Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does not have a uniform elasticity of demand at all points?

A. A vertical demand curve

B. A horizontal demand curve

C. A rectangular hyperbola demand curve

D. A downward sloping demand curve

Correct Answer :

D. A downward sloping demand curve

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What is the correct answer?


The market demand for any commodity is the:

A. Average requirement for it in any given place

B. Amount of it wanted at any given price

C. Amount that people would like to buy during a period at different prices

D. Quantity needed to maintain a given standard of living

What is the correct answer?


Elasticity of demand is equal to unity while marginal revenue is:

A. Positive

B. Zero

C. Negative

D. Indeterminate

What is the correct answer?


Under monopolistic competition, in long-run there is:

A. Ban on exit

B. Ban on entry

C. Free entry

D. Free entry and exit

What is the correct answer?


According to law of Equi-Marginal Utility when price of commodity falls then we bought:

A. More units

B. Less units

C. Same units

D. Zero units

What is the correct answer?


In repeated game, the Prisoners Dillemma can have a:

A. Non-cooperative outcome

B. Cooperative outcome

C. Dominant behavior

D. Recessive behavior

What is the correct answer?


Karl Marx:

A. Led the Russian Revolution

B. Provided the theoretical basis for socialism(communism)

C. Developed his theory in response to the Great Depression of the 1930s

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


As the price of diamond is higher, so it has:

A. Higher marginal valuation for consumer

B. Lower marginal cost for producer

C. Higher marginal cost for producer

D. Both (a) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


Indifference curve represents:

A. Only two commodities

B. Only three commodities

C. More than three commodities

D. Any number of commodities

What is the correct answer?


Some farm land can be used to produce either corn or soybeans. If the demand for corn increases then:

A. The demand for soybeans should increase

B. The supply of soybeans should increase

C. The demand for soybeans should decrease

D. The supply of soybeans should decrease

What is the correct answer?


Marshallian demand function is also known as:

A. Utility demand function

B. Compensated demand function

C. Collective demand function

D. Relative demand function

What is the correct answer?


A decrease in demand lowers the price the most:

A. In the immediate run

B. In the short run

C. When the supply is perfectly elastic

D. When producers have sufficient time to fully adjust to the demand change

What is the correct answer?


The horizontal demand curve for a commodity shows that its demand is:

A. Highly elastic

B. Perfectly inelastic

C. Perfectly elastic

D. Zero elastic

What is the correct answer?


Moving down along a linear demand curve:

A. Demand becomes less elastic

B. Elasticity does not change

C. Demand has unitary elasticity

D. Demand becomes more elastic

What is the correct answer?


If both demand and supply were to increase then:

A. Quantity exchanged would fall and price would rise

B. Quantity exchanged and price would both fall

C. Quantity exchanged would rise and price might rise or fall

D. Quantity exchanged and price would both rise

What is the correct answer?


An individual consumers demand is not determined by:

A. Price of the commodity

B. Price of the substitutes

C. His household income

D. Size of countrys population

What is the correct answer?


If the prices of goods rise then:

A. The real income of consumer falls

B. The real income of consumer rises

C. The real income of a consumer remains constant

D. The real income of consumer becomes zero

What is the correct answer?


Which industries spend a relatively large share of their revenue on research and development in order to keep up with their competitors?

A. Grocery stores

B. High-Tech industries

C. Automobiles

D. Construction

What is the correct answer?


By reducing the prices of its products below those of its competitors, a perfectly competitive seller:

A. Reduces its revenues

B. Increases its revenues

C. Can sell nothing

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The water diamond paradox was firstly resolved with the help of:

A. Labor theory of value

B. Individual theory of value

C. Producer theory of value

D. Consumer theory of value

What is the correct answer?


In case of economic bads, an IC can be :

A. Sloping downward

B. Sloping upward

C. Positively sloped

D. Negatively sloped

What is the correct answer?


If less is demanded at the same price or same quantity demanded at a lower price, it is a case of:

A. Contraction of demand

B. Decrease in demand

C. Increase in demand

D. Extension of demand

What is the correct answer?


Entry of new firms into a competitive market will shift the supply curve of the:

A. Firm to the left

B. Industry to the right

C. Firm to the right

D. Industry to the left

What is the correct answer?


The study of economic theory for the sake of certain objective is called:

A. Positive Economics

B. Normative Economics

C. Micro Economics

D. Development Economics

What is the correct answer?


Average cost means:

A. Cost of the average units

B. Cost of the last units of average

C. Cost of the unit of production

D. Total cost marginal cost

What is the correct answer?


A firm can never produce in the middle area of input space, in case of:

A. Concave isoquant

B. Convex isoquant

C. Constant isoquant

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Price elasticity of demand is best defines as:

A. Change in the tastes of consumers at different prices

B. The rate of response of demand to a change in supply

C. The change in costs when output is increased by one unit

D. The responsiveness of demand to a change in price

What is the correct answer?


The elasticity of substitution measures the percentage change in the ratio of inputs when any producer observes the percentage change in:

A. Output cost

B. Output ratio

C. Input prices

D. Input ratio

What is the correct answer?


The low cost price leader will charge:

A. higher prices

B. zero prices

C. lower prices

D. specific prices

What is the correct answer?


The optimal strategy for a player is termed as:

A. Recessive strategy

B. Dormant strategy

C. Dominant strategy

D. Hidden strategy

What is the correct answer?


Marginal utility (MU) always:

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remains constant

D. None of above