Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The pay-off matrix shows:

A. Possible outcomes

B. Possible benefits

C. Possible losses

D. None of them

Correct Answer :

A. Possible outcomes

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The firm is said to be in equilibrium when the difference between revenue and cost is:

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Zero

D. One

What is the correct answer?


In case of monopoly, the price charged against the additional unit is:

A. Not different

B. Same

C. Not same

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


The slope of an iso-quant represents:





What is the correct answer?


A firm considering what type of new plant to build is involved in a:

A. Immediate-run decision

B. Market period decision

C. Short-run decision

D. Long-run decision

What is the correct answer?


In case of monopoly, both AR and MR fall, but MR falls:

A. Double to that of AR

B. 1/2 to that of AR

C. 2/3 to that of AR

D. Four times to that of AR

What is the correct answer?


Increase in demand occurs when:

A. The price falls and the demand also falls down

B. The price increases but demand falls down

C. The price increases the demand remains constant and when the price remains constant the demand goes up

D. The price remains constant but demand falls

What is the correct answer?


The standard form of demand function is:

A. Q = a- bP


C. Y = a- bP

D. Q = a+ bP

What is the correct answer?


Under monopoly and imperfect competition MC is:

A. More than the price

B. Less than the price

C. Equal to the price

D. Less than or equal to the price

What is the correct answer?


The utility function u = f(x) is based upon :

A. Two goods

B. Few goods

C. One good

D. Zero goods

What is the correct answer?


Under price discrimination, the buyers must:

A. Be similar

B. Not be similar

C. Equal

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Price discrimination is possible:

A. When elasticities of demand in different markets are the same at the ruling price

B. When elasticities of demand are different in different markets at the ruling price

C. When elasticities cannot be known

D. When elasticities of demands are zero in different markets at the rulling price

What is the correct answer?


If the marginal utility is divided by the price of the commodity then it is called:

A. Real Marginal Utility

B. Gross Marginal Utility

C. Weighted Marginal Utility

D. Money Marginal Utility

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, the firm take advantage due to customers:

A. Similar choices

B. Unlimited choices

C. Differential choices

D. Few choices

What is the correct answer?


Law of Returns to Scale shows:

A. Technical relationship between input of a variable factor and the resulting output

B. Any economic relationship between input and output

C. An output maximizing relationship

D. A relationship with input changing and corresponding changes in output

What is the correct answer?


In case of complementary factors, the isoquants are:

A. L-shaped

B. J-shaped

C. M-shaped

D. V-shaped

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is also known as Plant Curves:

A. Long-run average cost (LAC) curves

B. Short-run average cost (SAC) curves

C. Average variable cost (AVC) curves

D. Average total cost (ATC) curves

What is the correct answer?


Identify the economist who first developed the theory of income determination in its modern form:

A. Paul A.Samuelson

B. J.M.Keynes

C. Joan Robinson

D. Dr.mehboob ul Haq

What is the correct answer?


The costs faced by the firm against fixed factors are:

A. Total costs

B. Fixed costs

C. Variable costs

D. Marginal costs

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of Trade Cycle ?

A. R.Nurkse

B. R.C.Mathews

C. W.A.Lewis

D. K.N.Raj

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is inferior then Income Effect (I.E) is:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Zero

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


The number of sellers in oligopoly are:

A. Two

B. Many

C. Four

D. Very few

What is the correct answer?


In cournot model, firms make decisions separately regarding:

A. output

B. input

C. price

D. advertisement

What is the correct answer?


When was Adam Smiths major work An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations published?

A. 1756

B. 1777

C. 1776

D. 1801

What is the correct answer?


Because of selling costs, the demand curve of a firm shifts:

A. Downward

B. Upward

C. Horizontal

D. Straight line

What is the correct answer?


In the real world, some competitive firms owns specialized resources that earn a return called:

A. Economic profit

B. Rent

C. Accounting profit

D. Normal profit

What is the correct answer?


Two policy variables, product and selling activities in the theory of firm was introduced by:

A. Chamberline

B. Sraffa

C. Carl marx

D. Robinson

What is the correct answer?


Any straight line supply which cuts the x-axis will have:

A. Zero elasticity

B. An elasticity greater than one

C. Unitary elasticity of supply

D. An elasticity less than one

What is the correct answer?


When a consumer is in equilibrium then slope of indifference curve is:

A. Equal to the slope of budget line

B. Greater than the slope of budget line

C. Smaller than the slope of budget line

D. Parallel to the slope of budget line

What is the correct answer?


Marginal Productivity Theory deals with the theory of:

A. Distribution

B. Exchange

C. Market structure

D. Consumer behaviour

What is the correct answer?


An economic model describing the working of an economy consists of:

A. Functional relationships

B. Family relationships

C. Economic position

D. Stagnant relationships