Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The filament lamp is an example for

A. fluorescence

B. incandescence

C. both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

Correct Answer :

B. incandescence

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What is the correct answer?


The sun continuously produces an enormous amount of energy. This is due to

A. nuclear fission

B. nuclear fusion

C. chemical combustion

D. boiling

What is the correct answer?


Raindrops assume a spherical shape because or

A. adhesion

B. surface tension

C. gravitational force

D. atmospheric pressure from all sides

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A permanent magnet may be demagnetised by

A. placing it inside a solenoid through which an alternating current is flowing

B. heating the magnet to redness and then allowing it to cool

C. dropping it several times or hammering it while lying east-west

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The filament lamp is an example for

A. fluorescence

B. incandescence

C. both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


In the fuse of an electrical installation blows out

A. replace the fuse by a thin wire

B. replace the fuse by a thick copper wire

C. replace the fuse by a fuse wire of proper rating

D. replace the fuse by nichrome wire

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Increase in pressure

A. increases the melting point of ice

B. decreases the melting point of ice

C. has no effect on the melting point of ice

D. increases the volume of the ice

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When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon Is known as

A. doppler effect

B. beats

C. resonance

D. echo

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If the speed of the rotation of the earth increases the weight of a body

A. will increase

B. will decrease

C. will have no change

D. will either increase or decrease

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When a body is partly or wholly immersed in a liquid the apparent loss of weight is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the submerged portion. This is known as

A. Pascal's law

B. Bernoulli's law

C. Archimedes' law

D. Boyle's law

What is the correct answer?


The function of a moderator in a nuclear reactor is

A. to absorb unwanted neutrons

B. to slow down the fast neutrons to secure more effective hits on other nuclei

C. to decrease the number of fissile nuclei

D. to increase the number of fissile nuclei

What is the correct answer?


Isotones are species of atoms containing

A. same number of protons but different number of neutrons

B. same number of neutrons but different number of protons

C. the same total number of protons and neutrons

D. same number of protons and different number of electrons

What is the correct answer?


A balloon ruled with hydrogen will

A. continue going upwards uninterrupted

B. reach a particular height and remain floating

C. burst after reaching some height

D. reach a particular height and start coming down

What is the correct answer?


A lightning conductor installed in a building

A. does not allow the lightning to fall on the building at all

B. drives away the charged clouds

C. forces the lightning to fall on other buildings near that building

D. conducts the electric charges to the ground when lightning strikes the building

What is the correct answer?


A rheostat is used

A. to increase the current flow in a circuit

B. to decrease the current flow

C. to measure the flow of electric current

D. Either (a) or (b) above

What is the correct answer?


Solids have definite shapes. This is because

A. the forces of cohesion of the molecules within are very much less in them

B. the forces of cohesion are very large

C. the forces of adhesion are large

D. the forces of adhesion are less

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The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its

A. momentum

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. inertia

What is the correct answer?


Sound waves in air are

A. transverse

B. longitudinal

C. transverse and longitudinal

D. neither transverse nor longitudinal

What is the correct answer?


Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. they contain free electrons

B. their atoms are relatively far apart

C. their atoms collide frequently

D. they have reflecting surfaces

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The function of a ruse wire is

A. to stabilise the voltage

B. to decrease the current supply

C. to increase the current supply

D. to prevent an unduly high current from passing through a circuit

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The electrical domestic tube light gives white fiourescent light because of

A. collision between molecules of filled gas under electric current

B. heavy current

C. vacuum inside the tube

D. falling of ultra violet rays on the white inner coating of the tube

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To get 5 images of a single object one should have two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of

A. 72°

B. 60°

C. 36°

D. 90°

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The device that is used to measure the electromotive force of a cell is

A. an ammeter

B. a rheostat

C. a voltmeter

D. a voltameter

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Compared to the atomic bomb, the destructive power of a hydrogen bomb is

A. greater

B. less

C. equal

D. can't be determined

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In a freezer ice cubes will be formed more quickly in trays made of

A. rubber

B. plastic

C. aluminium

D. wood

What is the correct answer?


A bullet is fired at a certain angle with the horizontal. Its path will be

A. elliptical

B. a straight line

C. a parabola

D. a vertical line

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When light passes from air to glass, its velocity in glass

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains unchanged

D. first decreases then increases

What is the correct answer?


The solar wind is composed of

A. outward stream of protons and electrons on the surface of the sun during solar flares and sun-spot activity

B. plasma

C. ionized gas

D. All of these

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Mercury is used in thermometers because

A. it has high thermal conductivity

B. it has uniform expansivity

C. it has high boiling point and low freezing point

D. of all the above

What is the correct answer?


A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is

A. greater than the weight of the man

B. less than the weight of the man

C. same as the weight of the man

D. zero

What is the correct answer?


Rays from the headlight of a motor car are rendered parallel by suitably using

A. a convex mirror behind it

B. a concave lens behind it

C. a concave mirror in front of it

D. a concave mirror behind it