Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a sex-linked genetic disorder?

A. Huntington's disease

B. Down syndrome

C. Hemophilia

D. Cystic fibrosis

Correct Answer :

C. Hemophilia

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the total number of individuals of a species in a given area?

A. Population density

B. Carrying capacity

C. Population dispersion

D. Population growth rate

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the maximum number of individuals of a species that an ecosystem can support indefinitely?

A. Carrying capacity

B. Population density

C. Limiting factor

D. Exponential growth

What is the correct answer?


What term describes the variety of different species in a particular habitat or ecosystem?

A. Species richness

B. Genetic diversity

C. Ecosystem diversity

D. Species evenness

What is the correct answer?


What is the function of the human gallbladder?

A. Storage of bile

B. Production of insulin

C. Digestion of proteins

D. Filtration of blood

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What is the main function of the respiratory system?

A. Regulation of blood sugar levels

B. Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide

C. Digestion of food

D. Filtration of blood

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Which species is believed to be the closest ancestor to modern humans?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

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What is the term for the process by which modern humans gradually replaced archaic humans, such as Neanderthals, through migration and competition?

A. Speciation

B. Coevolution

C. Extinction

D. Out-of-Africa hypothesis

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Homo sapiens originated on which continent?

A. Africa

B. Asia

C. Europe

D. South America

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What is the process by which a seed begins to grow into a new plant?

A. Fertilization

B. Pollination

C. Germination

D. Photosynthesis

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What is the function of the human respiratory system?

A. Regulation of blood sugar levels

B. Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide

C. Digestion of food

D. Filtration of blood

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Which hominid species is known for its use of fire and tools, and is believed to be the first to migrate out of Africa?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for an infectious protein that can cause disease in animals?

A. Bacteriophage

B. Virus

C. Prion

D. Viroid

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What is the primary function of the fallopian tubes in the female reproductive system?

A. Menstruation

B. Fertilization of the egg by sperm

C. Implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus

D. Production of estrogen

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the process by which animals change their physical and behavioral traits in response to seasonal changes?

A. Hibernation

B. Migration

C. Estivation

D. Camouflage

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an example of an invasive species?

A. Native grasses in their natural habitat

B. A non-native tree planted in a garden

C. A species that naturally occurs in a specific ecosystem

D. A species that is endangered

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Which of the following is NOT part of the human digestive system?

A. Stomach

B. Liver

C. Kidney

D. Small intestine

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Which of Mendel's laws states that alleles for different genes segregate independently during gamete formation?

A. Law of Dominance

B. Law of Independent Assortment

C. Law of Segregation

D. Law of Inheritance

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Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body's tissues?

A. Veins

B. Arteries

C. Capillaries

D. Venules

What is the correct answer?


What term describes the role a species plays in its ecosystem, including its interactions with other species and its use of resources?

A. Niche

B. Habitat

C. Territory

D. Ecosystem role

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Which of the following is NOT a method of bacterial reproduction?

A. Binary fission

B. Budding

C. Conjugation

D. Meiosis

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Which bone in the human body is often referred to as the collarbone?

A. Radius

B. Femur

C. Clavicle

D. Tibia

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Which type of learning occurs when an animal associates a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus to produce a response?

A. Classical conditioning

B. Operant conditioning

C. Habituation

D. Imprinting

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In humans, which hormone is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males?

A. Estrogen

B. Progesterone

C. Testosterone

D. Prolactin

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What type of microorganism is responsible for turning milk into yogurt and cheese?

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungus

D. Protist

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Which term refers to the variety of life on Earth, including the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic variation within species?

A. Sustainability

B. Biodiversity

C. Ecology

D. Conservation

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Which cell organelle contains digestive enzymes and is involved in cellular waste disposal?

A. Mitochondria

B. Nucleus

C. Lysosome

D. Chloroplast

What is the correct answer?


What is the process by which segments of DNA are shuffled during the formation of gametes, leading to genetic diversity?

A. Meiosis

B. Mitosis

C. Replication

D. Crossing over

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the cell wall in plant cells?

A. Providing structural support

B. Regulating osmotic balance

C. Facilitating cell communication

D. Protecting against pathogens

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Which biome is characterized by cold temperatures, permafrost, and a lack of trees?

A. Tundra

B. Desert

C. Tropical rainforest

D. Grassland

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Which part of the human brain is responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance?

A. Cerebrum

B. Cerebellum

C. Medulla oblongata

D. Hypothalamus