Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The endocrine glands secrete

A. bile

B. harmones

C. sweat

D. genes

Correct Answer :

B. harmones

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What is the correct answer?


Plants grown in darkness show

A. stout stem

B. long internodes

C. bigger leaves

D. no growth at all

What is the correct answer?


Metastasis' is the process by which

A. cells divide rapidly under the influence of drugs

B. cancer cells spread through the blood or lymphatic system to other sites or organs

C. the chromosomes in cell nuclei are attached to the spindle before moving to the anaphase poles

D. cance cells are successfully inhibited to divide any futhere

What is the correct answer?


Bird nu is a disease which affects and spreads through

A. Cattle

B. Sheep

C. Prawn

D. Poultry

What is the correct answer?


Higher plants take up nitrogen as

A. Nitrites only

B. Nitrates only

C. Nitrates and Ammonia

D. Urea

What is the correct answer?


The layer of stagnant water in which light penetrates is called

A. Aphotic

B. Euphotic

C. Epilimnion

D. Disphotic

What is the correct answer?


The biologist who believed in the spontaneous creation of microorganisms was

A. Leuwenhock

B. Needham

C. Spallanzeni

D. Pasteur

What is the correct answer?


Which one is a water-soluble vitamin?

A. A

B. C

C. D

D. E

What is the correct answer?


The 'father of genetics' is

A. Mendel

B. Morgan

C. Darwin

D. Muller

What is the correct answer?


Leaves Call off branches In the winter because of

A. fall in atmospheric pressure

B. completion of the duration of life of the plant

C. formation of separation (absciss layer) just outside the cork

D. shortening of day time

What is the correct answer?


Blood clot Inside blood vessels is prevented by

A. heparin

B. fibrinogen

C. thrombin

D. prothrombin

What is the correct answer?


What are oncogenes?

A. a dominant gene

B. a set of genes which produce cancer

C. a gene present in the X-chromosomes causing haemophilia

D. a recessive gene

What is the correct answer?


The dreaded virus which, on reaching the central nervous system, produces spasms of the muscles of the throat and the cheat while swallowing, and is sure to kill the patient is

A. Poliomyelitis virus

B. AIDS virus

C. Smallpox virus

D. Rabies virus

What is the correct answer?


Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy refers to

A. Brain Fever

B. Mad Cow Disease

C. Enteric Fever

D. Poultry Diarrhoea

What is the correct answer?


Nephantis is popularly called

A. coconut caterpillar

B. brown plant hopper

C. tobacco caterpillar

D. pulse beetle

What is the correct answer?


Biological control is to check growth of

A. plants

B. animals

C. weeds

D. one pest by another

What is the correct answer?


Saffron is the dried ________ of the saffron plant.

A. fruit

B. aril

C. stigmas and tops of styles

D. tender leaves and sprouts

What is the correct answer?


Leafy trees help in preventing

A. Land pollution

B. Water pollution

C. Noise pollution

D. Air pollution

What is the correct answer?


Sex linked genes are carried by

A. X-chromosomes

B. Y-chromosomes

C. different part of X- and Y-chromosomes

D. autosomes

What is the correct answer?


Measles and influenza are caused by

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. insects

D. nematodes

What is the correct answer?


Fledgling is a term often used to denote the young one of a

A. bird

B. fox

C. dog

D. man

What is the correct answer?


Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they

A. kill harmful insects

B. require little amount of water

C. help in Nitrogen fixation

D. are cash crops

What is the correct answer?


Biologists have so far known, found and identified a large number of species in the plant and animal kingdom. In terms of numbers, the largest found and identified so far is from among the

A. fungi

B. plants

C. insects

D. bacteria

What is the correct answer?


Malnutrition is due to

A. undernourishment

B. want of balanced diet

C. overfeeding

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


If a father has blood group A and the mother has blood group 0, which one of the blood groups may be found in their progeny?

A. A


C. O

D. Both (a) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


Genes are made of

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Fats

D. Nucleotides

What is the correct answer?


The country where commercial production of cultured pearls is undertaken on large scale is

A. India

B. Mexico

C. Netherlands

D. Japan

What is the correct answer?


Bordetella pertussis causes

A. tetanus

B. diphtheria

C. whooping cough

D. rabies

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation?

A. Rice

B. Wheat

C. Maize

D. Beans

What is the correct answer?


Coagulation of blood in vessels is prevented during normal circulation by

A. heparin

B. prothrombin

C. plasmogen

D. thromboplastin

What is the correct answer?


The function of connective tissue is

A. to hold the other tissues together

B. to facilitate diffusion

C. to help transportation of dissolved material from capillaries to epithelial cells

D. protection