Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Haemophllia is a genetic disorder which leads to

A. decrease in haemoglobin level

B. rheumatic heart disease

C. increase in haemoglobin level

D. non-clothing of blood

Correct Answer :

D. non-clothing of blood

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Turner's syndrome is a disease caused by

A. bacteria

B. virus

C. fungus

D. chromosomal imbalance

What is the correct answer?


Modern classification of the living world recognise ___________ kingdoms.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

What is the correct answer?


Baldness is seen only in the males because

A. it is a male disorder

B. it is linked with male Y chromosome

C. it is influenced by male hormone

D. females cover it up with wigs

What is the correct answer?


One of the following disease cannot be prevented by the DPT (triple-antigen) immunization of children.

A. Tetanus

B. Tuberculosis

C. Whooping cough

D. Diphtheria

What is the correct answer?


The hypoglossal nerves are the pairs of the spinal nerves

A. First pair

B. Second pair

C. Third pair

D. Fourth pair

What is the correct answer?


Plants grown in darkness show

A. stout stem

B. long internodes

C. bigger leaves

D. no growth at all

What is the correct answer?


Calcium and phosphorus assimilation will depend on sufficient intake of

A. vitamin B complex

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin C

What is the correct answer?


A child goes on vomiting profusely and develops symptoms of diarrhoea. Chances are that in the child's blood serum there is a drop In

A. calcium

B. iron

C. sodium

D. phosphorus

What is the correct answer?


The gestation period for the elephant is

A. 10 months

B. 15 months

C. 22 months

D. 30 months

What is the correct answer?


Xerophthalmia is a deficiency disease. Deficiency of _________ causes it.

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin B

C. vitamin C

D. vitamin E

What is the correct answer?


Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characters was challenged by

A. August Weismann

B. Hugo de Vries

C. Herbert- Spencer

D. Carl Linnaeus

What is the correct answer?


Saliva flows at the sight of food. This action is

A. involuntary

B. voluntary

C. a reflex

D. causative

What is the correct answer?


One of the following is often called the master gland. Which one is it?

A. Thymus

B. Islets of Langerhans

C. Pituitary

D. Thyroid

What is the correct answer?


The two German scientists who proposed the 'cell theory' were

A. Mendel and 'Darwin

B. Theodore Schwann and Matthias Schleiden

C. Virchow and Purkinje

D. porter and Palade

What is the correct answer?


Lizards, snakes, crocodiles and turtles belong to the class

A. Aves

B. Reptilia

C. Mammalia

D. Amphibia

What is the correct answer?


Clotting of blood is

A. a chain reaction

B. reversible reaction

C. reflex action

D. no reaction

What is the correct answer?


Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by

A. bad air

B. flies

C. anopheles mosquito

D. culex mosquito

What is the correct answer?


In case of a heart attack a hormone is injected as an emergency measure. Which one is it?

A. Thyroxine

B. Adrenaline

C. Heparin

D. Insulin

What is the correct answer?


A few infections like sore throat, whooping cough and tuberculosis are carried through the respiratory system. Which among the following is caused by bacteria while passing through the respiratory tract?

A. diphtheria

B. dysentery

C. jaundice

D. typhoid

What is the correct answer?


The influenza vaccine was discovered by

A. Salk

B. Khorana

C. Mittel

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which element in chillies causes burning sensations?

A. Capsaicin

B. Cyanogen

C. Ammonia

D. Capsicum

What is the correct answer?


Damage to hearing is caused by sounds which exceed

A. 70 decibels

B. 80 decibels

C. 100 decibels

D. 120 decibels

What is the correct answer?


The method of inducing artificial immunity was discovered by

A. Jenner

B. Tolstoy

C. Pasteur

D. Morgan

What is the correct answer?


The science of improving the hereditary qualities of future generations of mankind is referred to as

A. genetics

B. eugenics

C. epigenesist

D. epistasis

What is the correct answer?


The hormone which is Popularly called as stress hormone is

A. Epinephrine

B. Cortisone

C. Thyroxine

D. Insulin

What is the correct answer?


Consumption of potassium cyanide leads to total stoppage of cellular activity in the human body, as it cripples the

A. heart

B. lungs

C. kidneys

D. mitochondria

What is the correct answer?


The medulla oblongata encloses the

A. optic lobe

B. optic capsule

C. second ventricle

D. fourth ventricle

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus?

A. Cancer

B. Rabies


D. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

What is the correct answer?


The mode of nutrition in which particulate food is devoured is

A. holozoic

B. holophytic

C. saprophytic

D. parasitic

What is the correct answer?


Higher plants take up nitrogen as

A. Nitrites only

B. Nitrates only

C. Nitrates and Ammonia

D. Urea