Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In joint-profit maximization cartel, the distribution of profit is:

A. Made by agency

B. Not made by agency

C. Made by people

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

A. Made by agency

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What is the correct answer?


The number of sellers in oligopoly is:

A. Two

B. One

C. Very large

D. A few

What is the correct answer?


According to Chamberline, in monopolistic competition, differentiation is determined by:

A. Choices

B. Preferences

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Consumers Surplus can also be defined as:

A. Extra price benefits

B. Shortage of quantity

C. Surplus of quantity

D. Difference between actual price and potential price

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A utility function refers to a particular individual and reflects the tastes of that individual

B. When the tastes of an individual changes, his utility function changes(shifts)

C. Different individuals usually have different tastes and thus have different utility functions

D. Different individuals have same tastes and thus have the same utility function

What is the correct answer?


Moving down along a linear demand curve:

A. Demand becomes less elastic

B. Elasticity does not change

C. Demand has unitary elasticity

D. Demand becomes more elastic

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium conditions, MC = MR = AR = AC, will happen:

A. In the short-run under perfect competition

B. In the long-run under perfect competition

C. In the short-run under monopolistic competition

D. In the long-run under monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


Rational economic behavior on the part of the consumer means that he will:

A. Save as much of his income as possible

B. Spend as much of his income as possible

C. Buy everything at the lowest possible price

D. Make wise choices among available economic goods

What is the correct answer?


The slutsky demand curve includes:

A. Income effect

B. Price effect

C. Substitution effect

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Microeconomics is also known as:

A. Price theory

B. Demand theory

C. Supply theory

D. Income theory

What is the correct answer?


Who introduced the concept of Elasticity of Demand into economic theory?

A. Alfred Marshal

B. Adam Smith

C. Karl Marx

D. George Stigler

What is the correct answer?


The greater the percentage of income spent on a commodity:

A. The greater its elasticity is likely to be

B. The weaker its elasticity is likely to be

C. The unchanged its elasticity is likely to be

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Plumbing and pipe-fitting require many of the same skills. If the wage paid to pipe-fitters increased then the effect on the market for plumbers would probably be:

A. An increase in demand

B. A decrease in demand

C. An increase in supply

D. A decrease in supply

What is the correct answer?


The spending of money by the producer to influence consumers is an example of:

A. Derived demand

B. Joint demand

C. Demand creation

D. Compressed demand

What is the correct answer?


If in the long run, output increases in the same proportion as increase in all the input in the given proportion, this is known as:

A. Increasing returns to scale

B. Decreasing returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Variable returns to scale

What is the correct answer?


All of the following curves are U-Shaped except:

A. The AVC curve

B. The AFC curve

C. The AC curve

D. The MC curve

What is the correct answer?


If Marginal Utility (MU) is zero, then total utility is:

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Infinite

D. Not measureable

What is the correct answer?


Under perfect competition, the average revenue, marginal revenue and price are shown:

A. By a same single curve

B. By three different curves

C. By downward sloping curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In Edgeworth model, prices oscillate between:

A. Firms and industry price

B. Monopoly and duopoly price

C. Competitive and monopoly price

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the prices of goods rise then:

A. The real income of consumer falls

B. The real income of consumer rises

C. The real income of a consumer remains constant

D. The real income of consumer becomes zero

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns can be explained in terms of:

A. Economies and diseconomies of production

B. Indivisibility of factors

C. Fixity of supply of land

D. Variable factor productivity

What is the correct answer?


A high value of cross-elasticity indicates that the two commodities are:

A. Very good substitutes

B. Poor substitutes

C. Good complements

D. Poor complements

What is the correct answer?


Theory of revealed preference is based on:

A. Weak orderings

B. Neutral orderings

C. Partial orderings

D. Strong orderings

What is the correct answer?


Excess capacity is concerned with the:

A. V-shaped traditional cost curves

B. S-shaped traditional cost curves

C. Modern cost curves

D. U-shaped traditional cost curves

What is the correct answer?


The proportional demand curve in monopolistic competition (also in kinked demand curve model), is like industry demand curve in:

A. Monopolistic competition

B. Imperfect competition

C. Monopoly

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


Supply curves are most elastic:

A. In the long-run

B. In the short-run

C. For luxuries

D. In the immediate-run

What is the correct answer?


Government planners play a central role in allocating resources:

A. Only under socialism(communism)

B. Only under capitalism

C. Under both (a) and (b)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The general form of Cobb-Douglas production function is:





What is the correct answer?


Price mechanism has also given the name:

A. Labor theory

B. Production theory

C. Laisseze-faire

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


An indifferent curve shows:

A. That how many utils are obtained from consuming different bundles of commodities

B. Different collections of two commodities the consumer considers to be of equal value

C. That if price increases there will be an increases in demand

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The minimization of costs subject to output requires equilibrium at the lowest:

A. Isoquant line

B. Isocost line

C. Indifference curve

D. Price line