Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A ____ key specifies a uniqueness constraint that no two distinct tuples in any state r of relation R can have the same value for super key.

A. Sub

B. Parent

C. Candidate

D. Super

Correct Answer :

D. Super

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What is the correct answer?


______is a special type of integrity constraint that relates two relations & maintains consistency across the relations.

A. Domain Integrity Constraints

B. Referential Integrity Constraints

C. Domain Constraints

D. Entity Integrity Constraints

What is the correct answer?


A _____ is used to define overall design of the database

A. code

B. data definition language

C. application program

D. schema

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Which of the following is not a property of transactions?

A. Atomicity

B. Concurrency

C. Isolation

D. Durability

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Which of the following is not comparison operator?

A. <>

B. <

C. =<

D. >=

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DFD stands for

A. Data Flow Document

B. Data File Diagram

C. Data Flow Diagram

D. Non of the above

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Which of the following statement on the view concept in SQL is invalid?

A. All views are not updateable

B. The views may be referenced in an SQL statement whenever tables are referenced.

C. The views are instantiated at the time they are referenced and not when they are defined.

D. The definition of a view should not have GROUP BY clause in it.

What is the correct answer?


DROP is a statement in SQL.

A. Query

B. Embedded SQL



What is the correct answer?


Cascading rollback is avoided in all protocol except

A. strict two-phase locking protocol.

B. tree locking protocol

C. two-phase locking protocol

D. validation based protocol.

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In an ER model,_____ is described in the database by storing its data.

A. Entity

B. Attribute

C. Relationship

D. Notation

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Key to represent relationship between tables is called

A. primary key

B. secondary key

C. foreign key

D. none of the above

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By ______ an area on disk in certain ways, one can make it represent a bit value of either zero (0) or one (1).

A. Vulcanizing

B. Galvanizing

C. Magnetizing

D. Passing UV rays

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Which of the following is not a logical database structure?

A. Chain

B. Network

C. Tree

D. Relational

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The data models defined by ANSI/SPARC architecture are

A. Conceptual, physical and internal

B. Conceptual, view and external

C. Logical, physical and internal

D. Logical, physical and view

What is the correct answer?


The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is called a

A. Referential constraint.

B. Index.

C. Integrity constraint.

D. Functional dependency.

What is the correct answer?


In an E-R, Y is the dominant entity and X is a subordinate entity. Then which of the following is incorrect :

A. Operationally, if Y is deleted, so is X

B. existence is dependent on Y.

C. Operationally, if X is deleted, so is Y.

D. Operationally, if X is deleted, & remains the same.

What is the correct answer?


operator is used to compare a value to a list of literals values that have been specified.

A. Like




What is the correct answer?


In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called

A. Relations

B. Queries

C. Domains

D. All of the above

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Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating tables to be union-compatible?

A. Union

B. Intersection

C. Difference

D. Join

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Consider the join of relation R with a relation S. If R has m tuples and S has n tuples, then the maximum and minimum size of the join respectively are

A. m+n and 0

B. m+n and |m-n|

C. mn and 0

D. mn and m+n

What is the correct answer?


In an ER diagram the ___shape specifies the Attibute and a ____ shape specifies the primary key attribute.

A. Oval; An oval with an underlined attribute

B. Circle; A circle with bolded attribute inside it

C. Diamond; A bolded attribute

D. Square; An attribute within the square

What is the correct answer?


In b-tree the number of keys in each node is than the number of its children.

A. one less

B. same

C. one more

D. half

What is the correct answer?


For correct behaviour during recovery, undo and redo operation must be

A. Commutative

B. Associative

C. idempotent

D. distributive

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Grant and revoke are _____ statements.





What is the correct answer?


A data type or format is specified for each _________

A. Relation

B. Tuple

C. Database

D. Domain

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Which of the following is not a consequence of non-normalized database?

A. Update Anomaly

B. Insertion Anomaly

C. Redundancy

D. Lost update problem

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The metadata is created by the

A. DML compiler

B. DML pre-processor

C. DDL interpreter

D. Query interpreter

What is the correct answer?


The common column is eliminated in

A. theta join

B. outer join

C. natural join

D. composed join

What is the correct answer?


_____clause is an additional filter that is applied to the result.

A. Select

B. Order by

C. Group-by

D. Having

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Employees in a company are each assigned their own office, i.e. for each employee there exists a unique office and for each office there exists a unique employee; This statement is an example of ____ type of relation.

A. 1:1

B. 1: Many

C. Many: One

D. Many : Many

What is the correct answer?


As per equivalence rules for query transformation, selection operation distributes over

A. Union.

B. Set difference.

C. Intersection.

D. All of the above.