Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In 1776, a famous book An enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nation was written by:

A. J.S.Mill

B. Adam Smith

C. Robert Malthus

D. David Ricardo

Correct Answer :

B. Adam Smith

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The isoquant approach is based upon:

A. One output

B. One input

C. Two outputs

D. Two inputs

What is the correct answer?


Marginal cost is the cost:

A. Of the last unit of production

B. Of marginal unit

C. Of marginal efficient units

D. Of the average units of production

What is the correct answer?


If a straight line supply curve makes an intercept on the X-axis, the elasticity of supply is:

A. Equal to unity

B. Less than unity

C. More than unity

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Marshalls definition of economics was strongly criticised by:

A. Adam Smith

B. Prof.Pigno

C. Prof. Robbins

D. J.B.Clark

What is the correct answer?


Price discrimination is possible:

A. When elasticities of demand in different markets are the same at the ruling price

B. When elasticities of demand are different in different markets at the ruling price

C. When elasticities cannot be known

D. When elasticities of demands are zero in different markets at the rulling price

What is the correct answer?


Identify the economist who first developed the theory of income determination in its modern form:

A. Paul A.Samuelson

B. J.M.Keynes

C. Joan Robinson

D. Dr.mehboob ul Haq

What is the correct answer?


In the case of an inferior commodity, the income-elasticity of demand is:

A. Positive

B. Unitary

C. Negative

D. Infinity

What is the correct answer?


Demand is consumers:

A. Ability to get a commodity

B. Willingness to get a commodity

C. Willingness and ability to get a commodity

D. Desire for a commodity

What is the correct answer?


The total utility is gained by consuming:

A. The last unit of a good

B. All the units of a good

C. The first unit of a good

D. The average unit of a good

What is the correct answer?


In case of giffin good, price effect is:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Neutral

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


The proportionality rule in production requires that the ratios of MP and factor prices are:

A. Doubled

B. Equalized

C. Not equalized

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The low cost price leader will charge:

A. higher prices

B. zero prices

C. lower prices

D. specific prices

What is the correct answer?


The MRTS along an iso-quant goes on to:

A. Appear

B. Diminish

C. Prominent

D. Increase

What is the correct answer?


In general, most of the production functions measure:

A. The productivity of factors of production

B. The relation between the factors of production

C. The economies of scale

D. The relations between change in physical inputs and physical output

What is the correct answer?


The critics of Sweezy model say that kink generates:

A. Frustration

B. Poverty

C. Uncertainty

D. Integrity

What is the correct answer?


One way the government can induce a monopolist to expand his output is by imposing:

A. A specific tax on the monopolists output

B. A price ceiling that make the monopolist lower his price

C. A price floor that make the monopolist raise his price

D. A heavy tax on the monopolists profit

What is the correct answer?


The Strategy of Economic Development is the work of:

A. S.Kuznets

B. H.Liebenstein

C. A.O.Hirshman

D. Alfred Marshal

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does not have a uniform elasticity of demand at all points?

A. A vertical demand curve

B. A horizontal demand curve

C. A rectangular hyperbola demand curve

D. A downward sloping demand curve

What is the correct answer?


Elasticity of supply means change in supply due to change in:

A. Price of the commodity

B. Conditions of supply

C. Taste of the consumer

D. Demand for the commodity

What is the correct answer?


The act of producing the output from more than one plant is concerned with:

A. Monopoly

B. Multi-plant monopoly

C. Bilateral monopoly

D. Price discrimination

What is the correct answer?


In a competitive market, price is determined primarily by:

A. Transportation costs

B. The interplay of demand and supply

C. Costs of production

D. The marginal product of labour

What is the correct answer?


If the commodities X and Y are perfect complements then:




D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under conditions of perfect competition, price in the long-run is equal to:

A. Minimum of average variable cost

B. Minimum of marginal cost

C. Minimum of average fixed cost

D. Minimum of average cost

What is the correct answer?


Duopoly is a market where there are:

A. Two sellers

B. A few sellers

C. Five sellers

D. Many sellers

What is the correct answer?


Repetition of a game (Repeated Game):

A. Yields the same outcome over and over

B. Can result in behavior that is different from what it would be if the game were played once

C. Is not possible

D. Makes cooperative games into noncooperative games

What is the correct answer?


Under pure monopoly, there will be:

A. No distinction between firm and industry

B. One firm and no industry

C. No firm and no industry

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When there is decrease in demand the demand curve:

A. Moves (shifts) towards the axis

B. Moves (shifts) away from the axis

C. Remains unchanged

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The price consumption curve (PCC) for commodity X is the locus of points of consumer equilibrium resulting when:

A. The price of only Y is varied

B. The price of only X is varied

C. The prices of both Y and X are varied

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Marginal cost is always:

A. Less than the average cost

B. More than the average cost

C. Equal to the average cost at minimum point

D. Never equal to the average cost

What is the correct answer?


In the short-run, in which one of the following situations would a competitive seller close down (shut-down)?

A. When he cannot produce at an economic profit

B. When price falls short of average variable cost at every level of output

C. When price falls short of average fixed cost at every level of output

D. When price falls short of average total cost at every level of output