Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Lightning conductors are made of

A. iron

B. chromium

C. copper

D. steel

Correct Answer :

C. copper

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What is the correct answer?


Heat transfer

A. cools the body that transfers it

B. heats the body that absorbs the heat

C. may change the physical state of the substance

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Fish and other aquatic creatures can live inside a deep frozen pond because

A. fish are cold-blooded animals

B. ice is a bad conductor of heat

C. there will always be water just beneath the ice level

D. they can adapt themselves to live in ice

What is the correct answer?


The SI unit of electric current is

A. the ampere

B. the volt

C. the ohm

D. the coulomb

What is the correct answer?


For viewing objects placed at a higher level from a position at a lower level, the instrument used' Is known aa

A. telescope

B. spectrometer

C. microscope

D. periscope

What is the correct answer?


Halley's comet appears in the heavens once in

A. 40 years

B. 50 years

C. 76 years

D. 80 years

What is the correct answer?


The evaporation rate depends on

A. the nature of the liquid

B. area of the exposed surface of the liquid

C. temperature of air and of the liquid

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The temperature, surface features, length of days and nights of a planet depend on

A. its atmosphere

B. its distance from the sun

C. its rotation

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A timer in a race is at the finish line. He should start his stop watch

A. as soon as he hears the report of the gun

B. the moment he sees the flash

C. either (a) or (b) since that makes no difference

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Warm air will hold more water vapour than cold air because

A. it is lighter

B. it has more water vapour in it

C. its molecules are close together

D. its molecules are far apart

What is the correct answer?


A convex mirror always produces

A. an erect, virtual image of diminished size

B. an erect, real image of diminished size

C. an erect, real image of double size

D. a virtual image of double size

What is the correct answer?


The world's first artificial satellite Sputnik I was launched by Russia in

A. 1985

B. 1957

C. 1959

D. 1960

What is the correct answer?


The inside of both the walls of a thermos flask is silvered i.e., on the vacuum side in order to reduce heat loss by

A. convection

B. radiation

C. conduction

D. All the three

What is the correct answer?


When a bottle of perfume is opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads soon throughout the room. This is an example of

A. surface tension

B. capillarity

C. viscosity

D. diffusion

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°


What is the correct answer?


The hydraulic jack to lift heavy vehicles in automobile service stations is one of the applications of

A. Pascal's law

B. Principle of Archimedes

C. Boyle's law

D. Hooke's law

What is the correct answer?


A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. first decrease and then increase

What is the correct answer?


When the velocity of a body is halved

A. its momentum is halved

B. its kinetic energy is halved

C. its acceleration is halved

D. its potential energy is halved

What is the correct answer?


The rate of cooling of a hot body depends on

A. the nature of the radiating surface

B. area of the radiating surface

C. temperature difference between the body and the surroundings

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


In a river, the currents are fastest where the river la

A. wide and shallow

B. narrow and shallow

C. wide and deep

D. narrow and deep

What is the correct answer?


While crossing a suspension bridge, the soldiers are ordered to break steps because

A. the marching in steps will involve a big strain on them

B. the resonant vibrations caused by their marching can damage the bridge increasing the amplitude to dangerous proportions

C. the marching may obstruct other traffic

D. rumblings of their marching may disturb the surroundings

What is the correct answer?


The number of galaxies that are visible without telescope on clear dark nights and away from bright lights is

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. infinite

What is the correct answer?


Which physical quantity is measured in watts

A. power

B. kinetic energy

C. momentum

D. impulse

What is the correct answer?


If a bar magnet is broken into two pieces

A. both pieces will lose their magnetism

B. one piece will have North Pole on both ends and the other South Pole on its both ends

C. each will remain a magnet with North Pole at one end and South Pole at the other

D. the longer piece will behave as a bar magnet while the smaller will have no magnetism at all

What is the correct answer?


The extremely luminous objects located at the centre of some distant galaxies and which are sources of high energy electromagnetic radiation are known as

A. Nebulae

B. Quasars

C. Meteors

D. Comets

What is the correct answer?


A sensitive instrument susceptible to magnetic infiuence can be protected from external magnetic field by

A. enclosing it in a thick walled iron box

B. wrapping it with an insulator

C. by placing it inside a glass case

D. by surrounding it with fine copper gauze

What is the correct answer?


When a charged rod is brought near a collection of small pith balls, the balls

A. will jump rapidly up and down for a short time

B. will remain unaffected

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. It will produce electric shock

What is the correct answer?


The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is

A. equal to half its focal length

B. equal to its focal length

C. twice its focal length

D. not related to its focal length

What is the correct answer?


The method used to separate aluminium from a alumina is

A. electroplating

B. electrotyping

C. electrolysis

D. distillation

What is the correct answer?


A capillary tube is partially dipped vertically in a vessel containing water. Due to capillarity water rises in the tube. The height of water rise in the tube can be increased by

A. decreasing the radius of the capillary tube

B. increasing the radius of the capillary tube

C. increasing the height of water in the vessel

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Heat is transmitted from one end of a metal rod to its other end by the method of

A. conduction

B. convection

C. radiation

D. sublimation