Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In an E-R diagram double lines indicate

A. Total participation.

B. Multiple participation.

C. Cardinality N.

D. None of the above.

Correct Answer :

A. Total participation.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


If an entity can belong to only one lower level entity then the constraint is

A. disjoint

B. partial

C. overlapping

D. single

What is the correct answer?


Relational Algebra does not have

A. Selection operator.

B. Projection operator.

C. Aggregation operators.

D. Division operator.

What is the correct answer?


In SQL the statement select * from R, S is equivalent to

A. Select * from R natural join S.

B. Select * from R cross join S.

C. Select * from R union join S.

D. Select * from R inner join S.

What is the correct answer?


Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design?

A. 2NF

B. 5NF

C. 4NF

D. 3NF

What is the correct answer?


Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a shared lock on R.

A. It will result in a deadlock situation.

B. It will immediately be rejected.

C. It will immediately be granted.

D. It will be granted as soon as it is released by A .

What is the correct answer?


Union operator is a :

A. Unary Operator

B. Ternary Operator

C. Binary Operator

D. Not an operator

What is the correct answer?


The concept of mapping of ______ entity types is the concept in which the for each strong entity type E in the ER schema, create a relation R that includes all the simple attributes of E.

A. Regular

B. Irregular

C. None

D. Weak

What is the correct answer?


E-R Modeling is achieved by using ____ diagrams


B. Flowcharts

C. Gantt Charts

D. E-R

What is the correct answer?


Which one is correct statement?
Logical data independence provides following without changing application programs:
(i) Changes in access methods.
(ii) Adding new entities in database
(iii) Splitting an existing record into two or more records
(iv) C

A. (i) and (ii)

B. (iv) only

C. (i) and (iv)

D. (ii) and (iii)

What is the correct answer?


_____ First proposed the process of normalization.

A. Edgar. W

B. Edward Stephen

C. Edgar F. Codd

D. Edward Codd

What is the correct answer?


Consider the join of relation R with a relation S. If R has m tuples and S has n tuples, then the maximum and minimum size of the join respectively are

A. m+n and 0

B. m+n and |m-n|

C. mn and 0

D. mn and m+n

What is the correct answer?


The size of a data item is called its _______, which can be a field of some record or may be a larger unit such as a record.

A. Similarity

B. Granularity

C. Dimensionality

D. Arity

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a consequence of concurrent operations?

A. Lost update problem.

B. Update anomaly.

C. Unrepeatable read.

D. Dirty read.

What is the correct answer?


An outstanding functionality of SQL is its support for automatic_____ to the target data.

A. programming

B. navigation

C. functioning

D. notification

What is the correct answer?


The normal form that is not necessarily dependency preserving is

A. 2NF

B. 3NF


D. 4NF

What is the correct answer?


Cascading rollback is avoided in all protocol except

A. strict two-phase locking protocol.

B. tree locking protocol

C. two-phase locking protocol

D. validation based protocol.

What is the correct answer?


The graphical representation of a query is .

A. B-Tree

B. graph

C. Query Tree

D. directed graph

What is the correct answer?


The cost of reading and writing temporary files while evaluating a query can be reduced by

A. building indices

B. pipelining

C. join ordering

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


The set of all values that can be taken by the attribute is called as _______ of the attribute.

A. Tuple

B. Cardinality

C. Degree

D. Domain

What is the correct answer?


The division operator divides a dividend A of degree m+n by a divisor relation B of degree n and produces a result of degree

A. m - 1

B. m + 1

C. m * m

D. m

What is the correct answer?


The default level of consistency in SQL is

A. repeatable read

B. read committed

C. read uncommitted

D. serializable

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following addressing modes permits relocation without any change over in the code?

A. Indirect addressing

B. Indexed addressing

C. PC relative addressing

D. Base register addressing

What is the correct answer?


Tree structures are used to store data in

A. Network model.

B. Relational model.

C. Hierarchical model.

D. File based system.

What is the correct answer?


_______ product was acquired by Informix, integrated into its RDBMS and introduced as the Informix Universal Server an ORDBMS.

A. Star

B. llustar


D. Cygnus

What is the correct answer?


____ table store information about database or about the system.


B. System

C. Nested

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Maximum height of a B+ tree of order m with n key values is

A. Logm(n)

B. (m+n)/2

C. Logm/2(m+n)

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


In 2NF

A. No functional dependencies (FDs) exist.

B. No multivalued dependencies (MVDs) exist.

C. No partial FDs exist.

D. No partial MVDs exist.

What is the correct answer?


Create a table with the following attributes: Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME of 10 characters)

A. Create table Employee(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

B. Create table Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME String(10));

C. Create table Emplo(EMPNO number, EMPNAME string);

D. Create table Emp(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not comparison operator?

A. <>

B. <

C. =<

D. >=

What is the correct answer?


_____ database is used to provide statistical information or summaries of values based on various criteria.

A. Statistical

B. Mathematical

C. Normalized

D. Un normalized