer?


In dominant strategies I am doing the best, I can no matter:

A. What you do

B. What you are doing

C. What you not do

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


If the price of product A decreases and in the result the demand for product B increases then we can say that:

A. A and B are substitute goods

B. A and B are complementary goods

C. A is an inferior good

D. B is an inferior good

What is the correct answer?


When at a given price, the quantity demanded of a commodity is more than the quantity supplied, there will be:

A. An upward pressure on price

B. A downward pressure on price

C. Price will remain unaffected

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Firms average and marginal revenues are equal under:

A. Monopoly

B. Perfect competition

C. Oligopoly

D. Monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


Normally when price per unit of time falls:

A. Quantity demanded increases

B. Quantity demanded decreases

C. Quantity demanded remains constant

D. Quantity demanded becomes zero

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following formulae explain the term average revenue?

A. Total units /No. of Revenues

B. Total Revenue/No. of Units

C. Marginal Revenue × Units

D. Total Units/ Price

What is the correct answer?


Identify the author of The Social Framework:

A. R.G.D.Alien

B. J.R.Hicks

C. A.C.Pigou

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a U shaped curve:

A. Marginal cost curve

B. Average variable cost curve

C. Fixed cost curve

D. Average cost curve

What is the correct answer?


In the case of complements, the cross demand curve slopes:

A. Downwards to the right

B. Upwards to the right

C. Backwards to the top

D. Inwards at the bottom

What is the correct answer?


At a point above the middle of a straight line demand curve, elasticity of demand is:

A. Less than one

B. Equal to one

C. More than one

D. Equal to infinite