Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Vessels proceeding to the heart are

A. veins

B. arteries

C. capillaries

D. lymph ducts

Correct Answer :

A. veins

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What is the correct answer?


The function of ribosomes is

A. Secretion

B. Excretion

C. Power house of the cell

D. Protein synthesis

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following cows give maximum milk yields?

A. Jersey

B. Holstein

C. Red Sindhi

D. Sahiwal

What is the correct answer?


The part of the eye behind the lens is filled with

A. aqueous humor

B. vitreous humor

C. lymph

D. blood

What is the correct answer?


The liver destroys old

A. leucocytes

B. thrombocytes

C. erythrocytes

D. lymphocytes

What is the correct answer?


The tallest tree in the world Sequoia™ is found in



C. former USSR

D. China

What is the correct answer?


Colour vision is made possible by the cells in the retina called

A. rods

B. cones

C. fovea

D. blind spot

What is the correct answer?


The bacteria that gets into our body is consumed by


B. Blood platelets

C. Plasma

D. Phagocytes

What is the correct answer?


Whooping cough is caused by

A. Salmonella

B. Bacillus pertussis

C. Variola

D. Vibriona

What is the correct answer?


Scrub jungle Is characterised by

A. heavy rainfall

B. no rainfall

C. poor rainfall

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


Niche' refers to

A. place of living

B. type of food

C. place of living and type of food

D. food and movement

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is viral disease?

A. Syphilis

B. Influenza

C. Lock Jaw

D. Typhoid

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Total number of amino acids in plants is

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. Plenty

What is the correct answer?


The mode of nutrition in which particulate food is devoured is

A. holozoic

B. holophytic

C. saprophytic

D. parasitic

What is the correct answer?


Vitamin D deficiency leads to

A. sterility

B. pellagra

C. rickets

D. capillary fragility

What is the correct answer?


Vessels proceeding to the heart are

A. veins

B. arteries

C. capillaries

D. lymph ducts

What is the correct answer?


The part of the human brain concerned with sight is the

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Temporal lobe

D. Occipital lobe

What is the correct answer?


Deciduous forests are those with trees

A. that are evergreen

B. that shed leaves periodically

C. that have needle like leaves

D. that have no leaves at all

What is the correct answer?


What are halophytes?

A. plants found in fresh water

B. plants growing in saline conditions

C. mesophytic plants

D. desert plants

What is the correct answer?


Bacteria utilising radiant energy to prepare food are

A. chemosynthetic bacteria

B. heterotrophic bacteria

C. photosynthetic bacteria

D. free living bacteria

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The white blood corpuscles the body because they are popularly called soldiers of

A. march at a regular pace

B. appear uniform

C. defend the body

D. are disciplined

What is the correct answer?


The cavities of the brain are filled with

A. Blood

B. Lymph

C. Water

D. Cerebrospinal fluid

What is the correct answer?


The small pox vaccine was discovered by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Edward Jenner

C. John

D. Harvey

What is the correct answer?


Decomposition of organic matter is due to

A. Virus

B. Fungi

C. Bacteria

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Translocation of food takes place in plants through

A. xylem

B. phloem

C. cambium

D. cortex

What is the correct answer?


The layer of stagnant water in which light penetrates is called

A. Aphotic

B. Euphotic

C. Epilimnion

D. Disphotic

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a good and rich source of vitamin 'C'?

A. Milk

B. Radish

C. Mango

D. Lemon Juice

What is the correct answer?


Spiders can take only

A. solid food

B. liquid food

C. plant juice

D. flesh of dead animals

What is the correct answer?


The deficiency of Vitamin A which leads to poor vision during night is termed

A. nyctolopia

B. myopia

C. glaucoma

D. colour blindness

What is the correct answer?


During dehydration, the human body is usually lost by the human body is

A. sugar

B. sodium chloride

C. potassium chloride

D. iodine

What is the correct answer?


The Green Revolution in India owes much to

A. MS Swaminathan

B. TS Venkataraman

C. Norman Borlaug

D. Prime Minister