Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Bast fibres are made up of _____________cells.

A. sclerenchymatous

B. chlorenchymatous

C. parenchymatous

D. aerenchymatous

Correct Answer :

A. sclerenchymatous

Bast fibres (phloem fibres) are sclerenchymatous dead cells that provide mechanical strength. They have thick wall with simple pits.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following option shows the correct labelling of the parts marked as A, B, C and D in the given figure of a typical dicot root?

A. A Primary phloem, B Vascular cambium, C Secondary phloem, D Primary xylem

B. A Secondary phloem, B Vascular cambium, C Primary phloem, D Primary xylem

C. A Primary phloem, B Primary xylem, C Secondary phloem, D Vascular cambium

D. A Secondary phloem, B Primary xylem, C Primary phloem, D Vascular cambium

What is the correct answer?


The __________ occurs in layers below the epidermis in dicotyledonous plants.

A. parenchyma

B. sclerenchyma

C. collenchyma

D. aerenchyma

What is the correct answer?


A vascular bundle in which the protoxylem is pointing to the periphery is called __________.

A. endarch

B. exarch

C. radial

D. closed

What is the correct answer?


Why grafting is successful in dicots ?

A. In dicots vascular bundles are arranged in a ring.

B. Dicots have cambium for secondary growth.

C. In dicots vessels with elements are arranged end to end.

D. Cork cambium is present in dicots

What is the correct answer?


A plant tissue when stained showed the presence of hemicellulose and pectin in cells wall of its cells. The tissue is called

A. collenchyma

B. sclerenchyma

C. xylem

D. meristem

What is the correct answer?


Match the names of the structures given in column-I with the functions given in column-II, choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the two columns :
A. StomataI. Protection of stem
B. BarkII. Plant movement
C. CambiumIII. Secondary growth
D. CuticleIV. Transpiration
V. Prevent the loss of water...

A. A V, B III, C I, D IV

B. A I, B IV, C V, D III


D. A IV, B I, C III, D V

What is the correct answer?


T.S. of monocot leaf is given below, certain parts have been marked by alphabets (A G). Which one is the option showing there correct labelling?

A. A Adaxial epidermis, B Xylem, C Mesophyll, D Sub-stomatal cavity, E Abaxial epidermis, F Stoma, G Phloem

B. A Adaxial epidermis, B Abaxial epidermis, C Xylem, D Sub-stomatal cavity, E Stoma, F Mesophyll, G Phloem

C. A Adaxial epidermis, B Phloem, C Mesophyll, D Sub-stomatal cavity, E Abaxial epidermis, F Xylem, G Stoma

D. A Adaxial epidermis, B Xylem, C Stoma, D Substomatal cavity, E Abaxial epidermis, F Phloem, G Mesophyll

What is the correct answer?


Cork is formed from

A. phellogen

B. vascular cambium

C. phloem

D. xylem

What is the correct answer?


T.S. of dicot stem is given below, certain parts have been marked by alphabets (A I). Choose the option which shows their correct labelling.

A. A Epidermis, B Epidermal hair, C Parenchyma, D Starch sheath, E Hypodermis (collenchyma), F Vascular bundle, G Bundle cap, H Medulla or pith, I Medullary rays

B. A Epidermal hair, B Epidermis, C Hypodermis (collenchyma), D Parenchyma, E Endoderm is (Starch Sheath), F Pericycle, G Vascular bundle, H Medullary rays, I Medulla or pith

C. A Epidermal hair, B Epidermis, C Hypodermis (collenchyma), D Starch sheath, E Parenchyma, F Vascular bundle, G Bundle cap, H Medulla or pith, I Medullary rays

D. A Epidermal hair, B Epidermis, C Parenchyma, D Hypodermis (collenchyma), E Starch sheath, F Vascular bundle, G Bundle cap, H Medulla or pith, I Medullary rays

What is the correct answer?


