Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


SIMD stands for ....

A. Single Instruction Stream Over Minimum Data Streams

B. Single Instruction Stream Over Multiple Data Streams

C. Multiple Instruction Streams and Single Data Stream

D. Single Instruction Stream Over Media Data Streams

Correct Answer :

B. Single Instruction Stream Over Multiple Data Streams

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Images included in many software titles are called _________.

A. clipart

B. .jpg files

C. popups

D. .tiff files

What is the correct answer?


The process of determining the appropriate pixels for representing picture or graphics object is known as _______

A. rasterization,

B. animation

C. both a and b

D. representation

What is the correct answer?


Line produced by moving pen is _______ at the end points than the line produced by the pixel replication.

A. thin

B. straight

C. thicker

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


A method used to test lines for total clipping is equivalent to the

A. logical XOR operator

B. logical OR operator

C. logical AND operator

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


Notes that include the slide as well as key comments and points you may want to emphasis while you present your slide show are know as:

A. student notes

B. speaker handouts

C. cheat sheet

D. speaker notes

What is the correct answer?


The decoded instruction is stored in ______ .



C. Registers


What is the correct answer?


Reflection of a point about x-axis, followed by a counter-clockwise rotation of 900 , is equivalent to reflection about the line ?

A. y = - x

B. x = -y

C. x + y = 1

D. x = y

What is the correct answer?


Hue of color is related to ?

A. Wavelength

B. Saturation

C. Incandescence

D. Luminance

What is the correct answer?


The region against which an object is to be clipped is called _________

A. clip window or clipping window.

B. Drawing window

C. image window

D. both b and c

What is the correct answer?


The relationship among the data and objects which are stored in the database called application database, and referred by the _________

A. Application programs

B. application model

C. graphics display

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


Changing the appearance of your slide _________ can alter the slides color, shade, pattern, or texture.

A. design

B. watermark

C. foreground

D. background

What is the correct answer?


A ____________ is a series of slides displayed in a particular sequence.

A. placeholder

B. template

C. layout

D. slide show

What is the correct answer?


Adding _________ to objects on your slides not only controls the flow of information, but adds interest to your presentation.

A. background

B. animation

C. transition

D. popups

What is the correct answer?


Sometimes it may require undoing the applied transformation, In such a case which of the following transformation will be used?

A. shear transformation

B. translation

C. reflection

D. inverse transformation

What is the correct answer?


The instruction -> Add LOCA,R0 does,

A. Adds the value of LOCA to R0 and stores in the temp register

B. Adds the value of R0 to the address of LOCA

C. Adds the values of both LOCA and R0 and stores it in R0

D. Adds the value of LOCA with a value in accumulator and stores it in R0

What is the correct answer?


The NOR gate is complement of ..

A. OR gate

B. AND gate

C. NOT gate

D. NAND gate

What is the correct answer?


The purpose of display processor is _________ from the graphics routine task

A. to free the CPU

B. To free the secondary memory

C. to free the main memory

D. Both a and c

What is the correct answer?


A circle, if scaled only in one direction becomes a ?

A. hyperbola

B. parabola

C. remains a circle

D. ellipse

What is the correct answer?


In perspective projection, the lines of projection are not parallel. Instead, they all coverage at a single point called ________

A. Center of projection

B. projection reference point.

C. center of projection or projection reference point

D. interaction point

What is the correct answer?


Graphics software acts as a very powerful tool to create _________

A. Images

B. animated pictures

C. both a and b

D. system interface

What is the correct answer?


One of the disadvantages of multimedia is:

A. cost

B. relativity

C. adaptability

D. usability

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. It is understood by programmer

B. It is understood by a computer

C. It is understood to use

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


A transformation that slants the shape of objects is called the _________

A. shear transformation

B. translation

C. reflection

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


The region code 0000 represents the _________

A. viewing window

B. left clipping window

C. right clipping window

D. bottom clipping window

What is the correct answer?


The registers,ALU and the interconnection between them are collectively called as _____ .

A. Process route

B. information path

C. Information trail

D. data path

What is the correct answer?


A scaling transformation changes the _________ of an object

A. size

B. location

C. shape

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


a polygon in which the line segment joining any 2 points within the polygon lies completely inside the polygon is called _________

A. convex polygon

B. concave polygon

C. both a and b

D. hexagon

What is the correct answer?


the line segment from the view plane to the view reference point is called __________

A. view-distance

B. Projection distance

C. view-path

D. both a and b

What is the correct answer?


The translation distance pair (tx, ty) is called _________

A. translation vector

B. shift vector.

C. both a and b

D. Rotation vector

What is the correct answer?


The ________ master controls the format and placement of the titles and text you type on slides, as well as, background items and graphics you want to appear on every slide.

A. copyright

B. slide

C. design

D. layout