Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap?

A. 3

B. 10

C. 15

D. 20

Correct Answer :

A. 3

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


If you want to convert a symbol or several lines of text into an AutoCorrect entry, you should:

A. Insert the symbol or type the text in a Word document first. Then, select the text or symbol and go to the AutoCorrect dialog box.

B. Click the Tools menu and choose AutoCorrect Options. Then, click the Insert menu and choose Symbol (or click the Format menu and choose Paragraph) to add the symbol or paragraph to AutoCorrect.

C. AutoCorrect can only accommodate one line of text. It is not possible to convert a symbol or multiple lines of text into an AutoCorrect entry.

D. Insert the symbol or type the text in a Word document first. Then, select the text or symbol and click the Edit menu followed by Paste Special. Select New AutoCorrect Entry and then click OK.

What is the correct answer?


Typeface option will come under which menu ?

A. Format

B. Tools

C. View

D. Edit

What is the correct answer?


What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?

A. 8 and 72

B. 8 and 68

C. 6 and 72

D. 6 and 68

What is the correct answer?


Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in

A. Web layout view

B. Print Layout view

C. Reading View

D. Print Preview

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not of the merge process?

A. Preview the merge results

B. Format a main document

C. Edit a data source

D. Identify the main document

What is the correct answer?


You can jump to the next column by

A. Press Alt + Down-arrow

B. Clicking with your mouse on the next column

C. Both of above

D. None of Above

What is the correct answer?


We can insert maximum number of columns in Ms Word are ...

A. 35

B. 15

C. 63

D. 65

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen ?

A. Left Indent

B. Right Indent

C. Tab stop box

D. Center Indent

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are valid Minimum and Maximum zoom sizes in Ms-office?

A. 10, 100

B. 20, 250

C. 10, 500

D. 10, 1000

What is the correct answer?


Which type of files can not be navigated using clip-art browser?




D. MP3

What is the correct answer?


A word processor would most likely be used to do

A. keep an account of money spent

B. do a computer search in media center

C. maintain an inventory

D. type a biography

What is the correct answer?


Gutter position can be set in following positions

A. Left & Right

B. Left Only

C. Left & Top

D. Left & Bottom

What is the correct answer?


Home Key uses for

A. Moves the cursor beginning of the document

B. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph

C. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen

D. Moves the cursor beginning of the line

What is the correct answer?


End Key is used to

A. Moves the cursor end of the line

B. Moves the cursor end of the document

C. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph

D. Moves the cursor end of the screen

What is the correct answer?


To view headers and footers, you must switch to

A. normal view

B. print layout view

C. print preview mode

D. both B and C

What is the correct answer?


The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is

A. 1 and 1

B. 2 and 1

C. 1 and 2

D. 2 and 2

What is the correct answer?


When you want to view different parts of a document without moving the insertion point.

A. Use the previous page or next page buttons

B. Use the keyboard

C. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars

D. Use the zoom button

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + Home is used to

A. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document

B. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Line

C. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Paragraph

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + PageUp is used to

A. Moves the cursor one Page Up

B. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Up

C. Moves the cursor one Screen Up

D. Moves the cursor one Line Up

What is the correct answer?


Short cut Ctrl + F is used to

A. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find Tab

B. Open Page Setup Dialog box with activating Layout Tab

C. Open Font Dialog Box with activating Font tab

D. Open File Save as Dialog box

What is the correct answer?


To verify that the note text is positioned correctly on the page, switch to _____ view or display the document in print preview.

A. normal

B. print layout

C. page layout

D. page edit

What is the correct answer?


A word field may consist of an optional field instruction called a(n) ______

A. subdocument

B. symbol

C. signal

D. switch

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite?

A. Database

B. File manager

C. Image Editor

D. Word Processor

What is the correct answer?


Selecting text means, selecting?

A. an entire sentence

B. a word

C. whole document

D. any of the abov

What is the correct answer?


Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?

A. Status bar

B. Tool bar

C. Menu bar

D. Title bar

What is the correct answer?


To view smaller text on the screen you can ...

A. Decrease the editing percentage

B. Increase the editing percentage

C. Decrease the view percentage

D. Increase the view percentage

What is the correct answer?


Columns dialog box can be opened from

A. Format menu Columns submenu

B. Double click on column space in ruler

C. Press Alt + O + C

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


To Redo the last work, press …..

A. Ctrl+U

B. Ctrl+Y

C. Ctrl+Z

D. Ctrl+W

What is the correct answer?


Short cut Ctrl + H is used to

A. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab

B. Open Format Dialog box activating Insert Hyper Link tab

C. Open Insert Dialog box activating Insert Hyper Link Tab

D. Open Insert Hyper Link Dialog box

What is the correct answer?


You can detect spelling and grammar errors by

A. Press Shift + F7

B. Press Ctrl + F7

C. Press Alt+ F7

D. Press F7