Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The spending of money by the producer to influence consumers is an example of:

A. Derived demand

B. Joint demand

C. Demand creation

D. Compressed demand

Correct Answer :

C. Demand creation

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What is the correct answer?


With an increase in income, consumer is expected to buy more of:

A. An inferior good

B. A giffen good

C. A normal(or superior) good

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Two policy variables, product and selling activities in the theory of firm was introduced by:

A. Chamberline

B. Sraffa

C. Carl marx

D. Robinson

What is the correct answer?


In second degree price discrimination, monopolist takes away :

A. All of the consumer surplus

B. All of the producer surplus

C. Some part of the consumer surplus

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Most of the supply curves with which the average consumer deals are:

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Controlled by the largest producers

D. Unaffected by inflation

What is the correct answer?


The output where TC = TR & AC = AR:

A. Break-even point

B. Load point

C. Shut-down point

D. Revenue cost point

What is the correct answer?


The production function can convey to a firm:

A. The cost of producing any given output

B. The various combinations of input that could be employed in production of any given quantity of output

C. The various combinations of input that should be used in producing any given quantity of output in an efficient manner

D. The maximum profit level of output

What is the correct answer?


The firm is said to be in equilibrium when the difference between revenue and cost is:

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Zero

D. One

What is the correct answer?


If production increases under constant returns to scale, the cost will:

A. Increase at a constant rate

B. Decrease at a constant rate

C. Increase at a variable rate

D. Decrease at a variable rate

What is the correct answer?


Each firm in cournot model assumes that its competitor will:

A. change its output

B. not change its output

C. change its price

D. not change its price

What is the correct answer?


Utility means:

A. The want- satisfying power of a commodity

B. Usefulness of commodity

C. Eating of commodity

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Average cost curve contains in it:

A. Normal profits

B. No normal profits

C. Sometimes normal profits and sometimes no normal profits

D. Super normal profits

What is the correct answer?


In repeated game, the Prisoners Dillemma can have a:

A. Non-cooperative outcome

B. Cooperative outcome

C. Dominant behavior

D. Recessive behavior

What is the correct answer?


The reaction curve of a firm is attained by joining the:

A. Isoprofit curve

B. Super profit curve

C. Normal profit curve

D. Indoprofit curve

What is the correct answer?


For the given production function, technical inefficiency is defined as:

A. Sets of points relating production function that maximizes output given input (labor) i.e. Q = f(L, K)

B. Sets of points relating production function that produces less output than possible for a given set of input (labor) i.e. Q < f(L, K)

C. Use of imported technology

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a straight line supply curve makes an intercept on the Y-axis, elasticity of supply is:

A. Equal to unity

B. Less than unity

C. More than unity

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following conditions is met in the long-run equilibrium in monopolistic competition, where the firm is earning only normal profits?

A. MC =AC and P

B. MC = AC and P=MR

C. P =MC and P

D. MC=MR and P =AR= ATC

What is the correct answer?


Excess capacity is concerned with the:

A. V-shaped traditional cost curves

B. S-shaped traditional cost curves

C. Modern cost curves

D. U-shaped traditional cost curves

What is the correct answer?


According to Marshallian approach, utility:

A. Can be added

B. Can be subtracted

C. Can be multiplied

D. Can be divided

What is the correct answer?


Variable costs refer to:

A. Capital cost plus operating costs

B. Capital costs alone

C. Capital costs plus spill-over costs

D. Operating costs alone

What is the correct answer?


In income effect, we:

A. Move to another indifference curve

B. Move along given indifference curve

C. Move to lower indifference curve

D. Move to upper indifference curve

What is the correct answer?


The name of the system of direct exchange is:

A. Price system

B. Barter system

C. Islamic economic system

D. Socialistic system

What is the correct answer?


The marginal revenues are derivatives of:

A. TR function

B. AR function

C. MR function

D. AP function

What is the correct answer?


The substitution effect works to encourage a consumer to purchase more of a product when the price of that good is falling because:

A. The consumers real income has increased

B. The consumers real income has decreased

C. The product is now relatively less expensive than before

D. Other products are now less expensive than before

What is the correct answer?


Robbins definition of economics was criticised by:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. Adam Smith

C. J.B.Clark

D. Hicks, Longe and Durbin

What is the correct answer?


External economies are witnessed in:

A. A rising supply curve

B. A rising demand curve

C. A falling supply curve

D. A falling demand curve

What is the correct answer?


The cost of production is faced by a:

A. Producer

B. Consumer

C. Seller

D. Firm

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is assumed to be constant when drawing a demand curve?

A. Consumer tastes

B. Prices of inputs

C. Technology

D. Number of sellers

What is the correct answer?


In the case of substitutes, the cross demand curve slopes

A. Downwards to the right

B. Upwards to the right

C. Backwards to the right

D. Inwards at the bottom

What is the correct answer?


Marshalls definition of economics was strongly criticised by:

A. Adam Smith

B. Prof.Pigno

C. Prof. Robbins

D. J.B.Clark

What is the correct answer?


Traditionally, the study of determination of price is called:

A. Theory of price

B. Theory of value

C. Theory of labor

D. Theory of cost