Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an example of maintaining client confidentiality?

A. The CNA goes around the unit asking family and residents about their personal lives.

B. The CNA reports information to the CNA who is assigned to take care of the resident on the incoming shift.

C. The dietary aide brings the residents chart to the room and leaves it for visitors to read.

D. The CNA shares the residents HIV status with new employees.

Correct Answer :

B. The CNA reports information to the CNA who is assigned to take care of the resident on the incoming shift.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A resident has just been told of a family members death. The best way to help the resident deal with the death is by which of the following actions?

A. Assuring him or her that everyone eventually dies

B. Allowing him or her to grieve alone

C. Sharing with him or her that the family member is in a better place

D. Staying with the resident and encouraging him or her to talk.

What is the correct answer?


How frequently should the nursing assistant record the totaled intake and output in the residents chart?

A. After each meal

B. Every six hours

C. At the end of the shift

D. Every four hours

What is the correct answer?


Which definition that follows describes sensory impairment?

A. Inability to read

B. Inability to use a bike

C. Loss of hearing

D. Inability to write

What is the correct answer?


The resident who has had a stroke may have difficulties swallowing and be placed on aspiration precautions. Which of the following actions are important for the CNA to take to prevent aspiration?

A. Provide only liquids to the resident.

B. Allow the resident to sit in any position to eat.

C. Feed the resident small amounts of food.

D. Wait to provide oral care until bedtime.

What is the correct answer?


What is the important basic procedure for the nursing assist to perform to increase muscle strength and joint mobility of a resident who is unable to voluntarily move his or her limbs?

A. Resistance exercises

B. Aerobic exercises

C. Active range of motion exercises

D. Passive range of motion exercises

What is the correct answer?


Which statement about taking a rectal temperature is true?

A. The electronic thermometers do not need lubrication.

B. Only mercury thermometers provide an accurate temperature.

C. The normal rectal temperature is 1 degree lower than an oral temperature.

D. Privacy is provided during the procedure.

What is the correct answer?


The CNA is responsible to do which of following when providing post-mortem care?

A. Remove all the tubes.

B. Remove the dentures.

C. Clean the body for viewing by the family members.

D. Remove dressings.

What is the correct answer?


Washing your hands appropriately is important to reduce the spread of infection. All of the following directions are correct regarding hand washing, except

A. Rub hands vigorously with soap and water for at least 30 seconds.

B. Use a clean paper towel to dry hands.

C. If hands are visibly soiled, you may use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

D. Use paper towel to turn off faucet.

What is the correct answer?


A resident tells the nursing assistant that her arm is uncomfortable at the place she has an IV. The nursing assistant knows to report which of following signs to the nurse?

A. Skin pink and warm around the site

B. Swollen and red skin around the site

C. Dressing dry around the site

D. Clear, clean IV insertion site

What is the correct answer?


When helping to lift a resident up in bed, which of the following positions demonstrates proper use of body mechanics?

A. Keep your back and knees straight, and lift using your thigh muscles.

B. Bend slightly at the waist, keep knees partially flexed, and lift with your legs muscles.

C. Bend slightly at the waist, keep knees partially flexed, and lift with your back muscles.

D. Use whatever position and muscles make you feel most comfortable.

What is the correct answer?


A bed that is free of wrinkles is necessary to prevent which of the following complications?

A. Pressure sore

B. Agitation

C. Hypertension

D. Infection

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are behaviors commonly related to a resident with mild cognitive impairment (dementia)?

A. Memory problems

B. Inability to dress

C. Inability to feed self

D. Unable to ambulate

What is the correct answer?


What is the appropriate action of the nursing assistant when the resident asks for time alone with her husband?

A. Leave the room but keep the door open.

B. Provide privacy for the resident.

C. Tell the resident that it is best if the husband comes back at a later time.

D. Call the physician and clarify the residents physical condition.

What is the correct answer?


