Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The Cambridge School of Thought refers to the group of English economists who came under the influence of:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. J.M.Keynes

C. Paul A.Samuelson

D. A.C.Pigou

Correct Answer :

A. Alfred Marshal

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Used cars are sold in:

A. Perfectly competitive international market

B. Perfectly competitive national market

C. Imperfect international market

D. Imperfect local market

What is the correct answer?


Income-demand curve shows:

A. Income-expenditure relationship

B. Income-cost relationship

C. Income-price relationship

D. Income-quantity relationship

What is the correct answer?


In joint-profit maximization cartel, central agency sets the:

A. Output

B. Input

C. Demand

D. Price

What is the correct answer?


Law of variable proportions is based on the assumption of:

A. Short period of time

B. Long period of time

C. Timeless production relationship

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


All money costs can be regarded as:

A. Social costs

B. Opportunity costs

C. Explicit costs

D. Implicit costs

What is the correct answer?


The situation in between the extremes of the govt. controlled, planned economy and the perfectly free, unplanned economy is known as:

A. Developed economy

B. Laissez-fair economy

C. Mixed economy

D. Capitalistic economy

What is the correct answer?


The elliptical isoquant represents the:

A. Economic combinations of labor and capital

B. Uneconomic combinations of labor and capital

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Moving along the indifference curve leaves the consumer:

A. Better off

B. Worse off

C. In equilibrium

D. Neither better off nor Worse off

What is the correct answer?


Economics define technology as:

A. Societys knowledge of production

B. Applied science

C. Knowledge of science and mathematics

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If in the long run all factor inputs are increased three times and the resulting output is four times as before, it is a case of:

A. Decreasing returns to scale

B. Variable returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Increasing returns to scale

What is the correct answer?


An indifference curve slopes down towards right since more of one commodity and less of another result in:

A. Same satisfaction

B. Greater satisfaction

C. Maximum satisfaction

D. Decreasing expenditure

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is inferior then:

A. Income effect is positive but substitution effect is negative

B. Income effect is negative but substitution effect is positive

C. Both income effect and substitution effect are negative

D. Both income effect and substitution effect are positive

What is the correct answer?


The difference between laws of return and laws of return to scale is:

A. In case of laws of return, one factor of production is constant and other is variable while in laws of return to scale both factors of production are variable

B. In case of laws of return to scale, one factor of production is constant and other is variable while in laws of return, both factors of production are variable

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following formulae explain the term average revenue?

A. Total units /No. of Revenues

B. Total Revenue/No. of Units

C. Marginal Revenue × Units

D. Total Units/ Price

What is the correct answer?


The pay-off matrix shows:

A. Possible outcomes

B. Possible benefits

C. Possible losses

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following oligopoly models is concerned with the maximization of joint profits?

A. Price leadership model

B. Bertrands model

C. Collusive model

D. Edgeworths model

What is the correct answer?


The water diamond paradox was firstly resolved with the help of:

A. Labor theory of value

B. Individual theory of value

C. Producer theory of value

D. Consumer theory of value

What is the correct answer?


The average product is given as:

A. Q.L

B. Q- L

C. Q+ L

D. Q/L

What is the correct answer?


Any straight line supply which cuts the x-axis will have:

A. Zero elasticity

B. An elasticity greater than one

C. Unitary elasticity of supply

D. An elasticity less than one

What is the correct answer?


In constant sum game (zero sum game), if there are two parties then:

A. Both parties make better-off

B. Both parties make worse-off

C. Both parties become Neutral

D. One party can become better off only if another is made worse off

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is inferior then Income Effect (I.E) is:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Zero

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


The cobweb model will divergent when the slope of:

A. Demand curve is more than supply curve

B. Supply curve is more than demand curve

C. Supply curve is equal to demand curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A utility function refers to a particular individual and reflects the tastes of that individual

B. When the tastes of an individual changes, his utility function changes(shifts)

C. Different individuals usually have different tastes and thus have different utility functions

D. Different individuals have same tastes and thus have the same utility function

What is the correct answer?


A market demand curve presumes that:

A. All consumers are alike

B. Incomes of all consumers is the same

C. Tastes of all consumers are the same

D. Consumers differ in taste, incomes and other matters

What is the correct answer?


When total product increases at a decreasing rate:

A. MP = AP

B. MP < AP

C. MP > AP =0

D. MP > AP

What is the correct answer?


At the point where the straight line from the origin is tangent to the TC curve, AC is:

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Equal

D. Lower

What is the correct answer?


In second degree price discrimination, monopolist takes away :

A. All of the consumer surplus

B. All of the producer surplus

C. Some part of the consumer surplus

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


The relationship between MC and MP shown by the marginal cost concept is:

A. Inverse

B. Direct

C. Negative

D. Positive

What is the correct answer?


Revealed Preference Theory was presented by:

A. Ricardo

B. Adam Smith

C. Pigou

D. Samuelson

What is the correct answer?


According to Chamberlin, the activity of a monopolistic competitive firm:

A. Get noticed by the rival firms

B. Get unnoticed by the rival firms

C. Get noticed by the employees of the rival firms

D. None of the above