Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an explicit cost of production?

A. Wage of self-employed proprietor

B. Depreciation on machinery

C. Returns on owned capital

D. Cost of raw materials

Correct Answer :

D. Cost of raw materials

The option a, b and c are implicit costs because these are the costs on the resources owned by the firm. Optiond is the right answer because cost of raw material is explicit cost as it involves money payment.)

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


If cross-elasticity of one commodity for another turns out to be zero, it means they are:

A. Close substitutes

B. Good complements

C. Completely unrelated (independent goods)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Monopoly means:

A. Where there is no retail trade and every thing is sold on wholesale basis

B. Where trading of a particular commodity is controlled exclusively by one firm

C. Where many people sell only one commodity

D. A form of business organization in which only single proprietorship exists

What is the correct answer?


Diminishing returns occur when a firm:

A. Starts incurring losses

B. Uses more and more of one input while holding all other inputs constant

C. Does not utilize its inputs efficiently

D. Cuts down on the quantity of all inputs it uses

What is the correct answer?


When was Adam Smiths major work An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations published?

A. 1756

B. 1777

C. 1776

D. 1801

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium conditions, MC = MR = AR = AC, will happen:

A. In the short-run under perfect competition

B. In the long-run under perfect competition

C. In the short-run under monopolistic competition

D. In the long-run under monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


An optimum level of a firms output is:

A. Where marginal cost is minimum

B. Where average cost is minimum

C. Where both the marginal and the average cost curves are at their respective minimum

D. Where the firm earns the maximum profits

What is the correct answer?


Who is the founder of classical school of thought?

A. David Ricardo

B. Adam Smith

C. T.R.Malthus

D. J.S.Mill

What is the correct answer?


The market demand for any commodity is the:

A. Average requirement for it in any given place

B. Amount of it wanted at any given price

C. Amount that people would like to buy during a period at different prices

D. Quantity needed to maintain a given standard of living

What is the correct answer?


When the consumer is in equilibrium not only his income is fully spent, but the ratio of marginal utility and price is:

A. Increased

B. Equalized

C. Prominent

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


If both demand and supply were to increase then:

A. Quantity exchanged would fall and price would rise

B. Quantity exchanged and price would both fall

C. Quantity exchanged would rise and price might rise or fall

D. Quantity exchanged and price would both rise

What is the correct answer?


In case of monopoly, the slope of MR is:

A. Always three times than the slope of AR

B. Always double than the slope of AR

C. Always equal to the slope of AR

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The fundamental choices that a society must make about the use of its resources include:

A. How much to produce

B. How to produce

C. How to distribute

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Price discrimination is possible:

A. Only under monopoly situation

B. Under any market form

C. Only under monopolistic competition

D. Only under perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


The main contribution of Prof.Robbins is in the field of:

A. human welfare

B. national income

C. multiplicity of wants and scarcity of resources

D. theory of production

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is inferior then:

A. Income effect is positive but substitution effect is negative

B. Income effect is negative but substitution effect is positive

C. Both income effect and substitution effect are negative

D. Both income effect and substitution effect are positive

What is the correct answer?


The marshallian indirect utility function in the form of equation is:

A. x =a-bp

B. x =b-ap


D. x = f(P)

What is the correct answer?


Plumbing and pipe-fitting require many of the same skills. If the wage paid to pipe-fitters increased then the effect on the market for plumbers would probably be:

A. An increase in demand

B. A decrease in demand

C. An increase in supply

D. A decrease in supply

What is the correct answer?


In case of monopoly, the price charged against the additional unit is:

A. Not different

B. Same

C. Not same

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve in monopolistic competition (also in kinked demand curve model), which shows the share of a firm in market is called:

A. Relative demand curve

B. Proportional demand curve

C. Productive demand curve

D. Differential demand curve

What is the correct answer?


For the given production function, technical efficiency is defined as:

A. Sets of points relating production function that maximizes output given input (labor) i.e. Q = f(L, K)

B. Sets of points relating production function that produces less output than possible for a given set of input (labor) i.e. Q < f(L, K)

C. Use of imported technology

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Marginal cost is the cost:

A. Of the last unit of production

B. Of marginal unit

C. Of marginal efficient units

D. Of the average units of production

What is the correct answer?


In the long-run competitive equilibrium, the theory predicts that:

A. TC = TR and MC = MR

B. Firms operate at a minimum average total cost

C. There is no incentive for entry or exit of firms

D. All these conditions exist

What is the correct answer?


In which case the elasticity shown by the different points of a curve is the same?

A. A straight line curve

B. A downward sloping demand curve

C. A rectangular hyperbola demand curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, the firms follow:

A. Exotic behavior

B. Sympathetic behavior

C. Myopia behavior

D. Regular behavior

What is the correct answer?


Change in demand refers to:

A. Movement on the same demand curve

B. Upward shift of the demand curve

C. Downward shift of the demand curve

D. Upward or downward shift of the demand curve

What is the correct answer?


Other things remaining the same, when a consumers income increases his equilibrium point moves to:

A. A lower indifference curve

B. A lower PPC curve

C. Remains on same indifference curve

D. A higher indifference curve

What is the correct answer?


Extension (expansion) and contraction of demand are result of:

A. Change in consumers income

B. Change in consumers tastes

C. Change in price

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The Modern and Neo-Keynsian Theory of Interestwas presented by:

A. Gunner Myrdal

B. A.C.Pigou

C. J.M.Keynes

D. J.R.Hicks

What is the correct answer?


Excess capacity is concerned with the:

A. V-shaped traditional cost curves

B. S-shaped traditional cost curves

C. Modern cost curves

D. U-shaped traditional cost curves

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Proportionality is another name of:

A. The law of diminishing marginal utility

B. The law of demand

C. The Law of Diminishing Returns

D. The law of supply