Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a consequence of non-normalized database?

A. Update Anomaly

B. Insertion Anomaly

C. Redundancy

D. Lost update problem

Correct Answer :

D. Lost update problem

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What is the correct answer?


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A. No functional dependencies (FDs) exist.

B. No multivalued dependencies (MVDs) exist.

C. No partial FDs exist.

D. No partial MVDs exist.

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Wait-for graph is used for

A. detecting view serializability.

B. detecting conflict serializability.

C. deadlock prevention

D. deadlock detection

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Employees in a company are each assigned their own office, i.e. for each employee there exists a unique office and for each office there exists a unique employee; This statement is an example of ____ type of relation.

A. 1:1

B. 1: Many

C. Many: One

D. Many : Many

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______ keyword is used to find the number of values in a column.





What is the correct answer?


Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS?

A. Query languages and utilities

B. DML and query language

C. Data dictionary and transaction log

D. Data dictionary and query language

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The data models defined by ANSI/SPARC architecture are

A. Conceptual, physical and internal

B. Conceptual, view and external

C. Logical, physical and internal

D. Logical, physical and view

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_____ is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide auditing capability.

A. SQL server Profile

B. SQL server wizard.

C. SQL server service manager

D. SQL server setup

What is the correct answer?


A _____ is a logical unit of database processing that includes one or more data access operations that can include insertion, deletion, modification or retrieval operations.

A. Database

B. Data

C. Transaction

D. Record

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The metadata is created by the

A. DML compiler

B. DML pre-processor

C. DDL interpreter

D. Query interpreter

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Consider the join of relation R with a relation S. If R has m tuples and S has n tuples, then the maximum and minimum size of the join respectively are

A. m+n and 0

B. m+n and |m-n|

C. mn and 0

D. mn and m+n

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An outstanding functionality of SQL is its support for automatic_____ to the target data.

A. programming

B. navigation

C. functioning

D. notification

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In multiple granularity of locks SIX lock is compatible with



C. S


What is the correct answer?


Create a table with the following attributes: Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME of 10 characters)

A. Create table Employee(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

B. Create table Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME String(10));

C. Create table Emplo(EMPNO number, EMPNAME string);

D. Create table Emp(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

What is the correct answer?


_____ command can be used to modify a column in a table

A. alter

B. update

C. set

D. create

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The relational model is based on the concept that data is organized and stored in two-dimensional tables called ______

A. Fields

B. Records

C. Relations

D. Keys

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Which of the following is not a property of transactions?

A. Atomicity

B. Concurrency

C. Isolation

D. Durability

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The middleware databases in which the business rules act are applicable to _______ tier architectures

A. Single

B. Three

C. Two

D. None

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The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is

A. View

B. Order by

C. Group by

D. Having

What is the correct answer?


The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is called a

A. Referential constraint.

B. Index.

C. Integrity constraint.

D. Functional dependency.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a consequence of non-normalized database?

A. Update Anomaly

B. Insertion Anomaly

C. Redundancy

D. Lost update problem

What is the correct answer?


_____clause is an additional filter that is applied to the result.

A. Select

B. Order by

C. Group-by

D. Having

What is the correct answer?


The concept of mapping of ______ entity types is the concept in which the for each strong entity type E in the ER schema, create a relation R that includes all the simple attributes of E.

A. Regular

B. Irregular

C. None

D. Weak

What is the correct answer?


_______ product was acquired by Informix, integrated into its RDBMS and introduced as the Informix Universal Server an ORDBMS.

A. Star

B. llustar


D. Cygnus

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Which of the following relational algebraic operations is not from set theory?

A. Union

B. Intersection

C. Cartesian Product

D. Select

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The _______ is a set of programs to use and / or modify this data.


B. System

C. Program

D. Software

What is the correct answer?


Precedence graphs help to find a

A. Serializable schedule.

B. Recoverable schedule.

C. Deadlock free schedule.

D. Cascadeless schedule.

What is the correct answer?


The division operator divides a dividend A of degree m+n by a divisor relation B of degree n and produces a result of degree

A. m - 1

B. m + 1

C. m * m

D. m

What is the correct answer?


The clause alter table in SQL can be used to

A. add an attribute

B. delete an attribute

C. alter the default values of an attribute

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


Maximum height of a B+ tree of order m with n key values is

A. Logm(n)

B. (m+n)/2

C. Logm/2(m+n)

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a shared lock on R.

A. It will result in a deadlock situation.

B. It will immediately be rejected.

C. It will immediately be granted.

D. It will be granted as soon as it is released by A .