Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A function can have multiple return statements

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer :

B. False

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What is the correct answer?


A single LinkLabel can support multiple links

A. True

B. False

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In OLEDB database can be accessed without using DataSet

A. True

B. False

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On error goto lbl is a

A. Structured error

B. Unstructured error

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To redimension an array with its previous values intact use ___________ keyword

A. RedimPreserve

B. Preserve

C. Redim

D. Redim Preserve

What is the correct answer?


If you want to open a file named "a.txt" use

A. System.diagnostics.Start("a.txt")

B. System.Start("a.txt")

C. System.diagnostics.Process.Start("a.txt")

D. System.Process.Start("a.txt")

What is the correct answer?


You create a UserControl having a TextBox and include that in a separate Form. Can you use all the properties of the TextBox in the UserControl from that Form?

A. Yes

B. No

What is the correct answer?


In TreeView to get the node the mouse is pointing to, use

A. GetNode

B. Node

C. GetNodeAt

D. SelectNode

What is the correct answer?


Dim S as Integer=10

A. Will return error

B. Will return 10

C. Will return 0

D. Will return Null

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Set method is used to

A. Assign a value to an user control

B. Read value from an user control

C. Both of the above

What is the correct answer?


While handling keystrokes if e.Handled=True is set then Visual Basic

A. Will handle the key

B. Will not handle the key

C. Will send the key to Garbage collector

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If nothing is selected in a combo box, its index value is

A. -1

B. 0

C. 1

D. Null

What is the correct answer?


In HelpProvider ___________ property is used to mention the help file name

A. HelpFileName

B. FileName

C. HelpNamespace

D. Name

What is the correct answer?


Using ADODB multiple tables can be connected at a time

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


/*1. OleDataAdapterq1.update(DataSet1,"emp")
2. OleDataAdapterq1.update(DataSet1,"std")
3. DataSet1.Merge(DataSet1)
4. DataSet1.AcceptChanges()
/* The error is in line

A. 2

B. 4

C. 3

D. No Error

What is the correct answer?


To add items stored in an array to a ListView use

A. List1.Add(name of the array)

B. List1.AddItem(name of the array)

C. List1.Items.Add(name of the array)

D. List1.Items.Addrange(name of the array)

What is the correct answer?


Application.StartupPath actually points to

A. //ProjectName

B. //ProjectName/Bin

C. //ProjectName/Debug

D. //ProjectName/Bin/ProjectName.exe

What is the correct answer?


The correct sequence of Form Loading is

A. Load

B. Initialize, Load, Activate

C. Initialize, Activate, Load

D. Activate, Initialize Load

What is the correct answer?


A function can have multiple return statements

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


To override Finalize function the scope of the function must be

A. Private

B. Public

C. Protected

D. Static

What is the correct answer?


A form can not call itself

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


/*1. Class C
2. public mustinherit sub abc()
3. msgbox("Base Class")
4. end sub
5. end Class /* The error is in line no.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

What is the correct answer?


To vertically arrange all forms in an MDI form use

A. Me.Layout(MdiLayout.TileVertical)

B. Me.MdiLayout(MdiLayout.TileVertical)

C. Me.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileVertical)

D. Nothing is required because default is Vertical

What is the correct answer?


This view is not present in VB.NET

A. Project Explorer

B. Class View

C. Resource View

D. Server Explorer

What is the correct answer?


Class cc
public _________ I as string
end class

A. Share

B. Shared

C. Global

D. Static

What is the correct answer?


Using MyBase you can call base class

A. Constructor

B. Method

C. Variables

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Images can be loaded from

A. Images.FromFile

B. BitMap.FromFile

C. System.FromFile

D. Both a and b

What is the correct answer?


A DataSet can hold multiple tables even if there are similar fields

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


If MustOverride is used then ____________ is also a must.

A. Overridable

B. Inherits

C. MustInherit

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


PasswordChar property of a TextBox can accept " " (space) as the password char

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


To print use

A. PrintDialog1.Print()

B. PrintDocument1.Print()

C. Printer1.Print()

D. None of the above