Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A market demand schedule is obtained by adding individual demand schedules:

A. Horizontally

B. Vertically

C. Permanently

D. Perpetually

Correct Answer :

A. Horizontally

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, the firm take advantage due to customers:

A. Similar choices

B. Unlimited choices

C. Differential choices

D. Few choices

What is the correct answer?


When AC curve falls, MC curve falls:

A. More than AC curve

B. Less than AC curve

C. Equal to AC curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In the long-run:

A. Fixed cost will be greater than variable cost

B. Variable costs will be greater than fixed costs

C. All costs are variable costs

D. All costs are fixed costs

What is the correct answer?


The income effect means that consumer purchase more when:

A. Price falls

B. Price increases

C. Price is unchanged

D. Taste changed

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve slopes downwards due to:

A. Income effect(I.E)

B. Substitution effect(S.E)

C. Taste effect

D. Both a and b

What is the correct answer?


The production function can convey to a firm:

A. The cost of producing any given output

B. The various combinations of input that could be employed in production of any given quantity of output

C. The various combinations of input that should be used in producing any given quantity of output in an efficient manner

D. The maximum profit level of output

What is the correct answer?


An indifferent curve shows:

A. That how many utils are obtained from consuming different bundles of commodities

B. Different collections of two commodities the consumer considers to be of equal value

C. That if price increases there will be an increases in demand

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The general form of Cobb-Douglas production function is:





What is the correct answer?


When elasticity of demand is one (e=1), then following the formula MR=P[1-1/e], the MR will:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In case of complementary factors, the isoquants are:

A. L-shaped

B. J-shaped

C. M-shaped

D. V-shaped

What is the correct answer?


Plumbing and pipe-fitting require many of the same skills. If the wage paid to pipe-fitters increased then the effect on the market for plumbers would probably be:

A. An increase in demand

B. A decrease in demand

C. An increase in supply

D. A decrease in supply

What is the correct answer?


Marginal revenue from a given output:

A. The price at which the marginal unit sells

B. Total revenue sale of all units divided by volume of sales

C. Average revenue of total output average revenue of last unit

D. The change in total revenue resulting from the sale of one unit more of output

What is the correct answer?


Which is not a central problem of an economy?

A. What to produce

B. How to produce

C. How to maximize private profit

D. For whom to produce

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not characteristic of perfect competition?

A. Freedom of entry and exit

B. Each seller is a price taker

C. Perfect information about prices

D. Heterogeneous products

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility refers to:

A. Marginal utility of commodity X

B. Marginal utility of commodity Y

C. Marginal utility per rupee spent on X and Y commodities

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If two households have identical preferences but different incomes then:

A. They must consume the same amounts of all goods

B. The wealthier one will have lower marginal utility for most goods

C. The wealthier one will have higher marginal utility for most goods

D. They will enjoy the same level of utility

What is the correct answer?


If the marginal utility of apples to a consumer exceeds that of bananas then the consumer:

A. Is not in equilibrium

B. Will not buy any banana

C. Will buy some banana but less than he buys of apples

D. Is willing to pay more for apples than bananas

What is the correct answer?


When total revenues equal to total opportunity cost then the firm will earn:

A. Abnormal profit

B. Zero profit

C. Normal profit

D. Negative profit

What is the correct answer?


Perfect competition assumes:

A. All buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge of the market

B. Freedom of entry of firms into the industry

C. Homogeneous product

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


J.R.Hicks was:

A. Neo-classical economist

B. Classical economist

C. Keynesian economist

D. Post-Keynesian economist

What is the correct answer?


Repetition of a game (Repeated Game):

A. Yields the same outcome over and over

B. Can result in behavior that is different from what it would be if the game were played once

C. Is not possible

D. Makes cooperative games into noncooperative games

What is the correct answer?


The average fixed cost (AFC) curve is asymptote to:

A. X-axis

B. Y-axis

C. Z-axis

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The proportional demand curve in monopolistic competition (also in kinked demand curve model), is like industry demand curve in:

A. Monopolistic competition

B. Imperfect competition

C. Monopoly

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


The pay-off matrix shows:

A. Possible outcomes

B. Possible benefits

C. Possible losses

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


In discriminating monopoly (price discrimination), the elasticity of demand of product in two markets are:

A. Different

B. Same

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If production increases under constant returns to scale, the cost will:

A. Increase at a constant rate

B. Decrease at a constant rate

C. Increase at a variable rate

D. Decrease at a variable rate

What is the correct answer?


The long run average cost curve is:

A. Cup-shaped

B. Oval-shaped

C. Saucer-shaped

D. Glass-shaped

What is the correct answer?


A typical demand curve cannot be:

A. Convex to the origin

B. Concave to the origin

C. A straight line

D. Rising upwards to the right

What is the correct answer?


If demand increased and supply decreased then:

A. Quantity exchanged might rise or fall and price would rise

B. Quantity exchanged would rise and price would fall

C. Quantity exchanged would rise and price might rise or fall

D. Both quantities exchanged and price would rise

What is the correct answer?


Who first used the term Quasi-Rent?

A. David Ricardo

B. Alfred Marshal

C. J.S.Mill

D. Karl Marx