Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best defines quadriplegia?

A. Flaccid lower extremities

B. No movement in all four extremities

C. Inability to move the left side

D. No feeling in both feet

Correct Answer :

B. No movement in all four extremities

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best defines an ombudsman?

A. A person who represents a resident and investigates his or her complaint

B. A nurse representative who assures quality care

C. A person appointed by the court to handle an estate

D. A union representative

What is the correct answer?


The resident calls the nursing assistant into his room to tell her that his dentures are lost. What is the best action for the nursing assistant to take first?

A. Tell the resident that he will be able to eat without them because he is on a pureed diet.

B. Notify the charge nurse.

C. Go through all the residents belongings in case he hid them.

D. Notify the residents family.

What is the correct answer?


When a sharps container is full it should be

A. Shaken to be sure it is full

B. Taken off the wall, closed, and set in the dirty utility room

C. Closed, sealed, and disposed of according to facility safety policy

D. Emptied into a larger container for disposal

What is the correct answer?


What is the best way to improve communication with a resident who is 100% deaf?

A. An amplified phone system

B. A loud voice

C. Reduced noise

D. Pen and paper

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant should use a mask when entering the room of a resident who has been placed on what type of precautions?

A. MRSA precautions

B. Droplet precautions

C. Contact precautions

D. Standard precautions

What is the correct answer?


While trimming a residents nails, you accidently cut his or her finger. This is considered which of the following legal terms?

A. Physical abuse

B. Negligence

C. Malpractice

D. Assault

What is the correct answer?


When a resident refuses a bath, the nursing assistant should perform which of the following actions?

A. Inform the resident that everyone must take a bath when it is scheduled.

B. The charge nurse does not need to be informed that resident did not take a bath.

C. Go ahead and bathe the resident.

D. Respect the residents wishes.

What is the correct answer?


Which phrase best defines the term STAT?

A. As soon as possible

B. Within the next 2 to 3 hours

C. By the end of the shift

D. Immediately

What is the correct answer?


A resident tells the nursing assistant that her arm is uncomfortable at the place she has an IV. The nursing assistant knows to report which of following signs to the nurse?

A. Skin pink and warm around the site

B. Swollen and red skin around the site

C. Dressing dry around the site

D. Clear, clean IV insertion site

What is the correct answer?


What device is used to prevent contractures?

A. Hand roll

B. Cane

C. Back support

D. Ace bandage

What is the correct answer?


The safest way to dress a resident who has a problem with weakness on one side of the body is to begin with the

A. Unaffected side

B. Strong side

C. Weak side

D. Feet first

What is the correct answer?


A resident with a stroke is fitted for a leg brace. Which intervention is most important when caring for this resident?

A. Skin care

B. Elimination assistance

C. Increased fluids

D. Increased ambulation

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant notices mail for a resident at the nurses station. The correct action of the nursing assistant is which of the following?

A. Discard the residents junk mail.

B. Open the mail for the resident.

C. Deliver the mail unopened to the residents room.

D. Give the mail to a family member.

What is the correct answer?


When helping to lift a resident up in bed, which of the following positions demonstrates proper use of body mechanics?

A. Keep your back and knees straight, and lift using your thigh muscles.

B. Bend slightly at the waist, keep knees partially flexed, and lift with your legs muscles.

C. Bend slightly at the waist, keep knees partially flexed, and lift with your back muscles.

D. Use whatever position and muscles make you feel most comfortable.

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate medical term for the abnormal shortening of muscle tissue.

A. Arthritis

B. Sprain

C. Fracture

D. Contracture

What is the correct answer?


A resident is dying and requests the CNA to stay with him or her because he or she is afraid. The best action of the CNA is to

A. Ask the nurse if the resident can have a sleeping pill because he or she cannot sleep.

B. Stay with the resident and let him or her share his or her feelings and concerns.

C. Tell the resident you will call his or her family for him or her.

D. Call the doctor.

What is the correct answer?


What should the nursing assistant report immediately after the resident has received an enema?

A. Severe abdominal cramping

B. Expelled brown liquid

C. Increased amount of flatus

D. Large amount of formed feces

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant is ready to enter Mrs. Jane Smiths room to care for her. Which of the following is the best way to approach Mrs. Smith?

A. Hi, I am assigned to care for you today.

B. Hi, Jane, I am Sue, your nursing assistant.

C. Good morning, Mrs. Smith. I am Mrs. Jones, the nursing assistant on duty today. How may I help you?

D. Time to wake up and get moving, Mrs. Smith. I have a lot to accomplish today.

What is the correct answer?


What is the best way to encourage social interaction?

A. Speak to all residents, even when they cannot take part in the conversation.

B. Sit annoying residents away from other residents.

C. Do not talk to residents who speak a different language.

D. Speak loudly to all residents.

What is the correct answer?


The first action of a nursing assistant who discovers a fire is to do what?

A. Rescue the patient

B. Pull the fire alarm

C. Extinguish the fire

D. Follow the evacuation plan

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the best position in which to place the resident to assist with oral care?

A. Left lateral

B. High Fowler's

C. Supine

D. Lithotomy

What is the correct answer?


According to Elizabeth K�bler-Ross, the first stage of grief is

A. Denial

B. Acceptance

C. Anger

D. Bargaining

What is the correct answer?


The resident reports eliminating a black and sticky stool. The best action of the CNA is which of the following?

A. Tell the resident to call the next time he or she has a stool so you can verify what he or she is reporting.

B. Report what the resident told you to the nurse.

C. Visualize the rectum to see if any stool is present.

D. Tell the resident that the stool is probably related to what he or she ate for breakfast.

What is the correct answer?


Which condition is expected in an older resident?

A. Slowing of responses

B. Inability to make decisions

C. Increased agitation

D. Loss of long-term memory

What is the correct answer?


When providing oral care to the unconscious or conscious resident, the CNA should brush all the following areas except:

A. Teeth

B. Gums

C. Lips

D. Tongue

What is the correct answer?


When correcting a mistake in the chart, the nursing assistant knows it is best to do which of the following?

A. Scribble out any mistakes.

B. If a mistake is made, the CNA is to cross out the mistake by putting one line through it and initialing it.

C. CNAs do not write in a residents chart.

D. Use white out when a small mistake is made.

What is the correct answer?


Which health-care team member is responsible for locating resources to manage resident care?

A. Nurse

B. Social Worker

C. Nurse Assistant

D. Physician

What is the correct answer?


The wife asks to pray with the resident before leaving, but visiting hours are over. Which of the following is the CNA's best response?

A. To tell the wife that you are sorry, but visiting hours are over. Please come back tomorrow.

B. To pray with the wife and the resident.

C. To provide the wife and the resident privacy to pray.

D. To let the wife know that the chapel is provided for praying.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best defines quadriplegia?

A. Flaccid lower extremities

B. No movement in all four extremities

C. Inability to move the left side

D. No feeling in both feet

What is the correct answer?


The resident is to be placed in Fowlers position. Select the correct description of this position.

A. Head of bed 45 to 60 degrees with legs either bent or straight

B. Head of bed flat

C. Bed flat with feet higher than the head

D. Head of bed 15 degrees with legs either bent or straight