Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following keyword supports dynamic method resolution?

A. abstract

B. Virtual

C. Dynamic

D. Typeid

Correct Answer :

A. abstract

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
void main()
int z, a = 5, b = 3; z = a * 2 + 26 % 3;
printf("%d", z); }

A. 10

B. 0

C. 12

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


All macro substitutions in a program are done before compilation of the program.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
int f(int a, int b); 
void main()
int a = 12, b=154;
printf("%d", f(a, b));
int f(int a, int b)
if (a<b) return(f(b, a));
if(b==0) return(a);
return (f(b, a % b));

A. 2

B. 1

C. Compilation error

D. Runtime error

What is the correct answer?


What is the right way to access value of structure variable book{ price, page }?

A. printf("%d%d", book.price, book.page);

B. printf("%d%d", price.book, page.book);

C. printf("%d%d"< price::book< page::book);

D. printf("%d%d", price>book, page>book);

What is the correct answer?


p++ executes faster than p + 1.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The expression 'int j = 6 + 3 % -9;' evaluates to -1.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?
int main(){
int i=320;
char *ptr=(char *)&i;
return 0;

A. 1

B. 64

C. 320

D. Compiler Error

What is the correct answer?


The function fopen() on failure returns---------------------.

A. 0


C. 1

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
void main() 
float a;
int x = 10, y = 3; a = x / y;
printf("%f", a); }

A. 3.999999

B. Error

C. 3

D. 3.000000

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following keyword supports dynamic method resolution?

A. abstract

B. Virtual

C. Dynamic

D. Typeid

What is the correct answer?


If the class name is X, what is the type of its “this” pointer (in a nonstatic, non-const member function)?

A. const X* const

B. X* const

C. X*

D. X&

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an infinite loop

A. int i =1;
while (1)

B. for( ; ; );

C. int true=0< false;
while (true)
{false = 1;}

D. int y, x = 0;
{y = x;}
while (x==0);

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following expressions is wrong

A. float a =123.56;

B. char ch ='T' * 'A';

C. char ch ='T' *20;

D. 3 +a = b;

What is the correct answer?


The same variable names of automatic type can be used in different functions without any conflict.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


What's wrong? (x = 4 && y = 5) ? (a = 5) ; (b = 6);

A. the question mark should be an equal sign

B. the first semicolon should be a colon

C. there are too many variables in the statement

D. the conditional operator is only used with apstrings

What is the correct answer?


The main() function can be called from any other function.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


static variable will not always have assigned value.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Only one break can be used in one loop.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


C is a ___ language

A. High Level and Procedural

B. Low Level and OOPS

C. Middle Level and Procedural

D. Machine Level and OOPS

What is the correct answer?


Identify the wrong statement

A. putchar(65)

B. putchar('x')

C. putchar("x")

D. putchar('

What is the correct answer?


# define PI = 8;' is the correct declaration of macros.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
int a[10], i;
for (i = 1; I <= 0; i++)
scanf("%d", a[i]);
printf("%d", a[i]);

A. 10

B. Logical error

C. Runtime error

D. 1 to 10 will be displayed

What is the correct answer?


Bitwise operators can operate upon?

A. double and chars

B. floats and doubles

C. ints and floats

D. ints and chars

What is the correct answer?


The printf() function retunes which value when an error occurs?

A. Positive value

B. Zero

C. Negative value

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


strcat() function ----------------------- two strings.

A. delete

B. concatenate

C. compare

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which header file is essential for using strcmp() function?

A. string.h

B. strings.h

C. text.h

D. strcmp.h

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
#define sqr(x= x*x) 
int a = 10, b = 5;
printf("%d, %d", sqr(a+b),sqr(++a));

A. 77, 121

B. 225, 121

C. 77< 144

D. Compilation error

What is the correct answer?


When a user defined function is defined in program, then it has to be called at least once from the main().

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The identifier argv[] is a pointer to an array of strings.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


If 'str' is a string of 7 characters, the statement printf("%4s", str); will display ------characters.

A. 4

B. 7

C. 6

D. 0