Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


How many meiosis will be required to produce 102 pollen-grains ?

A. 25

B. 25.6

C. 26

D. 26.5

Correct Answer :

C. 26

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What is the correct answer?


A colour-blind man marries the daughter of a colour-blind person. In their progeny

A. none of her daughters are colour-blind

B. all her sons are colour-blind

C. all her daughters are colour-blind

D. half of her sons are colour-blind

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Transfer of a gene or genes through a virus is called

A. transformation

B. transduction

C. genetic engineering

D. sex-duction

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 A chemical mutagen is

A. X-rays

B. UV-rays

C. β-rays

D. 5-Bromo-Uracil

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A child is bom with an extra chromosome in each of its cells. This is usually the result of

A. nondisjunction

B. crossing over

C. segregation

D. hybridization

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Linkage is

A. directly related to crossing over

B. same as translocation

C. inversely related to crossing over

D. opposite to segregation

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In humans, an example of sex-linked trait is

A. Curly hair

B. Sickle-cell anaemia

C. Colour-blindness

D. Down's syndrome

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When is the sex of an offspring decided

A. At ovulation

B. During meiosis

C. During cleavage

D. At fertilization

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If an individual does not breed true for its characters, it is called

A. homozygote

B. allelomorph

C. hybrid

D. ecotype

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The first person to induce mutations was

A. Hugo de Vries

B. T.H. Morgan

C. Sturtevant

D. H.J. Muller

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Reverse transcription was discovered by

A. Watson

B. Crick

C. Temin

D. Porter

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Exhibition of superiority by a hybrid over both of its parents is called

A. heterosis

B. hybridization

C. hypostasis

D. dominance

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Albinism in com plants is best described as

A. lethal

B. sex-linked

C. inbred

D. dominance

What is the correct answer?


When two genes are situated very close to each other in a chromosome

A. the percentage of crossing over between themis high

B. hardly any cross-overs detected

C. no crossing-over can ever take place between them

D. only double cross overs can take place between them.

What is the correct answer?


The segment of DNA which participates in crossing over is known as

A. recon

B. muton

C. criston

D. replicon

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A codon is a sequence of 3 nucleolides on

A. t-RNA

B. m-RNA

C. s-RNA

D. hn-RNA

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The best method to determine whether an individual is homozygous or heterozygous is

A. inbreeding

B. cross-breeding

C. back-crossing

D. self-fertilization

What is the correct answer?


An offspring of two homozygous parents different from one another by alleles at only one gene locus is known as

A. monohybrid

B. dihybrid

C. trihybrid

D. backcross

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Among the following which is a test cross?

A. TtxTt


C. TTxTt

D. Ttxtt

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 A person meets with an accident and great loss of blood has occurred. There is no time to analyse his blood group. It is safe to transfuse blood of

A. AB, RH+

B. AB, RH-

C. O, RH-

D. O, RH+

What is the correct answer?


In a monohybrid cross the Fi ratio of a backcross is

A. 1:1

B. 3:1

C. 1:2:1

D. 9:3:3:3

What is the correct answer?


A pure tall pea plant was reared in a soil poor in nutrition and reached the size of a pure dwarf pea plant If the plant is selfed, the genotype in the Fi generation is most likely to be

A. all tall

B. 50% tall and 50% dwarf

C. all dwarf

D. data insufficient

What is the correct answer?


Some people experience PTC paper on tongue as bitter, others as tasteless. This character is hereditary in nature. Suppose T stands for dominant gene and t for recessive gene, the genetic make up of a person who cannot taste is


B. Tt

C. tt

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The scientists who rediscovered the Mendel's laws are

A. Mast and Pantin

B. Watson and Crick

C. Corren, Tschermark and Hugo de Vries

D. Khorana and Nirenberg

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Diakinesis is characterised by

A. crossing over

B. synapse

C. chiasmata

D. terminalization

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The number of characters investigated by Mendel was

A. four

B. seven

C. six

D. one

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DNA duplication occurs in

A. meiosis only

B. meiosis II and mitosis

C. mitosis only

D. meiosis I and mitosis

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Base substitutions from base analogues I are called

A. transitions

B. transversions

C. intragenic complimentation

D. intergenic complimentation

What is the correct answer?


A functional unit of a gene which specifies synthesis of one poly-peptide is known as

A. clone

B. recon

C. cistron

D. codon

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Colour blindness is caused due to

A. deficiency of vitamic C

B. sex-linked abnormality

C. absence of rods in retina

D. absence of visual purple in retina

What is the correct answer?


The crossing of a homozygous tall plant with a dwarf would yield plants in the ratio of

A. all heterozygous tall

B. two tall and two dwarf

C. one homozygous tall, two heterozygous tall and one homozygous dwarf

D. all homozygous dwarf.