Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements regarding laws governing the friction between dry surfaces are correct?

A. The friction force is dependent on the materials of the contact surfaces.

B. The friction force is directly proportional to the normal force.

C. The friction force is independent of me area of contact.

D. All of the above

Correct Answer :

D. All of the above

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The tractive force in a locomotive with two cylinders is given by (where c = Fraction of reciprocating parts per cylinder, m = Mass of reciprocating parts, ω = Angular speed of crank, r = Radius of crank, and θ = Angle of inclination of crank to the line of stroke)

A. m.ω².r cosθ

B. c.m.ω².r sinθ

C. (1 - c).m.ω².r (cosθ - sinθ)

D. m.ω².r (cosθ - sinθ)

What is the correct answer?


When brakes are applied to all the four wheels of a moving car, the distance travelled by the car before it is brought to rest, will be

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Zero

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The dynamic friction is the friction experienced by a body, when the body

A. Is in motion

B. Is at rest

C. Just begins to slide over the surface of the other body

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Angle of descent of cam is defined as the angle

A. During which the follower returns to its initial position

B. Of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower

C. Through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position

D. Moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position

What is the correct answer?


The contact ratio is given by

A. (Length of the path of approach)/(Circular pitch)

B. (Length of path of recess)/(Circular pitch)

C. (Length of the arc of contact)/(Circular pitch)

D. (Length of the arc of approach)/cosφ

What is the correct answer?


The locus of a point on a thread unwound from a cylinder will be

A. A straight line

B. A circle

C. Involute

D. Cycloidal

What is the correct answer?


The transmissibility, for all values of damping factor, will be less than unity, if ω/ωn is

A. Equal to 1

B. Less than 2

C. Equal to 2

D. Greater than 2

What is the correct answer?


The minimum force required to slide a body of weight W on a rough horizontal plane is

A. W sinθ

B. W cosθ

C. W tanθ

D. W cosecθ

What is the correct answer?


Rectilinear motion of piston is converted into rotary by

A. Cross head

B. Slider crank

C. Connecting rod

D. Gudgeon pin

What is the correct answer?


The natural frequency of free transverse vibrations due to uniformly distributed load acting over a simply supported shaft is (where δS = Static deflection of simply supported shaft due to uniformly distributed load)

A. 0.4985/ √δS

B. 0.5615/ √δS

C. 0.571/ √δS

D. 0.6253/ √δS

What is the correct answer?


A circular bar moving in a round hole is an example of

A. Incompletely constrained motion

B. Partially constrained motion

C. Completely constrained motion

D. Successfully constrained motion

What is the correct answer?


Cross head and guides form a

A. Lower pair

B. Higher pair

C. Turning pair

D. Sliding pair

What is the correct answer?


If ω/ωn is very high for a body vibrating under steady state vibrations, the phase angle for all values of damping factors, will tend to approach


B. 90°

C. 180°

D. 360°

What is the correct answer?


The maximum value of the pressure angle in case of cam is kept as

A. 10°

B. 14°

C. 20°

D. 30°

What is the correct answer?


The load cup of a screw jack is made separate from the head of the spindle to

A. Enhance the load carrying capacity of the jack

B. Reduce the effort needed for lifting the working load

C. Reduce the value of frictional torque required to be countered for lifting the load

D. Prevent the rotation of load being lifted

What is the correct answer?


A mass of 1 kg is attached to the end of a spring with a stiffness of 0.7 N/mm. The critical damping coefficient of this system is

A. 1.4 N-s/m

B. 18.52 N-s/m

C. 52.92 N-s/m

D. 529.2 N-s/m

What is the correct answer?


In a circular arc cam with roller follower, the acceleration in any position of the lift will depend only upon

A. Total lift, total angle of lift, minimum radius of cam and cam speed

B. Radius of circular arc, cam speed, location of centre of circular arc and roller diameter

C. Mass of cam follower linkage, spring stiffness and cam speed

D. Total lift, centre of gravity of the cam and cam speed

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following disciplines provides study of relative motion between the parts of a machine?

A. Theory of machines

B. Applied mechanics

C. Mechanisms

D. Kinematics

What is the correct answer?


When the sleeve of a Porter governor moves downwards, the governor speed

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remain unaffected

D. First increases and then decreases

What is the correct answer?


Effort of a governor is the

A. Mean force exerted at the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed

B. Workdone at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed

C. Mean force exerted at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A rigid body possesses ________degrees of freedom

A. One

B. Two

C. Four

D. Six

What is the correct answer?


When the radius of rotation of balls __________ as the equilibrium speed increases, the governor is said to be unstable.

A. Remains constant

B. Decreases

C. Increases

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The example of spherical pair is

A. Bolt and nut

B. Lead screw of a lathe

C. Ball and socket joint

D. Ball bearing and roller bearing

What is the correct answer?


In a single slider crank chain

A. Each of the four pairs is a turning pair

B. One is a turning pair and three are sliding pairs

C. Two are turning pairs and two are sliding pairs

D. Three are turning pairs and one is a sliding pair

What is the correct answer?


When a mass of a critically damped single degree of freedom system is deflected from its equilibrium position and released, then it will

A. Return to equilibrium position without oscillation

B. Oscillate with increasing time period

C. Oscillate with decreasing amplitude

D. Oscillate with constant amplitude

What is the correct answer?


When a body moves with simple harmonic motion, the product of its periodic time and frequency is equal to

A. Zero

B. One

C. π/2

D. π

What is the correct answer?


Coriolis component acts

A. Perpendicular to sliding surfaces

B. Along sliding surfaces

C. Somewhere in between above two

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The centre of gravity of a coupler link in a four bar mechanism will experience

A. No acceleration

B. Only linear acceleration

C. Only angular acceleration

D. Both linear and angular acceleration

What is the correct answer?


In elliptical trammels

A. All four pairs are turning

B. Three pairs turning and one pair sliding

C. Two pairs turning and two pairs sliding

D. One pair turning and three pairs sliding

What is the correct answer?


In the below figure, PC is the connecting rod and OC is the crank making an angle θ with the line of stroke PO and rotates with uniform angular velocity at ω rad/s. The Klien's acceleration diagram for determining the acceleration of the piston P is shown by quadrilateral CQNO. The acceleration of the piston P with respect to the crankpin C is given by

A. ω² × NO

B. ω² × CO

C. ω² × CN

D. ω² × QN