Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Entropy of the system decreases, when

A. Snow melts into water

B. A gas expands spontaneously from high pressure to low pressure

C. Water is converted into ice

D. Both (B) & (C)

Correct Answer :

D. Both (B) & (C)

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Throttling process is a/an __________ process.

A. Reversible and isothermal

B. Irreversible and constant enthalpy

C. Reversible and constant entropy

D. Reversible and constant enthalpy

What is the correct answer?


Specific __________ does not change during phase change at constant temperature and pressure.

A. Entropy

B. Gibbs energy

C. Internal energy

D. Enthalpy

What is the correct answer?


The internal energy of a gas obeying P (V - b) RT (where, b is a positive constant and has a constant Cv), depends upon its

A. Pressure

B. Volume

C. Temperature

D. All (A), (B) & (C)

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an intensive property?

A. Volume

B. Density

C. Temperature

D. Pressure

What is the correct answer?


The compressibility factor of a gas is given by (where, V1 = actual volume of the gas V2 = gas volume predicted by ideal gas law)

A. V1/V2

B. V2/V1

C. V1 - V2

D. V1.V2

What is the correct answer?


A gas performs the maximum work, when it expands

A. Non-uniformly

B. Adiabatically

C. Isobarically

D. Isothermally

What is the correct answer?


Efficiency of a heat engine working on Carnot cycle between two temperature levels depends upon the

A. Two temperatures only

B. Pressure of working fluid

C. Mass of the working fluid

D. Mass and pressure both of the working fluid

What is the correct answer?


Heat evolved/absorbed during conversion of a substance from one allotropic form to another is termed as the heat of

A. Fusion

B. Vaporisation

C. Transition

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Henry's law is closely obeyed by a gas, when its __________ is extremely high.

A. Pressure

B. Solubility

C. Temperature

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


At 60° C, vapour pressure of methanol and water are 84.562 kPa and 19.953 kPa respectively. An aqueous solution of methanol at 60° C exerts a pressure of 39.223 kPa; the liquid phase and vapour phase mole fractions of methanol are 0.1686 and 0.5714 respectively. Activity co-efficient of methanol is

A. 1.572

B. 1.9398

C. 3.389

D. 4.238

What is the correct answer?


Second law of thermodynamics is concerned with the

A. Amount of energy transferred

B. Direction of energy transfer

C. Irreversible processes only

D. Non-cyclic processes only

What is the correct answer?


A change in state involving a decrease in entropy can be spontaneous, only if

A. It is exothermic

B. It is isenthalpic

C. It takes place isothermally

D. It takes place at constant volume

What is the correct answer?


A solute distributes itself between two nonmiscible solvents in contact with each other in such a way that, at a constant temperature, the ratio of its concentrations in two layers is constant, irrespective of its total amount. This is

A. The distribution law

B. Followed from Margules equation

C. A corollary of Henry's law

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


y = specific heat ratio of an ideal gas is equal to

A. Cp/Cv

B. Cp/(CP-R)

C. 1 + (R/CV)

D. All (A), (B) and (C)

What is the correct answer?


Translational kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas is proportional to (where, T = absolute temperature of the gas)

A. T

B. √T

C. T2

D. 1/√T

What is the correct answer?


The expression, ΔG = nRT. ln(P2/P1), gives the free energy change

A. With pressure changes at constant temperature

B. Under reversible isothermal volume change

C. During heating of an ideal gas

D. During cooling of an ideal gas

What is the correct answer?


The molar excess Gibbs free energy, gE, for a binary liquid mixture at T and P is given by, (gE/RT) = A . x1. x2, where A is a constant. The corresponding equation for ln y1, where y1 is the activity co-efficient of component 1, is

A. A . x22

B. Ax1

C. Ax2

D. Ax12

What is the correct answer?


Joule-Thomson co-efficient depends on the

A. Pressure

B. Temperature

C. Both (A) & (B)

D. Neither (A) nor (B)

What is the correct answer?


PVy = constant, holds good for an isentropic process, which is

A. Reversible and isothermal

B. Isothermal and irreversible

C. Reversible and adiabatic

D. Adiabatic and irreversible

What is the correct answer?


Pick out the wrong statement.

A. A refrigeration cycle violates the second law of thermodynamics

B. Refrigeration cycle is normally represented by a temperature vs. entropy plot

C. In a refrigerator, work required decreases as the temperature of the refrigerator and the temperature at which heat is rejected increases

D. One ton of refrigeration is equivalent to the rate of heat absorption equal to 3.53 kW

What is the correct answer?


Pick out the correct statement.

A. A real gas on expansion in vacuum gets heated up

B. An ideal gas on expansion in vacuum gets cooled

C. An ideal gas on expansion in vacuum gets heated up

D. A real gas on expansion in vacuum cools down whereas ideal gas remains unaffected

What is the correct answer?


The standard Gibbs free energy change of a reaction depends on the equilibrium

A. Pressure

B. Temperature

C. Composition

D. All (A), (B) and (C)

What is the correct answer?


Chemical potential is a/an

A. Extensive property

B. Intensive property

C. Force which drives the chemical system to equilibrium

D. Both (B) and (C)

What is the correct answer?


Sound waves propagation in air exemplifies an __________ process.

A. Adiabatic

B. Isothermal

C. Isometric

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The number of degree of freedom for an Azeotropic mixture of ethanol and water in vapourliquid equilibrium, is

A. 3

B. 1

C. 2

D. 0

What is the correct answer?


In the ammonia synthesis reaction, N2 + 3H2 2NH3 + 22.4 kcal, the formation of NH3 will be favoured by

A. High temperature

B. Low pressure

C. Low temperature only

D. Both low temperature and high pressure

What is the correct answer?


When a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change in temperature, pressure or concentration, the equilibrium is displaced in a direction which tends to undo the effect of the change. This is called the

A. Le-Chatelier principle

B. Kopp's rule

C. Law of corresponding state

D. Arrhenius hypothesis

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is true for Virial equation of state?

A. Virial co-efficients are universal constants

B. Virial co-efficients 'B' represents three body interactions

C. Virial co-efficients are function of temperature only

D. For some gases, Virial equations and ideal gas equations are the same

What is the correct answer?


Isobaric process means a constant process.

A. Temperature

B. Pressure

C. Volume

D. Entropy

What is the correct answer?


(1/V) (∂V/∂T)P is the mathematical expression

A. Joule-Thomson co-efficient

B. Specific heat at constant pressure (Cp)

C. co-efficient of thermal expansion

D. Specific heat at constant volume (CV)