Match column-I with column-II and choose the correct option.
Column -IColumn -II
A. Bulliform cellsI. Initiation of lateral roots
B. PericycleII. Root
C. Endarch xylemIII. Grasses
D. Exarch xylemIV. Dicot leaf
E. Bundle sheath cellsV. Stem

A. A III, B V, C IV, D I, E II

B. A II, B V, C I, D III, E IV

C. A II, B IV, C I, D III, E V

D. A III, B I, C V, D II, E IV

What is the correct answer?


In stems, the protoxylem lies towards the _____________ and the metaxylem lies towards the ____________ of the organ.

A. centre; periphery

B. periphery; centre

C. periphery; periphery

D. centre; centre

What is the correct answer?


In the given columns, column I contain structures of female reproductive system and column II contain its feature. Select the correct match.
A. Lateral meristem(i) Fascicular vascular cambium, interfascicular cambium and cork cambium.
B. Apical meristem(ii) Produces dermal tissue, ground tissues and vascular tissue.
C. Bast fibres(iii) Generally absent in primary phloem but found in secondary phloem.
D. Sap wood(iv) Involved in the conduction of water and minerals from the root to leaf.

A. A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv)

B. A - (iii), B - (i), C - (ii), D - (iv)

C. A - (i), B - (iv), C - (iii), D - (ii)

D. A - (ii), B - (iv), C - (iii), D - (i)

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the followings option shows the correct labelling of the parts marked as A, B, C and D in the given figure a lenticel?

A. A Epidermis, B Secondary cortex, C Cork cambium, D Cork

B. A Pore, B Cork cambium, C Secondary cortex, D Cork

C. A Pore, B Cork, C Complimentary cells, D Cork cambium

D. A Epidermis, B Complimentary cells, C Cork cambium, D Secondary cortex

What is the correct answer?


Match the terms given in column I with their features given in column II and choose the correct option.
A. Fibres(i) Cells are living and thin walled with cellulosic cell wall, store food materials in the form of starch or fat
B. Sclereids(ii) Main water conductive cells of the pteridophytes and the gymnosperms
C. Tracheids(iii) Thick walled, elongated and pointed cells, generally occurring in groups
D. Vessels(iv) Long cylindrical tube like structure and cells are devoid of protoplasm. Characteristic feature of angiosperms
E. Xylem parenchyma(v) Reduced form of sclerenchyma cells with highly thickened lignified cellular walls that form small bundles of durable layers of tissue in most plants.

A. A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv), E - (v)

B. A - (iii), B - (v), C - (ii), D - (iv), E - (i)

C. A - (iii), B - (i), C - (v), D - (ii), E - (iv)

D. A - (v), B - (iv), C - (iii), D - (i), E - (ii)

What is the correct answer?


When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we remove

A. periderm

B. epidermis

C. cuticle

D. leaves

What is the correct answer?


A tissue is a group of cells which are

A. similar in origin, but dissimilar in form and function.

B. dissimilar in origin, form and function.

C. dissimilar in origin, but similar in form and function.

D. similar in origin, form and function.

What is the correct answer?


Choose the correct labelling of (A J) in the given figure of T.S. of monocot root.

A. A Root hair, B Epiblema, C Cortex, D Endodermis, E Passage cell, F Pericycle, G Pith, H Phloem, I Metaxylem.

B. A Root hair, B Epiblema, C Cortex, D Endodermis, E Passage cell, F Pith, G Pericycle, H Metaxylem, I Phloem.

C. A Root hair, B Epiblema, C Cortex, D Endodermis, E Pericycle, F Phloem, G Protoxylem, I Metaxylem

D. A Root hair, B Cortex, C Epiblema, D Pericycle, E Endodermis, F Pith, G Phloem, H Protoxylem, I Metaxylem

What is the correct answer?


T.S. of dicot leaf passing through the midrib is given below. Certain parts have been marked by alphabets (A to H). Choose the option showing their correct labelling.

