Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The function of a ruse wire is

A. to stabilise the voltage

B. to decrease the current supply

C. to increase the current supply

D. to prevent an unduly high current from passing through a circuit

Correct Answer :

D. to prevent an unduly high current from passing through a circuit

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Lightning is produced when

A. similar charges of electricity rush towards each other and then get repelled

B. clouds strike against impurities in air and the friction burns up these impurities

C. strong opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air

D. water vapour produces electricity in the clouds

What is the correct answer?


How is it that Pluto is not always the farthest planet of the solar system?

A. Each planet becomes the farthest planet in its turn. Now it is the turn of Piuto

B. The Sun is now in the zodiac in which it is nearest to outer planets

C. The eccentricity of Piuto's orbit being substantial, this orbit cuts the orbit of Neptune

D. Piuto belongs to other solar system

What is the correct answer?


Powder clings to the skin because of

A. cohesion

B. adhesion

C. capillary action

D. absorption

What is the correct answer?


Two tumblers stuck together can be separated by

A. pouring ice cold water into the inner tumbler

B. pouring ice cold water on the outer tumbler

C. pouring hot water into the inner tumbler

D. dipping both the tumblers in hot water

What is the correct answer?


The speed at which light travels in vacuum is

A. 3 x 107 ms-1

B. 5 x 108 ms-1

C. 3 x 104 kms-1

D. 3 x 108 ms-1

What is the correct answer?


Besides protons, the nucleus of an atom contains

A. electrons

B. neutrons

C. neutrons and electrons

D. electrons, neutrons and other particles

What is the correct answer?


The ballistic missile, Agni 11, tested by India has a maximum range of

A. 1000 km

B. 1500 km

C. 2000 km

D. 500 km

What is the correct answer?


The rocket engine is motivated by jet propulsion which uses the famous

A. Kepler's Laws

B. Newtonian Third Law of Motion

C. Bernoulli's Principle

D. Law of Relativity

What is the correct answer?


Body A is kept in contact with body B. Heat will flow from A to B if

A. the heat content of A is greater than that of B

B. the temperature of A is greater than that of B

C. the specific heat of A is greater than that of B

D. the specific heat of B is greater than that of A

What is the correct answer?


Tea pots are highly polished

A. so that they may reflect thermal radiation from outside and minimise such radiation from them

B. so that they may absorb all radiation from outside

C. to make them attractive to look at

D. because they take high polish

What is the correct answer?


The direction of heat flow between two objects depends on

A. their heat contents

B. their masses

C. their temperatures

D. whether they are in solid, liquid or gaseous state

What is the correct answer?


The inside of both the walls of a thermos flask is silvered i.e., on the vacuum side in order to reduce heat loss by

A. convection

B. radiation

C. conduction

D. All the three

What is the correct answer?


The fact that two large ships travelling on close parallel courses in the same direction tend to move towards each other can be explained by

A. Bernoulli's principle

B. Magnetic properties of the ship's material

C. Newton's third law of motion

D. Earth's gravitational force

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs is not correct?

A. Television - Baird

B. Transistor ~ Shockley

C. Thermometer - Celsius

D. Barometer Torricelli

What is the correct answer?


The filament lamp is an example for

A. fluorescence

B. incandescence

C. both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The radiator in a car serves to

A. cool the engine

B. heat up the engine

C. start the car

D. moderate the speed

What is the correct answer?


In the fuse of an electrical installation blows out

A. replace the fuse by a thin wire

B. replace the fuse by a thick copper wire

C. replace the fuse by a fuse wire of proper rating

D. replace the fuse by nichrome wire

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following has the highest refractive index?

A. Crown glass

B. Water

C. Flint glass

D. Diamond

What is the correct answer?


The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places was

A. James Clerk Maxwell

B. Heinrich Hertz

C. Thomas Alva Edison

D. Baird

What is the correct answer?


Moon has no atmosphere because

A. it has no population

B. it is quite far off

C. its surface is full of rocks

D. its gravity is not sufficient for any atmosphere to hold on to it

What is the correct answer?


Why is nuclear fusion also known as thermonuclear reaction?

A. Fusion converts nuclear energy into heat

B. Fusion demands conditions of extremely high temperature to produce it

C. Fusion produces large amount of heat

D. Fusion reactions takes place in the sun

What is the correct answer?


The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is

A. Pyrometer

B. Eudiometer

C. Barometer

D. Hydrometer

What is the correct answer?


The colour of the light which travels through glass with minimum speed is

A. red

B. violet

C. green

D. yellow

What is the correct answer?


When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon Is known as

A. doppler effect

B. beats

C. resonance

D. echo

What is the correct answer?


Choose the correct answer

A. Microphone converts sound energy into electrical energy.

B. Electric fan converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

C. Battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A radio set that uses valves does not start operating immediately when it is switched on whereas a set containing only tranaistors operates immediately. The reason for this is that

A. the valve filaments have low resistance

B. valve-radio sets work at a higher voltage

C. transistor set has a low resistance

D. filaments of the valves cake time to beat up and function

What is the correct answer?


A boy is swinging a ball attached to a string in a horizontal circle. If the string snaps

A. the ball will travel towards the centre of the circle and fall down

B. it will continue to travel along a tangent to the circle at the point the ball was at the time of snapping and finally fall down

C. it will fall down at the same place where the string breaks

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The device that is used to measure the electromotive force of a cell is

A. an ammeter

B. a rheostat

C. a voltmeter

D. a voltameter

What is the correct answer?


The force that keeps a body in a circular motion is called

A. the centripetal force

B. the centrifugal force

C. the frictional force

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The enormous energy released in nuclear and thermonuclear reactions is due to conversion of

A. chemical energy into heat energy

B. mechanical energy into heat energy

C. protons into neutrons

D. mass into energy according to Einstein's equation