Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


At the shut-down point in perfect competition:

A. P = AVC


C. The total losses of the firm equal TFC

D. All of the above

Correct Answer :

D. All of the above

Shut-down point is when price equals minimum Average Variable Cost (P = AVC). At this point the firm is indifferent b/w producing or shutting down. This is because at that point total revenue (TR) is equal to Total Variable Cost (TVC), so by producing or shutting-down, the firm is making a loss equal to Total Fixed Costs (TFC) no matter what it chooses to do. Now if P

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A. Perfectly elastic (infinitely elastic)

B. Relatively elastic (greater than one elasticity)

C. Unit elastic

D. Relatively inelastic (less than one elasticity)

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The number of sellers in duopoly is:

A. A few

B. Four

C. Two

D. Very large

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The amount of income left over for a consumer in equilibrium is :

A. Consumer surplus

B. Zero

C. Two rupees

D. Excess demand

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Using total revenue and total cost, a profit maximizing firm will be equilibrium at a point:

A. Where the gap between the two is the smallest

B. Where the gap between the two is the greatest

C. Where the two become equal

D. None of the above

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A. Average demand function

B. Qualified demand function

C. Constructive demand function

D. Relative demand function

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A. Sunspot Theory

B. Monetary Theory

C. Saving-Investment Theory

D. Innovation Theory

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MC curve is:

A. L-shaped

B. U-shaped

C. V-shaped

D. Both a and b depending on situation

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The marshallian demand curve includes:

A. Substitution Effect

B. Income Effect

C. Both substitution and income effect

D. None of them

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A. 1st firm does not cooperate

B. 1st firm cooperates

C. 1st firm collapses

D. None of the above

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In short run:

A. Labor is variable

B. Labor is fixed

C. Capital is variable

D. None of the above

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Chamberline introduces the concept of:

A. V-shaped selling cost

B. U-shaped selling cost

C. V-shaped purchasing material

D. U-shaped purchasing material

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Substitution effect means a consumer

A. Shifts away from the commodity the price of which has fallen

B. Shifts in favour of a commodity the price of which has risen

C. Shifts away from a commodity the price of which has risen, in favour of a commodity the price of which has fallen

D. None of the above

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We can measure consumers surplus with the help of

A. TU curve

B. MU curve

C. Supply curve

D. None of the above

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A. Price theory

B. Demand theory

C. Supply theory

D. Income theory

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Who is the author of Choice of Technique?

A. K.N.Raj

B. Amartiya Sen

C. A.C.Pigou

D. Alfred Marshal

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The advantage of using indifference curves rather than marginal utilities is:

A. We do not need to attach util values to consumption

B. Consumers can attain higher utility

C. It takes into account how much income the household has

D. We can determine how much of one good the consumer is willing to sacrifice in order to consume one more unit of another

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Suppose income increases by 10% and demand for commodity increases by 5% then the income elasticity of demand is:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Zero

D. Infinity

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Ceteris paribus clause in the law of demand means:

A. The price of substitute does not change

B. The taste of the consumer does not change

C. The income of the consumer does not change

D. All of the above

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The supply curve for the short-run competitive firm is the same as:

A. Marginal cost curve

B. Average variable cost curve

C. That part of the marginal cost curve which equals or is greater than AVC

D. Average total cost curve

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A. More purchase

B. Less purchase

C. Same purchase

D. None of the above

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According to Smith, by value we mean the value with respect to use, and the price we mean the value with respect to:

A. Production

B. Consumption

C. Exchange

D. Formation

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The slope of budget line shows the price ratios of:

A. Many goods

B. Few goods

C. Two goods

D. Three goods

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On an indifference map higher indifference curves show:

A. The same level of price

B. The same level of satisfaction

C. The higher level of satisfaction

D. The lower level of satisfaction

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The costs faced by the firm against fixed factors are:

A. Total costs

B. Fixed costs

C. Variable costs

D. Marginal costs

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The average product is given as:

A. Q.L

B. Q- L

C. Q+ L

D. Q/L

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For the given production function, technical efficiency is defined as:

A. Sets of points relating production function that maximizes output given input (labor) i.e. Q = f(L, K)

B. Sets of points relating production function that produces less output than possible for a given set of input (labor) i.e. Q < f(L, K)

C. Use of imported technology

D. None of the above

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In the case of superior (normal) commodity, the income elasticity of demand is:

A. Positive

B. Unitary

C. Negative

D. Infinite

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The firms in non-cooperative games:

A. Enforce contracts

B. Make contracts

C. Make negotiations

D. Do not make negotiations

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The equilibrium conditions, MC = MR = AR = AC, will happen:

A. In the short-run under perfect competition

B. In the long-run under perfect competition

C. In the short-run under monopolistic competition

D. In the long-run under monopolistic competition

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The shape of the TC curve is:

A. U

B. V

C. P

D. S(inverted)