Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Your site is submitted to a web directory based on a specific ____.

A. Tag

B. Category

C. Description

D. Keyword

Correct Answer :

B. Category

Your site is submitted to a web directory based on a specific category.

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a popular search engine?

A. Google

B. Bing

C. Yahoo

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Your site is submitted to a web directory based on a specific ____.

A. Tag

B. Category

C. Description

D. Keyword

What is the correct answer?


How to choose the best keywords?

A. Use long-tail keywords

B. Perform latent semantic indexing

C. Use location-based keywords

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


____ networks (such as Facebook and Twitter) use Open Graph Meta Tags to communicate a page's content.

A. Search

B. Social

C. Size

D. Start

What is the correct answer?


Based on the importance and authority of a page, Pagerank determines a score on a 0 to 10 scale according to the ____ of links to it.

A. Quality

B. Quantity

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


How to optimize domain names?

A. Choose a .com extension

B. Choose suitable words

C. Length

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


One or more IP addresses are identified by a ____.

A. Search Engine

B. Portal

C. Domain Name

D. Algorithm

What is the correct answer?


How to optimize title tags?

A. Use keyword separation

B. Don't repeat title tags

C. Don't use the website or company name

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is/are the important thing(s) to look into for the link partners?

A. Your content or information should be related to the site

B. Don't forget to keep your links focused on your site

C. Information that is unique and relevant should be shared

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


When do you apply for Re inclusion in a search engines index?

A. When you have made changes to your site.

B. When you have changed your hosting provider and the IP address of your site.

C. After you have been banned from the search engine for black hat practices and you have corrected your wrongdoings.

D. When you are not happy with your current ratings.

What is the correct answer?


Search engine results pages display ____ as clickable headlines above website urls.

A. Title Tags

B. Search Engines

C. Meta Keywords

D. Meta Description

What is the correct answer?


In the ____ code of a webpage, a meta description is a short paragraph.



C. Java

D. C++

What is the correct answer?


What is/are the benefit(s) of article submission?

A. Backlinks cannot be built in a simple yet effective manner

B. Backlinks from popular websites are generated as a result

C. In addition to enhancing marketing results, it cannot increase the popularity of your brand or product on the Internet

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


To improve a website's ranking on search engine result pages, ____ optimization refers to all actions taken outside of the website itself.

A. On-Page

B. Off-Page

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the advantage of putting all of your important keywords in the Meta Keywords tag?

A. There is no specific advantage for search engines

B. It increases relevance to Yahoo! and MSN/Live, although Google & Ask ignore it

C. They will be bolded in searches for that term

D. You have to have a term in Meta Keywords in order to bid for AdWords to that page

What is the correct answer?


How to optimize the headings?

A. Put an H1 tag on each page

B. It should be unique

C. It should be relevant and descriptive

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and feeding it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?

A. Coaling

B. Foisting

C. Slighting

D. Cloaking

What is the correct answer?


What aspects of a hyperlink are not important for SEO?

A. The visibility of the link text.

B. The anchor text, especially the keywords in it.

C. The place from which the link originates.

D. The place to which the link leads.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are the types of meta tags?

A. Title

B. Meta keywords

C. Meta description

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an examples of agents?

A. Internet Explorer

B. Search engine spiders

C. Opera

D. SQL Server database attached to a website

What is the correct answer?


What is/are the benefit(s) of HTML Sitemaps?

A. A well-organized daily routine includes every page of the website

B. It oversees the connection between your pages and subpages and determines how they will be structured

C. The content you want to display on your homepage is just a click or two away

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?

A. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic

B. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes

C. Alexa is biased towards US based traffic

D. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar

What is the correct answer?


Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?

A. The text of the paid links should state the words paid text link for Google to identify it as a paid link

B. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted

C. Paid links should be disclosed through the rel=nofollow attribute in the hyperlink

D. Paid links should be disclosed through the index=nofollow attribute in the hyperlink

What is the correct answer?


You can store your links on online bookmarking sites through ____ submission, a form of off-page optimization.

A. Search Engine

B. Social Bookmark

C. Social Feed

D. Press Release

What is the correct answer?


What is/are the benefit(s) of blogging?

A. Improves SEO

B. Improves relationship

C. Free marketing

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following content types is most easily crawled by the major web search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN/Live & Ask.com)?


B. Windows Media Player Files

C. Java Applets

D. Flash Plugin Files

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

A. They are greatly beneficial to SEO

B. They are also called Link Farms

C. They are Paid Listings

D. They contain numerous inbound links

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is/are the benefit(s) of Directory Submission?

A. Fast Indexing

B. Higher link popularity

C. Higher page rank

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?

A. Trafficjacking

B. Visitorjacking

C. Viewjacking

D. Pagejacking

What is the correct answer?


By conducting ____ your target audience's queries, you can determine what information they are searching for and the keywords they are using.

A. Keyword Research

B. Analyzing

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above