Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In the nucleus of an atom, the uncharged particle is

A. proton

B. neutron

C. electron

D. positron

Correct Answer :

B. neutron

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The ringing of an electric bell in an enclosed evacuated glass bell jar is not heard outside because

A. the ringing is not loud enough

B. the glass of the bell jar absorbs the sound waves

C. the bell jar is too small

D. there is no air or -any other gas in the bell jar

What is the correct answer?


The velocity required to place a vehicle in orbit round the moon is _________ that required to place it in orbit round the earth.

A. less than

B. greater than

C. equal to

D. greater than or equal to

What is the correct answer?


The completely dark portion of a shadow of an object is known as

A. umbra

B. penumbra

C. image

D. black portion of light

What is the correct answer?


Gamma radiations are used for

A. sterilising food stuff

B. controlling pests

C. cancer therapy

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


The colour of the light which travels through glass with minimum speed is

A. red

B. violet

C. green

D. yellow

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is wrongly matched?

A. electric current - ampere

B. resistance - Ohm

C. electric power - volt

D. electric charge Coulomb

What is the correct answer?


Photocells are used

A. in burglar alarms

B. in automotive devices for light switches

C. television cameras

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A bucket of water is hung from a spring balance. A piece of iron is suspended in the water without touching the sides or touching the bottom of the bucket. The reading of the spring balance

A. will increase

B. will decrease

C. does not change

D. varies with the increase of depth of the immersion of the iron piece

What is the correct answer?


Two tumblers stuck together can be separated by

A. pouring ice cold water into the inner tumbler

B. pouring ice cold water on the outer tumbler

C. pouring hot water into the inner tumbler

D. dipping both the tumblers in hot water

What is the correct answer?


Atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called

A. isobars

B. isomers

C. isotones

D. isotopes

What is the correct answer?


A ship sailing from a river to the sea

A. sinks less in the sea

B. sinks more in the sea

C. neither sinks more nor less in the sea

D. sinking more or less depends on sea

What is the correct answer?


Solids have definite shapes. This is because

A. the forces of cohesion of the molecules within are very much less in them

B. the forces of cohesion are very large

C. the forces of adhesion are large

D. the forces of adhesion are less

What is the correct answer?


Tea pots are highly polished

A. so that they may reflect thermal radiation from outside and minimise such radiation from them

B. so that they may absorb all radiation from outside

C. to make them attractive to look at

D. because they take high polish

What is the correct answer?


In which of the following will a piece of iron weigh most?

A. in air

B. in an atmosphere of oxygen

C. in an atmosphere of CO2

D. in vacuum

What is the correct answer?


Fish and other aquatic creatures can live inside a deep frozen pond because

A. fish are cold-blooded animals

B. ice is a bad conductor of heat

C. there will always be water just beneath the ice level

D. they can adapt themselves to live in ice

What is the correct answer?


When an incident beam of light strikes the surface of a glass slab normally, the refracted beam

A. goes straight through without bending

B. gets deviated away from the normal

C. gets bent towards the normal

D. gets reflected

What is the correct answer?


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is located at

A. Thumba

B. Bangalore

C. Ahmedabad

D. New Delhi

What is the correct answer?


Of the following which has got the highest frequency?

A. ultraviolet rays

B. gamma rays

C. radio waves

D. infrared waves

What is the correct answer?


Tap water is placed in an open pad and allowed to evaporate. After some time the temperature of water

A. increases to a great extent

B. increases slightly

C. decreases slightly

D. decreases rapidly

What is the correct answer?


A light year means

A. a unit of time

B. a unit of length

C. a year of no consequence

D. illumination throughout the year

What is the correct answer?


A balloon ruled with hydrogen will

A. continue going upwards uninterrupted

B. reach a particular height and remain floating

C. burst after reaching some height

D. reach a particular height and start coming down

What is the correct answer?


When water is cooled from 4�C to 2�C its density

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


A sensitive instrument susceptible to magnetic infiuence can be protected from external magnetic field by

A. enclosing it in a thick walled iron box

B. wrapping it with an insulator

C. by placing it inside a glass case

D. by surrounding it with fine copper gauze

What is the correct answer?


The escape velocity of a satellite projected from the surface of the earth is independent of

A. the mass of earth

B. the mass of the satellite

C. the radius of the earth

D. gravitation of the earth

What is the correct answer?


The distance between two bodies is halved. Now the force of attraction between them will be

A. half

B. one fourth

C. four times

D. two times

What is the correct answer?


The device that is used to measure the electromotive force of a cell is

A. an ammeter

B. a rheostat

C. a voltmeter

D. a voltameter

What is the correct answer?


The period of a geostationary (synchronous) satellite orbiting the earth over the equator la

A. 16 hours

B. 12 hours

C. 20 hours

D. 24 hours

What is the correct answer?


Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. they contain free electrons

B. their atoms are relatively far apart

C. their atoms collide frequently

D. they have reflecting surfaces

What is the correct answer?


The difference between planets and stars is

A. planets do not have light of their own whereas stars shine by their own light

B. planets do not twinkle like stars

C. planets are much smaller than stars

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°