A. A Epidermis, B Spongy mesophyll, C Palisade mesophyll, D Stomata, E Guard cells, F Phloem, G Metaxylem, H Protoxylem

B. A Epidermis, B Palisade mesophyll, C Spongy mesophyll, D Sub-stomatal cavity, E Stoma, F Phloem, G Xylem, H Bundle sheath

C. A Epidermis, B Palisade mesophyll, C Spongy mesophyll, D Stomata, E Guard cells, F Epidermis, G Xylem, H Phloem

D. A Epidermis, C Palisade mesophyll, C Spongy mesophyll, D Stomata, E Guard cells, F Phloem, G Metaxylem, H Protoxylem

What is the correct answer?


Cambium is considered as a lateral meristem because

A. it gives rise to lateral branches.

B. it causes increase in girth.

C. it increases height and diameter of a plant.

D. it adds bulk to a plant.

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following statement is incorrect ?
  1. Epidermal cell has small amount of cytoplasm and a large vacuole.
  2. Waxy cuticle layer is absent in roots.
  3. Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs / trichomes are multicellular.
  4. Trichomes may be branched or unbranched, soft or stiff and prevent transpiration.
  5. Guard cells are dumbell shaped in dicots and beanshaped in monocots (e.g. grass).

A. Only (i)

B. Only (iv)

C. Only (iii)

D. Only (v)

What is the correct answer?


Cells of permanent tissues are specialized

A. functionally.

B. only structurally.

C. both structurally and functionally.

D. for mitosis.

What is the correct answer?


The apical meristem of the root is present

A. in all the roots.

B. only in radicals.

C. only in tap roots.

D. only in adventitious roots.

What is the correct answer?


Identify A, B and C in the given figure of shoot apical meristem

A. A Leaf primordium, B Shoot apical meristem, C Axillary bud

B. A Leaf primordium, B Shoot apical meristem, C Apical bud

C. A Root hair primordium, B Root apical meristem, C Axillary bud

D. A Root hair primordium, B Root apical meristem, C Terminal bud

What is the correct answer?


The given diagrams show stomatal apparatus in dicots and monocots. Which one is correct option for A, B and C?

A. A Epidermal cells; B Subsidiary cells; C chloroplast

B. A Guard cells; B Subsidiary cells; C Stomatal pore

C. A Guard cells; B Epidermal cells; C Guard cells

D. A Epidermal cells; B Subsidiary cells; C Guard cells

What is the correct answer?


Identify the types of simple tissue indicated by A, B, C and D and their function.

A. A Parenchyma, Photosynthesis, Storage and Secretion.

B. B Sclerenchyma Scleriods; Transport food material

C. C Collenchyma; Provides mechanical support to organs.

D. D Sclerenchyma Fibres; Provide Mechanical support to the growing parts of the plant such as young stem and petiole of a leaf.

What is the correct answer?


Match the elements of xylem given in column I with their character given in the column II and choose the correct option.
A. Xylem vesselsI. Store food materials
B. Xylem tracheidsII. Obliterated lumen
C. Xylem fibresIII. Perforated plates
D. Xylem parenchymaIV. Chisel-like ends





What is the correct answer?


Read the following statements and answer the question.
  1. It has a sclerenchymatous hypodermis, a large number of scattered vascular bundles and a large parenchymatous ground tissue.
  2. Vascular bundles are conjoint and closed.
  3. Peripheral vascular bundles are generally smaller than the centrally located ones.
  4. Phloem parenchyma is absent, and water- containing cavities are present within the vascular bundles.

Which plant anatomy is being described by the above statements?

A. Dicotyledonous root

B. Monocotyledonous root

C. Dicotyledonous stem

D. Monocotyledonous stem

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following figure is a type of permanent tissue having many different types of cell?





What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following have vessels as their characteristic feature?

A. Angiosperms

B. Gymnosperms

C. Pteridophytes

D. Bryophytes

What is the correct answer?


Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack

A. cambium

B. phloem fibres

C. thick-walled tracheids

D. xylem fibres