Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


If you need to edit a relationship

A. Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship

B. Double click the relationship line

C. Both of above

D. None of above

Correct Answer :

C. Both of above

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The third stage in designing a database is when we analyze our tables more closely and create a ___________ between tables

A. relationship

B. Join

C. Query

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which is not a view to display a table in Access?

A. Datasheet View

B. Design View

C. Pivot Table & Pivot Chart View

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following can be an example of a database?

A. Address book of all the suppliers of a company

B. Salary sheet of all the employees of a company

C. Records of daily sales transactions of a company

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


Each record is constituted by a number of individual data items which are called

A. Fields

B. Data Types

C. Relations

D. Tables

What is the correct answer?


DCL provides commands to perform actions like

A. Change the structure of tables

B. insert, update or delete records and data values

C. authorizing access and other control over database

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Microsoft Access is a




D. Network database model

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a database object in MS Access?

A. Tables

B. Query

C. Report

D. Relationship

What is the correct answer?


To create a new table, in which method you dont need to specify the field type and size?

A. Create table in Design View

B. Create Table using wizard

C. Create Table by Entering data

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


Following is not a database model

A. network database model

B. relational database model

C. Object Oriented database model

D. None

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If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean

A. OR conditions

B. AND conditions

C. NOT condition

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Which field type can store photos?

A. Hyperlink


C. Both of these can be used

D. Access tables cant store photos

What is the correct answer?


To sort records in a table

A. Open table, click on the field on which the sorting is to be done, then click Sort button on database toolbar

B. Open table, click Sort button on database toolbar, choose field based on which to sort, click OK

C. Click the field heading to sort it ascending or descending

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


A small button with three dots usually displayed at the right of field properties box

A. Make button

B. Expression button

C. Build button

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


If I create Student field in Fees table to store student_id of Students table, then this Student field in Fees table is called:

A. Foreign key

B. Native key

C. Composite key

D. Primary key

What is the correct answer?


When creating a new table which method can be used to choose fields from standard databases and tables

A. Create table in Design View

B. Create Table using wizard

C. Create Table by Entering data

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access?

A. Create table in Design View

B. Create Table using wizard

C. Create Table by Entering data

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


A search value can be an exact value or it can be

A. Logical Operator

B. Relationship

C. Wild card character

D. Comparison operation

What is the correct answer?


What is the maximum length a text field can be?

A. 120

B. 255

C. 265

D. 75

What is the correct answer?


When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report header section it will appear____

A. Once in the beginning of the report

B. At the top of every page

C. Every after record break

D. On the 1st and last pages of the report

What is the correct answer?


If you need to edit a relationship

A. Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship

B. Double click the relationship line

C. Both of above

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


What does the show check box in query design window indicate

A. It indicates whether the field is to be used or not

B. It indicates whether the field is to be displayed in query result or not

C. It indicates whether the field names to be displayed in query result or not

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Query design window has two parts. The upper part shows

A. Name of fields, field type and size

B. Tables with fields and relationships between tables

C. Criteria

D. Sorting check boxes

What is the correct answer?


Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you require to enter long text in that field?

A. Text

B. Memo

C. Currency

D. Hyperlink

What is the correct answer?


It is an association established between common fields of two tables.

A. line

B. relationship

C. primary key

D. records

What is the correct answer?


Every table in relational database contain a field or combination of fields that can uniquely identify each records, it is called

A. Foreign key

B. Native key

C. Composite key

D. Primary key

What is the correct answer?


The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression___ for entering an expression

A. Table

B. Box

C. Cell

D. Palette

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in Access database

A. One to One

B. One to Many

C. Many to Many

D. All of above can be applied

What is the correct answer?


This key uniquely identifies each record

A. primary key

B. key record

C. unique key

D. field name

What is the correct answer?


In one-to-many relationship the table in one side is called _______ and on many side is called _______

A. Child , Parent

B. Parent , Child

C. Brother , Sister

D. Father , Son

What is the correct answer?


This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols.

A. text

B. memo

C. auto number

D. None of the above