Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the purpose of an if-else statement in programming?

A. To create a loop

B. To define a function

C. To make decisions and execute code conditionally

D. To print output to the console

Correct Answer :

C. To make decisions and execute code conditionally

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Which of the following is not a valid programming construct in Python?

A. if-else statement

B. switch statement

C. while loop

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A. The speed at which a program executes

B. The size of a program's source code

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B. Translating domain names into IP addresses

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A. To define a function

B. To create graphics

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B. A programming language

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B. 256

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B. Dynamic Network Service

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A. Stack

B. Queue

C. Linked List

D. Binary Tree

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C. MP3


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What is a conditional operator in programming?

A. An operator that performs mathematical calculations

B. An operator that combines two values

C. An operator that evaluates a condition and returns one of two values based on the condition

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A. Java

B. Ruby

C. Python

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A. variableName = 42

B. variableName := 42

C. 42 = variableName

D. variableName -> 42

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A. To execute code based on multiple conditions

B. To define a function

C. To create graphics

D. To exit a loop

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A. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

B. Advanced Standard Character Set Instruction

C. Automated System for Computer Information

D. Algorithmic Symbol Coding and Interpretation

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A. Python

B. Java


D. C++

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A. 1

B. 0

C. 2

D. It depends on the context

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A. Local Area Network (LAN)

B. Wide Area Network (WAN)

C. Personal Area Network (PAN)

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A. Queue

B. Stack

C. Linked List

D. Tree

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A. Catching harmful computer viruses

B. Fishing for personal information through deceptive emails or websites

C. Encrypting data for security

D. Scanning for network vulnerabilities

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A. Functional programming

B. Procedural programming

C. Object-oriented programming

D. Declarative programming

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A. To define a new variable

B. To handle exceptions

C. To execute code if the if condition is true

D. To execute code if the if condition is false

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A. To execute code line by line

B. To translate high-level code into machine code

C. To debug code

D. To create user interfaces

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What is a loop in programming?

A. A bug in the code

B. A function that repeats a specific task

C. A variable that stores multiple values

D. A conditional statement

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Which of the following is not a valid programming construct in Python?

A. for loop

B. if statement

C. switch statement

D. while loop

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A. Array

B. Set

C. List

D. Dictionary

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A. HyperText Markup Language

B. High-Level Text Language

C. Hyperlink Text Management Language

D. Home Tool Markup Language

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A. To manage hardware resources and provide services for software

B. To run applications

C. To create graphics

D. To store data