Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Generalization is a

A. top-down approach.

B. bottom-up approach.

C. left-right approach.

D. none of the above

Correct Answer :

B. bottom-up approach.

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What is the correct answer?


Expand the acronym OLAP

A. Object Linked Access Program

B. Organizational Architecture Processing

C. Online Analytical Processing

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following normalization is needed, if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of the other composite key?


B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

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A functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes is called

A. Transitive dependency

B. Partial transitive dependency

C. Functional dependency

D. Partial functional dependency

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A logical schema

A. is the entire database.

B. is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts.

C. describes how data is actually stored on disk.

D. both A) and C)

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Radio frequencies below ............. are more suitable for omnidirectional applications.

A. 300MHz

B. 1GHz

C. 5GHz

D. 10 GHz

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In an Entity-Relationship Diagram Ellipses represents

A. Attributes

B. Weak entity set

C. Relationship sets

D. Multi-valued attributes

What is the correct answer?


Generalization is a

A. top-down approach.

B. bottom-up approach.

C. left-right approach.

D. none of the above

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Data stored in cursor is called ……………

A. record

B. active data set

C. object

D. none of the above

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In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by

A. rectangle.

B. square.

C. ellipse.

D. triangle.

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A transaction which completes successfully is called

A. Granted

B. Committed

C. Compensated

D. Accomplished

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The command used to delete a particular column in a relation





What is the correct answer?


In RDBMS, Data is presented as a collection of

A. Relation

B. Table

C. Attribute

D. Entity

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A table that displays data redundancies yields ____________ anomalies

A. Insertion

B. Deletion

C. Update

D. All of the above

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The index table has …… Columns.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

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A transaction is said to have terminated if it has

A. either committed or aborted

B. either partially committed or aborted

C. either committed or failed

D. none of these

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Select the correct statement
i) Aggregate functions work on a group of data and return a single value.
ii) ODBC connects the frontend with the database without considering its compatibility
iii) View definition cant be used at multiple places through with clause .

A. i and ii only

B. ii and iii only

C. i and iii only

D. i only

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following submit and execute query at run time?

A. Static SQL

B. Dynamic SQL

C. both

D. none of these

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The physical path over which a message travels

A. Thermal

B. Medium

C. Protocol

D. Impulse

What is the correct answer?


Specialization is a

A. top-down approach.

B. bottom-up approach.

C. left-right approach.

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


In two-phase locking

A. the data items are locked in growing phase.

B. the data items are released in shrinking phase.

C. Both A and B are true

D. Both A and B are false

What is the correct answer?


Encoding method which does not provide for synchronization


B. Manchester



What is the correct answer?


The attribute that can be divided into other attributes is called

A. Simple Attribute

B. Composite Attribute

C. Multi-valued Attribute

D. Derived Attribute

What is the correct answer?


A type of query that is placed within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is called

A. Super query

B. Sub query

C. Master query

D. Multi-query

What is the correct answer?


Data Manipulation Language DML) is not to

A. Create information table in the Database

B. Insertion of new information into the Database

C. Deletion of information in the Database

D. Modification of information in the Database

What is the correct answer?


A relation which is in 3NF is

A. in 1NF also

B. in 2NF also

C. free from transitive dependencies

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the unit of signaling speed or modulation rate or the rate of symbol transmission?

A. Data rate

B. Bit rate

C. Signal to Noise Ratio

D. Baud rate

What is the correct answer?


Select the correct
i) A timestamp-based scheduler cant produce live lock
ii) Aggregate functions cant appear with HAVING clause.
iii) Isolation is a property of database transaction.

A. i and ii only

B. ii and iii only

C. i and iii only

D. i only

What is the correct answer?


The race condition occurs when

A. Two concurrent processes attempt to interact with each other.

B. Two concurrent processes interact with different data files.

C. Two concurrent processes attempt to hold a data item .

D. none of the above.

What is the correct answer?


Select the incorrect statement

A. BCNF is stronger than 3NF

B. Relational algebra is a non-procedural language

C. Every conflict serializable schedule is view serializable.

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


In case of entity integrity, the primary key may be

A. not Null

B. Null

C. both Null & not Null.

D. any value.