Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Translocation of food takes place in plants through

A. xylem

B. phloem

C. cambium

D. cortex

Correct Answer :

B. phloem

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What is the correct answer?


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A. hibernation

B. aestivation

C. laziness

D. lethargy

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Foal' is the young on of the

A. Cat

B. Lion

C. Tiger

D. Horse

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Cretinism is due to the disorder of the glands

A. Thymus

B. Parathyroid

C. Thyroid

D. Adrenal

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Tse-Tse fly is the vector for

A. malarial parasite

B. try peorosoma

C. piroplasm

D. microfilaria

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Light compensation zone refers to

A. where light is available in plenty

B. where all light energy is used

C. where light is maximum

D. beyond which light does not penetrate

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A biopsy is performed on a patient generally to detect which one of the following?

A. Cancer

B. Tuberculosis

C. Appendicitis

D. Renal failure

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Whale reproduces by

A. ovipary

B. vivipary

C. ovovivipary

D. fission

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The nerve messages enter the cell through the

A. Dendrite

B. Axon

C. Cyton

D. Synapse

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The cellular and molecular control o( programmed cell death is known as

A. Apoptosis

B. Ageing

C. Degeneration

D. Necrosis

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Which one of the following is essential for blood clotting?



C. Blood platelets

D. Lymph

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Timberline shows

A. a line of trees

B. the limit of the forest

C. annual rings

D. height of trees

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One of the following is often called the master gland. Which one is it?

A. Thymus

B. Islets of Langerhans

C. Pituitary

D. Thyroid

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Which one of the ecosystems Is the largest in the world?

A. forests

B. rivers

C. deserts

D. oceans

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The artificial kidney is a

A. machine

B. transplant

C. another's kidney

D. other kidney form same body

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Who first observed the plasma membrane?

A. William Seifriz

B. Schwann

C. Palade

D. None of the above

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Scurvy is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

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The part of the human brain concerned with sight is the

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Temporal lobe

D. Occipital lobe

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The artificial kidney operates on the principle of

A. dialysis

B. diffusion

C. osmosis

D. active transport

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Typhoid is a disease caused by

A. virus

B. bactena

C. fungus

D. animal

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The juice from the leaves of ________ is used for the treatment of diarrhoea, cholera and dysentery.

A. Caeselpinea

B. Bryophyllum

C. Centella

D. None of the above

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Dinosaur is a/an

A. Fish

B. Amphibian

C. Reptile

D. Bird

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Temperature treatment which shortens the vegetative period and hastens the flowering is called

A. Phototropism

B. Photoperiodism

C. Vernalisation

D. Thermoregulation

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The primary energy for living organisms is

A. Solar energy

B. Chemical energy

C. Mitochondria


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Which among the following is a communicable disease?

A. Beri Beri

B. Diabetes

C. Leucoderma

D. Dysentery

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Best growth of plants is attained if they are supplied with

A. low carbohydrate and high nitrogen

B. high carbohydrate and low nitrogen

C. high carbohydrate and moderate nitrogen

D. equal carbohydrate and nitrogen

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Which of the following diseases is considered as completely eradicated from India, as no case of the same has been reported in last one year?

A. Polio

B. Tuberculosis

C. Cancer

D. Swine flu

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A. oestrogen

B. progesterone

C. testosterone

D. prolactin

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A. calcium oxalate

B. sodium acetate

C. magnesium

D. calcium

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In one minute normally the heart beats

A. 60 times

B. 80 times

C. 100 times

D. 72 times

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The white blood corpuscles the body because they are popularly called soldiers of

A. march at a regular pace

B. appear uniform

C. defend the body

D. are disciplined