Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following behaviors is considered a demonstration of caring?

A. The timely completion of an assignment

B. Taking the time to listen to the resident

C. Obtaining the vital signs for the unit before lunch

D. Not changing the resident when he or she is soiled

Correct Answer :

B. Taking the time to listen to the resident

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following actions will help to prevent injury to the skin from a cold compress?

A. Do not remove the compress until it has reached room temperature.

B. Place a washcloth between the cold pack and the skin.

C. Place a heating pad on the skin after the cold pack is removed.

D. Wash the area after removing the cold pack.

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate medical term for the abnormal shortening of muscle tissue.

A. Arthritis

B. Sprain

C. Fracture

D. Contracture

What is the correct answer?


When is an ostomy pouch emptied?

A. When the pouch is full

B. Every two hours

C. Every day with a.m. care

D. Every shift

What is the correct answer?


What is the appropriate container for storing dentures?

A. A denture cup filled with water

B. Several wet paper towels

C. A large jar filled with mouthwash

D. The drawer of the bedside table

What is the correct answer?


Who is the best source of information regarding the history of the resident upon his or her admission?

A. A friend

B. A family member

C. The physician

D. The resident

What is the correct answer?


Who is responsible to ask visitors to leave the residents room before giving the resident a bath?

A. The charge nurse

B. Someone in housekeeping

C. The nursing assistant preparing to give the bath

D. The nurse assigned to the resident

What is the correct answer?


When a resident falls, what is the most frequent injury that occurs?

A. Broken wrist

B. Fractured ankle

C. Strained ligament

D. Fractured hip

What is the correct answer?


When the CNA is helping a resident perform passive range-of-motion movements, the most effective indicator that movement should be stopped occurs when the resident reports

A. Stiffness

B. Weakness

C. Pain

D. Muscle size increasing

What is the correct answer?


A resident whose spouse has recently died cries frequently. What should the nursing assistant do?

A. Change the subject.

B. Introduce him or her to the other available residents on the unit.

C. Stay and listen to the resident as much as possible.

D. Tell the resident that things will get better over time.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following procedures requires the CNA to wear gloves in order to adhere to standard precautions?

A. Setting up the dinner tray

B. Taking out the trash

C. Providing oral care

D. Providing hair care

What is the correct answer?


When a resident refuses a bath, the nursing assistant should perform which of the following actions?

A. Inform the resident that everyone must take a bath when it is scheduled.

B. The charge nurse does not need to be informed that resident did not take a bath.

C. Go ahead and bathe the resident.

D. Respect the residents wishes.

What is the correct answer?


All of the following are the correct care of a resident with a beard, except

A. Wash the beard daily.

B. Trim the beard daily.

C. Comb the beard daily.

D. Wash the beard when it is visibly soiled.

What is the correct answer?


A CNA is reviewing a patients diet during shift change. Which of the following actions would be indicated for a resident who has difficulty sleeping?

A. Allow the resident to drink fluids until he or she is ready to go to bed.

B. Offer tea and coffee after 6 p.m.

C. Encourage residents to drink only caffeine-free beverages later in the day.

D. Offer sodas with dinner.

What is the correct answer?


A nursing assistant is offered a $10 tip by a family member of a resident for taking good care of the members mother. Which of the following is the best course of action for the nursing assistant?

A. Ask another nursing assistant what he or she would do.

B. Say thank you and take the money.

C. Refuse to accept the money.

D. Instruct the family member to give the money to the supervisor.

What is the correct answer?


A bed that is free of wrinkles is necessary to prevent which of the following complications?

A. Pressure sore

B. Agitation

C. Hypertension

D. Infection

What is the correct answer?


Where is a residents radial pulse located?

A. Ankle

B. Foot

C. Wrist

D. Groin

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are behaviors commonly related to a resident with mild cognitive impairment (dementia)?

A. Memory problems

B. Inability to dress

C. Inability to feed self

D. Unable to ambulate

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not included in the residents right to information?

A. Latest hospital inspection results

B. Notification in advance of a change of room or roommate

C. Right to file a complaint with the state survey agency

D. Right to free or reduced medical care

What is the correct answer?


The wife asks to pray with the resident before leaving, but visiting hours are over. Which of the following is the CNA's best response?

A. To tell the wife that you are sorry, but visiting hours are over. Please come back tomorrow.

B. To pray with the wife and the resident.

C. To provide the wife and the resident privacy to pray.

D. To let the wife know that the chapel is provided for praying.

What is the correct answer?


When correcting a mistake in the chart, the nursing assistant knows it is best to do which of the following?

A. Scribble out any mistakes.

B. If a mistake is made, the CNA is to cross out the mistake by putting one line through it and initialing it.

C. CNAs do not write in a residents chart.

D. Use white out when a small mistake is made.

What is the correct answer?


When assisting a resident who has rightsided weakness to get dressed in the morning, which arm is placed in the sleeve of the shirt first?

A. Right side (the affected side)

B. Left side (the non-affected side)

C. Both sides at the same time

D. Whichever side is easiest for the nursing assistant

What is the correct answer?


What is the correct action when washing your hands?

A. Apply soap before wetting your hands.

B. Keep hands elevated above your waist.

C. Apply friction for 5 seconds.

D. Use a clean, dry paper towel to turn off the water.

What is the correct answer?


The resident calls the nursing assistant into his room to tell her that his dentures are lost. What is the best action for the nursing assistant to take first?

A. Tell the resident that he will be able to eat without them because he is on a pureed diet.

B. Notify the charge nurse.

C. Go through all the residents belongings in case he hid them.

D. Notify the residents family.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a safety device used to move a resident from the bed to the chair?

A. Hoyer lift

B. Slide board

C. Brace

D. Assistive

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following behaviors is considered a demonstration of caring?

A. The timely completion of an assignment

B. Taking the time to listen to the resident

C. Obtaining the vital signs for the unit before lunch

D. Not changing the resident when he or she is soiled

What is the correct answer?


When a resident requests to pray before a procedure, what is the optimum response of the nursing assistant?

A. Allow the resident privacy to pray.

B. Ask the resident to pray silently while you perform the procedure.

C. Explain to the resident that the procedure needs to be completed now and that praying will need to wait.

D. Tell the resident you have already prayed for him or her this morning and now it is time to perform the procedure.

What is the correct answer?


Which 6f the following is not a healthy way for a nursing assistant to reduce stress in his or her life?

A. Get plenty of rest and eat a balanced diet.

B. Get involved in a new hobby.

C. Go out several times a week for drinks after work.

D. Exercise several times a week.

What is the correct answer?


A resident with a stroke is fitted for a leg brace. Which intervention is most important when caring for this resident?

A. Skin care

B. Elimination assistance

C. Increased fluids

D. Increased ambulation

What is the correct answer?


Which muscles are injured most often when a nursing assistant does not use proper body mechanics?

A. Back muscles

B. Shoulder muscles

C. Neck muscles

D. Leg muscles

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant overhears a conversation about a resident on the elevator at work. The nursing assistant knows this is a violation of which patient right?

A. The residents right to be present when his care is discussed

B. The residents right to refute any statements made

C. The residents right to privacy

D. The residents right to medical care