Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


SONAR (Sound Navigation Ranging) is

A. used by warships and military aircraft to locate enemy submarines

B. used by ships to determine the depth of water beneath them

C. a detective device that uses sound to locate under - water objects

D. All the above

Correct Answer :

D. All the above

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which is the densest planet of the solar system?

A. Sun

B. Jupiter

C. Mercury

D. Earth

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is known as freon?

A. Liquid ammonia

B. Carbon tetrafluoride

C. Dichloro-difluoro-methane

D. Sulphur dioxide

What is the correct answer?


How is it that Pluto is not always the farthest planet of the solar system?

A. Each planet becomes the farthest planet in its turn. Now it is the turn of Piuto

B. The Sun is now in the zodiac in which it is nearest to outer planets

C. The eccentricity of Piuto's orbit being substantial, this orbit cuts the orbit of Neptune

D. Piuto belongs to other solar system

What is the correct answer?


The largest planet in the solar system is

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


A timer in a race is at the finish line. He should start his stop watch

A. as soon as he hears the report of the gun

B. the moment he sees the flash

C. either (a) or (b) since that makes no difference

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The asteroids belt lies between the orbits of

A. Earth and Mars

B. Venus and Earth

C. Mars and Jupiter

D. Moon and Mars

What is the correct answer?


A pressure gauge for fluids is called

A. a hydrometer

B. a manometer

C. a lactometer

D. an anemometer

What is the correct answer?


When white light passes through a glass prism we get a spectrum on the other side of the prism. In the emergent beam the ray which is deviated least is

A. the violet ray

B. the red ray

C. the green ray

D. the blue ray

What is the correct answer?


A person does not sink in the Dead Sea because

A. the sea contains a large amount of other salts besides sodium chloride

B. the density of the person is less than the density of the Dead Sea water

C. of the surface tension due to salt water in the Dead Sea

D. of difference in mass

What is the correct answer?


What la the minimum velocity required for a rocket to overcome earth's gravity and travel into space?

A. 18 km/sec

B. 11.2 km/ sec

C. 21 km/ sec

D. 35 km/ sec

What is the correct answer?


When the velocity of a body is halved

A. its momentum is halved

B. its kinetic energy is halved

C. its acceleration is halved

D. its potential energy is halved

What is the correct answer?


Velocity of sound in high altitudes is low because at such a height

A. the temperature is low

B. there is no air

C. the pressure is low

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Water kept in an earthen pot is less cool on rainy days than in summer because during the rainy days

A. the pores in the pot are closed

B. rain water stops oozing out from the pores

C. the water that oozes out does not evaporate quickly because of the large percentage of moisture in the air

D. surface of the pot becomes damp

What is the correct answer?


Solar radiation is preferred to other sources of energy because

A. it is practically inexhaustible

B. it is the cheapest form of energy

C. it does not cause pollution

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The enormous energy released in nuclear and thermonuclear reactions is due to conversion of

A. chemical energy into heat energy

B. mechanical energy into heat energy

C. protons into neutrons

D. mass into energy according to Einstein's equation

What is the correct answer?


A device used to measure heights above sea level is known as

A. altimeter

B. anemometer

C. dilatometer

D. potentiometer

What is the correct answer?


For viewing objects placed at a higher level from a position at a lower level, the instrument used' Is known aa

A. telescope

B. spectrometer

C. microscope

D. periscope

What is the correct answer?


The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is

A. equal to half its focal length

B. equal to its focal length

C. twice its focal length

D. not related to its focal length

What is the correct answer?


A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is

A. greater than the weight of the man

B. less than the weight of the man

C. same as the weight of the man

D. zero

What is the correct answer?


Credit for starting Space Science Research in India goes to

A. HJ Bhabha

B. SS Bhatnagar

C. V Sarabhai

D. CV Raman

What is the correct answer?


When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon Is known as

A. doppler effect

B. beats

C. resonance

D. echo

What is the correct answer?


The study of astronomy include a

A. astrology

B. astrophysics

C. astrometry

D. Both (b) and (c) above

What is the correct answer?


If a body weight 12N on the surface of the earth, how much will it weigh on the surface of the moon where acceleration due to gravity is only one-sixth of that on earth's surface?

A. 12N

B. 2N

C. 10N

D. 6N

What is the correct answer?


A pair of stars that revolve round each other is

A. a neutron star

B. a binary star

C. a dwarf star

D. a polar star

What is the correct answer?


X-rays are used

A. in hospital in the treatment of malignant growth

B. to reveal hidden flaws in metal castings and welded joints

C. to detect alterations made in works of art

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The maximum range of most TV signals is from 121 to 240 km only because

A. the curvature of earth limits the range of reception

B. the signals are weak

C. the signals are absorbed by air

D. the antennae are not powerful enough

What is the correct answer?


Raindrops assume a spherical shape because or

A. adhesion

B. surface tension

C. gravitational force

D. atmospheric pressure from all sides

What is the correct answer?


The image of an object formed on the retina of the eye is

A. virtual and upright

B. virtual and inverted

C. real and inverted

D. real and upright

What is the correct answer?


Warm air will hold more water vapour than cold air because

A. it is lighter

B. it has more water vapour in it

C. its molecules are close together

D. its molecules are far apart

What is the correct answer?


The colour of the light which travels through glass with minimum speed is

A. red

B. violet

C. green

D. yellow