Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The most abundant constituent in air is

A. hydrogen

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. noble gases

Correct Answer :

B. nitrogen

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What is the correct answer?


The gas which has a faint sweet odour is

A. nitrogen

B. nitrous oxide

C. nitric oxide

D. nitrogen peroxide

What is the correct answer?


The soaps used in shaving cream are

A. calcium soaps

B. lead soaps

C. soft soaps

D. hard soaps

What is the correct answer?


Artificial diamonds were produced by

A. Moissan

B. Davy

C. Faraday

D. Marie Curie

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following gases is extremely soluble in water?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Ammonia

C. Chlorine

D. Hydrogen sulphide

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an antibiotic?

A. streptomycin

B. terramycin

C. aureomycin

D. codein

What is the correct answer?


A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is

A. coal gas

B. producer gas

C. water gas

D. gobar gas

What is the correct answer?


Which or the following gases is soluble in water and Is collected by the downward displacement or air?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Sulphur dioxide

C. Ammonia

D. Hydrogen

What is the correct answer?


The percentage of silver in German silver is

A. ten

B. twenty

C. zero

D. fifty

What is the correct answer?


Annealing of glass is carried out by

A. rapid cooling

B. rapid heating

C. slow cooling

D. slow heating

What is the correct answer?


Two or more entirely different compounds having the same molecular formula are known as

A. isobars

B. isotopes

C. isomorphs

D. isomers

What is the correct answer?


Vinegar is an aqueous solution of

A. oxalic acid

B. citric acid

C. acetic acid

D. hydrochloric acid

What is the correct answer?


The foul odour of gasoline is due to

A. pyridine

B. hydrogen sulphide

C. cacodyl

D. carbylamines

What is the correct answer?


The raw materials required for the manufacture of glass are

A. silica, sodium nitrate and soda ash

B. silica, limestone and sodium nitrate

C. silica, sodium oxide and limestone

D. silica, soda ash and limestone

What is the correct answer?


Penicillin was discovered by

A. Alexander Fleming

B. Sir JJ Thomson

C. Dr Nessler

D. Sir John Russel

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is used in fuel to propel rockets?

A. Petrol

B. Kerosene

C. Hydrazine

D. Alcohol

What is the correct answer?


A substance used both as an explosive and as a germicide is

A. phenol


C. picric acid

D. iodoform

What is the correct answer?


The purest form of carbon is

A. animal charcoal

B. coal

C. wood charcoal

D. sugar charcoal

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a chemical change?

A. Rusting of iron

B. Burning of magnesium

C. Sublimation of iodine

D. Electrolysis of water

What is the correct answer?


LSD is

A. an anaesthetic

B. a psychedelic drug

C. an antipyretic

D. an antibiotic

What is the correct answer?


Burglar proof safes are made of

A. Tungsten steel

B. Manganese steel

C. Chromium steel

D. Nickel steel

What is the correct answer?


If people sleep in closed rooms where charcoal fire is burning, they die due to

A. carbon monoxide

B. carbon dioxide

C. methane

D. phosgene

What is the correct answer?


The kinetic energy of gas molecules

A. is unaffected by temperature variations

B. decreases with increase of temperature

C. increases with decrease of temperature

D. increases with increase of temperature

What is the correct answer?


Mild steel contains

A. iron with very low percentage of carbon

B. iron with high percentage of carbon

C. iron and chromium

D. iron and manganese

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following process involves removal of the elements of water?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a solid non-metal?

A. chlorine

B. mercury

C. water

D. iodine

What is the correct answer?


Brass contains

A. copper and tin

B. aluminium and magnesium

C. copper and zinc

D. copper, tin and zinc

What is the correct answer?


Sulphur is readily soluble in

A. Water

B. Alcohol

C. Carbon-di-sulphide

D. Sodium chloride solution

What is the correct answer?


In surgical operation, the anaesthetic commonly used nowadays is

A. iodoform

B. chloroform

C. nitrous oxide-ether mixture

D. chloroform-nitrous oxide mixture

What is the correct answer?


Iodine in alcohol is known as

A. quick lime

B. tincture iodine

C. rectified spirit

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The non-metal which is electropositive is

A. chlorine

B. nitrogen

C. sulphur

D. hydrogen