Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is also known as Plant Curves:

A. Long-run average cost (LAC) curves

B. Short-run average cost (SAC) curves

C. Average variable cost (AVC) curves

D. Average total cost (ATC) curves

Correct Answer :

B. Short-run average cost (SAC) curves

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which cost increases continuously with the increase in production?

A. Average cost

B. Marginal cost

C. Fixed cost

D. Variable cost

What is the correct answer?


If production increases under constant returns to scale, the cost will:

A. Increase at a constant rate

B. Decrease at a constant rate

C. Increase at a variable rate

D. Decrease at a variable rate

What is the correct answer?


If the demand for good is more elastic and government levied a tax per unit of output, the price per unit for the firm would:

A. Rise by the amount of the tax

B. Rise by more than the amount of the tax

C. Rise by less than the amount of the tax

D. Remain the same

What is the correct answer?


If the demand curve is inelastic then:

A. It may be nearly vertical

B. Quantity demanded is very sensitive to income

C. Demand is hardly affected by income

D. Close substitutes for the good are abundant

What is the correct answer?


A significant property of the Cobb-Douglas production function is that the elasticity of substitution between inputs is:

A. Greater than one

B. Less than one

C. Zero

D. Equal to one

What is the correct answer?


Chamberline introduces the concept of:

A. V-shaped selling cost

B. U-shaped selling cost

C. V-shaped purchasing material

D. U-shaped purchasing material

What is the correct answer?


Utility is:

A. A subjective concept

B. An ethical concept

C. An objective concept

D. A historical concept

What is the correct answer?


The modern cost curves are based upon the idea of:

A. Fixed capacity

B. Specific capacity

C. Excess capacity

D. Reserve capacity

What is the correct answer?


With an increase in income, consumer is expected to buy more of:

A. An inferior good

B. A giffen good

C. A normal(or superior) good

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In case of giffin good, price effect is:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Neutral

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


The maximization of output subject to cost requires equilibrium at the:

A. Lowest isoquant

B. Lowest isocost line

C. Highest isoquant

D. Highest isocost line

What is the correct answer?


If two households have identical preferences but different incomes then:

A. They must consume the same amounts of all goods

B. The wealthier one will have lower marginal utility for most goods

C. The wealthier one will have higher marginal utility for most goods

D. They will enjoy the same level of utility

What is the correct answer?


If X and Y are close substitutes, a rise in the price of X will lead to:

A. Increase in demand for Y

B. Decrease in demand for Y

C. Decrease in demand for both X and Y

D. No change in demand for Y

What is the correct answer?


An inferior commodity is one whose quantity demand decreases when income of the consumer:

A. Decreases

B. Increases

C. Remains constant

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve in monopolistic competition (also in kinked demand curve model), which shows the share of a firm in market is called:

A. Relative demand curve

B. Proportional demand curve

C. Productive demand curve

D. Differential demand curve

What is the correct answer?


The supply curve would probably shift to the right if:

A. Resource( factors of production) used in production became more costly

B. The technology of production improves

C. Consumers income increased

D. Some sellers left the market

What is the correct answer?


Liquidity of Preference Theory was introduced by:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. Lord Keynes

C. Karl Marx

D. Prof. Robbins

What is the correct answer?


The production possibility curve (PPC) is concerned with:

A. Resources of the economy

B. Interests of the economy

C. Limitations of the economy

D. Qualities of the economy

What is the correct answer?


When at a given price, the quantity demanded of a commodity is more than the quantity supplied, there will be:

A. An upward pressure on price

B. A downward pressure on price

C. Price will remain unaffected

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Marginal cost curve cuts the average cost curve:

A. At the left of its lowest point

B. At its lowest point

C. At the right of its lowest point

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The expansion point is attained by joining:

A. Similar optimal combinations

B. Different optimal combinations

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Excess capacity is concerned with the:

A. V-shaped traditional cost curves

B. S-shaped traditional cost curves

C. Modern cost curves

D. U-shaped traditional cost curves

What is the correct answer?


At the shut-down point in perfect competition:

A. P = AVC


C. The total losses of the firm equal TFC

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A utility function refers to a particular individual and reflects the tastes of that individual

B. When the tastes of an individual changes, his utility function changes(shifts)

C. Different individuals usually have different tastes and thus have different utility functions

D. Different individuals have same tastes and thus have the same utility function

What is the correct answer?


In the immediate run:

A. Supply curves are inelastic

B. Supply curves are perfectly elastic

C. Demand curves are elastic

D. Supply curves are elastic

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an explicit cost of production?

A. Wage of self-employed proprietor

B. Depreciation on machinery

C. Returns on owned capital

D. Cost of raw materials

What is the correct answer?


Demand is consumers:

A. Ability to get a commodity

B. Willingness to get a commodity

C. Willingness and ability to get a commodity

D. Desire for a commodity

What is the correct answer?


Government planners play a central role in allocating resources:

A. Only under socialism(communism)

B. Only under capitalism

C. Under both (a) and (b)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Repetition of a game (Repeated Game):

A. Yields the same outcome over and over

B. Can result in behavior that is different from what it would be if the game were played once

C. Is not possible

D. Makes cooperative games into noncooperative games

What is the correct answer?


4.The Law of Diminishing Returns according to the modern view, applies to:

A. Agriculture

B. All fields of production

C. Industry

D. Services