Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Rays from the headlight of a motor car are rendered parallel by suitably using

A. a convex mirror behind it

B. a concave lens behind it

C. a concave mirror in front of it

D. a concave mirror behind it

Correct Answer :

D. a concave mirror behind it

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The velocity of sound in air

A. increases as the square root of the absolute temperature

B. decreases with temperature

C. is independent of temperature

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


In a microphone

A. sound energy is converted into electrical energy

B. electrical energy is converted into sound energy

C. sound energy is converted into mechanical energy

D. mechanical energy is converted into sound energy

What is the correct answer?


The colour of a star is an indication of its

A. distance from the earth

B. age

C. temperature

D. size

What is the correct answer?


Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. they contain free electrons

B. their atoms are relatively far apart

C. their atoms collide frequently

D. they have reflecting surfaces

What is the correct answer?


A small bubble of air deep down in a lake rises up to the top of the lake. The volume of the bubble on coming up will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. will not change

D. first increase and then decrease

What is the correct answer?


In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place?

A. kinetic energy

B. potential energy

C. acceleration

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The red colour of the setting sun is due to

A. the least scattered red colour reaching the eye

B. the dispersion of sun light occurred in air molecule in atmosphere

C. the diffraction of sunrays in atmospheric layers

D. interference of all the rays coming from the sun

What is the correct answer?


Alternating Current (AC) is more advantageous than direct current because

A. it can be transmitted easily and efficiently

B. Alternating Current (AC) loses the least amount of energy when transmitted at high voltages

C. Alternating Current (AC) voltage can be easily increased or decreased

D. all the above

What is the correct answer?


The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is

A. Pyrometer

B. Eudiometer

C. Barometer

D. Hydrometer

What is the correct answer?


A stone floor feels cold to the bare feet but a carpet on the same floor feels warm. This is because

A. the floor and carpet are at different temperatures

B. the stone conveys the heat away from the feet more rapidly than the carpet

C. the carpet is a better conductor of heat than the stone

D. the human body maintains a constant temperature

What is the correct answer?


The focal length or lens or the eye is under the control or the

A. iris

B. pupil

C. ciliary body

D. cornea

What is the correct answer?


The function of a ruse wire is

A. to stabilise the voltage

B. to decrease the current supply

C. to increase the current supply

D. to prevent an unduly high current from passing through a circuit

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is wrongly matched?

A. electric current - ampere

B. resistance - Ohm

C. electric power - volt

D. electric charge Coulomb

What is the correct answer?


Atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called

A. isobars

B. isomers

C. isotones

D. isotopes

What is the correct answer?


It is easier to climb down a staircase than climb up because in climbing down

A. work is done against gravity

B. the steepness of the staircase isn't felt

C. gravity assists

D. there is no friction between the legs and steps

What is the correct answer?


A hydrogen bomb is based on

A. nuclear fusion

B. nuclear fission

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. Neither (a) nor (b)

What is the correct answer?


When ice melts, Its volume

A. decreases

B. increases

C. remains the same until all the ice has melted and then increases

D. remains the same

What is the correct answer?


We cannot see and without the aid of a telescope

A. Neptune and Pluto

B. Jupiter and Saturn

C. Venus and Mars

D. Venus and Saturn

What is the correct answer?


The instrument used to measure the strength of electric current at a point is

A. Ammeter

B. Altimeter

C. Adrinometer

D. Anemometer

What is the correct answer?


A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. first decrease and then increase

What is the correct answer?


Powder clings to the skin because of

A. cohesion

B. adhesion

C. capillary action

D. absorption

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following sets of elementary particles have nearly equal masses?

A. Neutron and Proton

B. Electron and Proton

C. Neutron and Electron

D. Proton, Neutron and Electron

What is the correct answer?


Enriched uranium means

A. Uranium that is very pure

B. Uranium in which the concentration of the isotope U-238 is more than in the naturally occuring uranium

C. Uranium in which the concentration of the isotope U-235 is more than in the naturally occuring uranium

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The audible range of a normal human ear is frequencies ranging from

A. 10000 to 20000 Hz

B. 50 to 15000 Hz

C. 20 to 20000 Hz

D. 15 to 50000 Hz

What is the correct answer?


The velocity required to place a vehicle in orbit round the moon is _________ that required to place it in orbit round the earth.

A. less than

B. greater than

C. equal to

D. greater than or equal to

What is the correct answer?


The extremely luminous objects located at the centre of some distant galaxies and which are sources of high energy electromagnetic radiation are known as

A. Nebulae

B. Quasars

C. Meteors

D. Comets

What is the correct answer?


When a bottle of perfume is opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads soon throughout the room. This is an example of

A. surface tension

B. capillarity

C. viscosity

D. diffusion

What is the correct answer?


The rate of cooling of a hot body depends on

A. the nature of the radiating surface

B. area of the radiating surface

C. temperature difference between the body and the surroundings

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


When a body is projected upwards

A. the time for the upward journey and downward journey are the same

B. the upward journey takes more time

C. the downward journey takes more time

D. Can't be said

What is the correct answer?


A ruse wire is characterised by

A. high resistance and high melting point

B. high resistance and low melting point

C. low resistance and high melting point

D. low resistance and low melting point