Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The specific gravity of blood is

A. lower than water

B. higher than water

C. same as water

D. many times that of water

Correct Answer :

B. higher than water

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What is the correct answer?


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A. xylem

B. phloem

C. cambium

D. cortex

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What is the bacterial disease in lime fruits?

A. Phythophthora

B. White rust

C. Citrus canker

D. Smut disease

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What are top carnivores?

A. biggest carnivores

B. tigers

C. all carnivorous animals

D. carnivores that are not eaten by any other animal

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The external ears of man are intended for

A. ornaments

B. scattering sound waves

C. collect sound waves

D. beauty

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The grouping o( blood is based on substances called

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. antitoxin

D. enzymes

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Darwinism does not explain

A. progression

B. retrogression

C. usefulness of all organs

D. presence of vestigial organs

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Which one of the ecosystems Is the largest in the world?

A. forests

B. rivers

C. deserts

D. oceans

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Whooping cough is caused by

A. Salmonella

B. Bacillus pertussis

C. Variola

D. Vibriona

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Organisms that feed on the excreta of other organisms are called

A. autotrophs

B. heterotrophs

C. coprophagous

D. saprotrophs

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The theory that believes that the first living organism came from another planet is known as

A. Catastrophism

B. Special creation

C. Organic evolution

D. Cosmozoic theory

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Tse-Tse fly is the vector for

A. malarial parasite

B. try peorosoma

C. piroplasm

D. microfilaria

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The cell theory of Schleiden and Schwann states that

A. cells reproduce by mitosis or meiosis

B. all cells have nuclei

C. cells are basic units of plants and animals

D. cells arise only from pre-existing cells

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The enzyme that is necessary to bring about clotting of blood is

A. peptidase

B. amylase

C. lipase

D. thrombokinase

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Antisnake venom is prepared by

A. Pasteur institute

B. Hoffkine's institute

C. Birla's institute

D. Indian Science Institute

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Who was the first scientist to use an instrument for biological studies in 1665?

A. Robert Hooke

B. Schwann

C. Schleiden

D. None of the above

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India's first transgenic crop was

A. Potato

B. Brinjal

C. Sugarcane

D. Bt cotton

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The condition in which there is abnormal decrease of white blood corpuscles is known as

A. leukaemia

B. leucoderma

C. leukopenia

D. anaemia

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The universal donor belongs to blood group

A. A

B. B


D. O

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Hydrotropism means the growth of roots

A. away from water

B. towards water

C. into water

D. out of water

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A person with a blood group ____ is considered to be an universal donor.

A. A Positive

B. AB Positive

C. AB Negative

D. O Positive

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Which one of the following is not an essential micronutrient for plants?

A. Boron

B. Zinc

C. Sodium

D. Copper

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Scrub jungle Is characterised by

A. heavy rainfall

B. no rainfall

C. poor rainfall

D. none of the above

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Which one of the following is not caused by bacteria?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Typhoid

C. Cholera

D. Mumps

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A. oxygen in a lesser quantity than the required levels

B. oxygen in large amounts

C. carbon monoxide

D. carbon dioxide

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Life begets life' or biogenesis was stated by

A. Robert Koch

B. Miller

C. Louis Pasteur

D. Lord Lister

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Insects that make a clicking sound are

A. crickets

B. beetles

C. flies

D. silver fish

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Vessels proceeding to the heart are

A. veins

B. arteries

C. capillaries

D. lymph ducts

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The human heart is

A. Neurogenic heart

B. Myogenic heart

C. Pulsating heart

D. Ampullary heart

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Niche' refers to

A. place of living

B. type of food

C. place of living and type of food

D. food and movement

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Kwashiorkor' is caused by deficiency of

A. carbohydrates

B. proteins

C. fats

D. vitamins