Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following rays has the highest penetrative power?

A. a -rays

B. � -rays

C. ? -rays

D. X-rays

Correct Answer :

C. ? -rays

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A timer in a race is at the finish line. He should start his stop watch

A. as soon as he hears the report of the gun

B. the moment he sees the flash

C. either (a) or (b) since that makes no difference

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The hygrometer is an apparatus used for finding the

A. temperature of air

B. intensity of light

C. density of a liquid

D. relative humidity of the atmosphere

What is the correct answer?


Out of the following, name the fluorescent substance.

A. quinine sulphate solution

B. paraffin oil

C. fluorescein solutions

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The force of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them. This was propounded by

A. Coulomb

B. Gilbert

C. Volta

D. Rutherford

What is the correct answer?


We see the flash of lightning before hearing the thunder because

A. light travels very much faster than sound

B. sound travels faster than light

C. lightning occurs nearer than thunder

D. both travel at the same speed

What is the correct answer?


The pressure of air at high altitude is less than the atmospheric pressure at the sea level. Hence the boning point of water at a hill top

A. is more than at sea level

B. is equal to that sea level

C. is less than at sea level

D. depends on the surrounding temperature

What is the correct answer?


A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. first decrease and then increase

What is the correct answer?


In an oil lamp, holes are provided below the chimney so that

A. necessary oxygen for burning of oil may be provided

B. the convection current of air may be maintained to keep the lamp burning

C. the brightness of the lamp may be increased

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Galaxies emit

A. radio waves and X-rays

B. ultraviolet light waves

C. visible light waves

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The mixing up of two gases as a result of random motion of molecules is called

A. diffusion

B. effusion

C. vaporisation

D. sublimation

What is the correct answer?


Hydrophone is an instrument used

A. for measuring relative density of liquids

B. by ships to pass on messages

C. for determining the depth of ocean bottoms etc.

D. by deaf people to aid hearing

What is the correct answer?


The velocity required to place a vehicle in orbit round the moon is _________ that required to place it in orbit round the earth.

A. less than

B. greater than

C. equal to

D. greater than or equal to

What is the correct answer?


When an incident beam of light strikes the surface of a glass slab normally, the refracted beam

A. goes straight through without bending

B. gets deviated away from the normal

C. gets bent towards the normal

D. gets reflected

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the eye photographic camera?

A. Lens

B. Iris

C. Retina

D. Eyelid

What is the correct answer?


A bullet is fired at a certain angle with the horizontal. Its path will be

A. elliptical

B. a straight line

C. a parabola

D. a vertical line

What is the correct answer?


When a light ray is reflected repeatedly by a set of parallel plane mirrors, the intensity of light ray diminishes alter a few reflections. This is because of

A. poor reflection from the mirrors

B. scattering of light from the mirrors

C. absorption of some light by the mirrors

D. absorption of light by the atmosphere

What is the correct answer?


For an electron orbiting in a hydrogen atom, the necessary centripetal force keeping it in orbit is provided by

A. the electrical attraction between the negatively charged electron and the positively charged porton

B. the high speed of the electron

C. the low speed of the electron

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


The freezer in a refrigerator is placed near the top

A. to keep it away from the hot compressor which is near the bottom

B. because of convenience

C. so that it can cool the whole interior by setting up convection currents

D. to prevent too much cooling

What is the correct answer?


Before the invention of geostationary satellites, television stations could not transmit their programmes to far off places because

A. these signals are electromagnetic in nature

B. these are not electromagnetic in nature

C. their wavelength is very large

D. they are not reflected by the ionosphere but pass through it

What is the correct answer?


Velocity of sound in high altitudes is low because at such a height

A. the temperature is low

B. there is no air

C. the pressure is low

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


For viewing objects placed at a higher level from a position at a lower level, the instrument used' Is known aa

A. telescope

B. spectrometer

C. microscope

D. periscope

What is the correct answer?


A series of east moving still pictures can be made to appear as a moving picture because the eye

A. can focus very rapidly as pictures change

B. is quicker than the brain

C. can see two images separated only if the interval' between seeing them is more than' one-tenth of a second

D. can shut out some of the light

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is fissionable?

A. U-234

B. U-235

C. U-238

D. Both (b) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


Halley's comet appears in the heavens once in

A. 40 years

B. 50 years

C. 76 years

D. 80 years

What is the correct answer?


The red colour of the setting sun is due to

A. the least scattered red colour reaching the eye

B. the dispersion of sun light occurred in air molecule in atmosphere

C. the diffraction of sunrays in atmospheric layers

D. interference of all the rays coming from the sun

What is the correct answer?


A person does not sink in the Dead Sea because

A. the sea contains a large amount of other salts besides sodium chloride

B. the density of the person is less than the density of the Dead Sea water

C. of the surface tension due to salt water in the Dead Sea

D. of difference in mass

What is the correct answer?


In a microphone

A. sound energy is converted into electrical energy

B. electrical energy is converted into sound energy

C. sound energy is converted into mechanical energy

D. mechanical energy is converted into sound energy

What is the correct answer?


When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon Is known as

A. doppler effect

B. beats

C. resonance

D. echo

What is the correct answer?


If a band is played on the moon the sound will

A. reverberate

B. be heard by us faintly

C. be heard upto 10 km from it

D. not be heard at any distance at all from it

What is the correct answer?


If an object is placed between two parallel plane mirrors, the number of images formed will be

A. 1

B. infinite

C. 0

D. 4