Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The art movement characterized by the use of everyday objects as art is:

A. Surrealism

B. Pop Art

C. Cubism

D. Abstract Expressionism

Correct Answer :

B. Pop Art

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Which artist is known for his melting clocks in paintings like The Persistence of Memory?

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Salvador Dal�

C. Joan Mir�

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The art movement characterized by the use of everyday objects as art is:

A. Surrealism

B. Pop Art

C. Cubism

D. Abstract Expressionism

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Who painted The Starry Night Over the Rh�ne?

A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Claude Monet

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A. Michelangelo

B. Leonardo da Vinci

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A. Impressionism

B. Cubism

C. Surrealism

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A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Impressionism

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A. Pablo Picasso

B. Salvador Dal�

C. Henri Matisse

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A. Johannes Vermeer

B. Rembrandt

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A. Rembrandt

B. Johannes Vermeer

C. Hieronymus Bosch

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A. Vincent van Gogh

B. Georges Seurat

C. Piet Mondrian

D. Wassily Kandinsky

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The artist known for his use of bold, colorful shapes and cutouts in his later works is:

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Henri Matisse

C. Marc Chagall

D. Wassily Kandinsky

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The Birth of Venus was painted by:

A. Sandro Botticelli

B. Titian

C. Rembrandt

D. Leonardo da Vinci

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The art movement characterized by flat colors, bold outlines, and simplified forms is:

A. Cubism

B. Fauvism

C. Abstract Expressionism

D. Suprematism

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A. Jackson Pollock

B. Andy Warhol

C. Mark Rothko

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A. Auguste Rodin

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. Michelangelo

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The painting Starry Night is associated with which artist?

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Vincent van Gogh

C. Salvador Dal�

D. Claude Monet

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The Birth of Venus is associated with which art movement?

A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Impressionism

D. Neoclassicism

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A. Mark Rothko

B. Jackson Pollock

C. Willem de Kooning

D. Franz Kline

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A. Henri Matisse

B. Paul Gauguin

C. Marc Chagall

D. Wassily Kandinsky

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A. The Louvre Museum

B. The Vatican

C. The Uffizi Gallery

D. The Rijksmuseum

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A. Grant Wood

B. Edward Hopper

C. Jackson Pollock

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The art movement characterized by the use of simple geometric shapes and primary colors is:

A. Cubism

B. Surrealism

C. Abstract Expressionism

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A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Impressionism

D. Cubism

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A. Raphael

B. Caravaggio

C. Leonardo da Vinci

D. Michelangelo

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A. Abstract Expressionism

B. Cubism

C. Surrealism

D. Pop Art

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A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Impressionism

D. Pop Art

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A. Raphael

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. Michelangelo

D. Caravaggio

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The Guernica painting by Picasso was created in response to which historical event?

A. World War I

B. The Spanish Civil War

C. The French Revolution

D. The Renaissance

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A. Greek

B. Roman

C. Egyptian

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