What is the most appropriate action of the nursing assistant when a resident complains of chest pain?

A. Provide the resident with water

B. Place the resident in prone position

C. Call for help immediately

D. Check the residents blood sugar

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best defines quadriplegia?

A. Flaccid lower extremities

B. No movement in all four extremities

C. Inability to move the left side

D. No feeling in both feet

What is the correct answer?


What should the CNA do if he or she accidently cuts the resident while shaving him or her?

A. Apply pressure to the cut.

B. Apply a band aid to the cut.

C. Apply tissue paper to the cut.

D. Apply shaving lotion to the cut.

What is the correct answer?


Which health-care team member is responsible for locating resources to manage resident care?

A. Nurse

B. Social Worker

C. Nurse Assistant

D. Physician

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following actions will help to prevent injury to the skin from a cold compress?

A. Do not remove the compress until it has reached room temperature.

B. Place a washcloth between the cold pack and the skin.

C. Place a heating pad on the skin after the cold pack is removed.

D. Wash the area after removing the cold pack.

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant is preparing to assist a resident with a partial bath. Which action is appropriate?

A. Use only tepid water.

B. Cover the resident with a towel.

C. Close the curtain to provide privacy.

D. Wash the feet first.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following behaviors is considered a violation of the residents right to privacy?

A. The nurse telling the provider that the resident is not eating

B. A family member telling the nurse that it is the residents birthday

C. The CNA telling a visitor from church that the resident refuses to take his or her medications

D. The doctor telling the CNA caring for the resident that he or she may be experiencing pain when moved

What is the correct answer?


Which radial pulse should you repeat?

A. 88 beats per minute and regular

B. 59 beats per minute and irregular

C. 60 beats per minute and regular

D. 96 beats per minute and regular

What is the correct answer?


What is the best way to encourage social interaction?

A. Speak to all residents, even when they cannot take part in the conversation.

B. Sit annoying residents away from other residents.

C. Do not talk to residents who speak a different language.

D. Speak loudly to all residents.

What is the correct answer?


Select all the steps below that are not part of obtaining an oral temperature using an electronic thermometer (not all the steps are listed).

A. Wash hands.

B. Offer the resident some fluids before taking temperature.

C. Place probe on the thermometer.

D. Record temperature and mode used to access according to agency policy.

What is the correct answer?


A resident whose spouse has recently died cries frequently. What should the nursing assistant do?

A. Change the subject.

B. Introduce him or her to the other available residents on the unit.

C. Stay and listen to the resident as much as possible.

D. Tell the resident that things will get better over time.

What is the correct answer?


While the CNA was assisting a new resident with his morning care, the CNA noticed that the new resident had several bruises in various stages of healing. The correct action of the CNA is to:

A. Question the resident about the bruises.

B. Report to the bruises to the nurse.

C. Make a note in the chart.

D. Call the family and demand to know what caused the bruising.

What is the correct answer?


Select the observation that should be reported to the nurse STAT?

A. Cloudy yellow urine

B. Brown loose stools

C. Respiratory rate of 38

D. Radial pulse of 80

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the correct method of washing the perineum of a resident who has an indwelling catheter?

A. Wash from the rectum to the meatus.

B. Wash the meatus with peroxide.

C. Wash away from the meatus.

D. Provide traction to the catheter while washing the meatus.

What is the correct answer?


An alcohol-based hand cleanser should not be considered in which of the following situations?

A. After contact with a resident

B. When soap and water are not available

C. When hands are visibly soiled

D. After assisting a resident to the shower

What is the correct answer?


Why is an indwelling catheter taped or secured to the residents leg?

A. To ensure the catheter does not fall out

B. To prevent trauma to the resident

C. To allow the resident to use the bathroom if needed

D. To prevent leaking around the catheter

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best defines quadriplegia?

A. Flaccid lower extremities

B. No movement of all four extremities

C. Inability to move the left side

D. No feeling of both feet