Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who is known for the concept of the self-concept and the distinction between the real self and the ideal self?

A. Abraham Maslow

B. Carl Rogers

C. Erik Erikson

D. Albert Bandura

Correct Answer :

B. Carl Rogers

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What is the correct answer?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which category includes the need for safety, stability, and freedom from fear and anxiety?

A. Physiological needs

B. Safety needs

C. Love and belongingness needs

D. Esteem needs

What is the correct answer?


Which type of research design involves manipulating one or more independent variables to observe their effect on a dependent variable?

A. Experimental

B. Correlational

C. Descriptive

D. Observational

What is the correct answer?


Which type of conditioning involves learning associations between behaviors and their consequences?

A. Classical conditioning

B. Operant conditioning

C. Observational conditioning

D. Reflexive conditioning

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Which psychological perspective emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts and early childhood experiences in shaping personality?

A. Humanistic

B. Psychoanalytic

C. Cognitive

D. Behavioral

What is the correct answer?


Who developed the stages of moral development, including the pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional levels?

A. Lawrence Kohlberg

B. Sigmund Freud

C. Erik Erikson

D. Jean Piaget

What is the correct answer?


Who is known for the concept of the zone of proximal development and emphasized the importance of social interactions in learning?

A. Abraham Maslow

B. Albert Bandura

C. Jean Piaget

D. Lev Vygotsky

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In operant conditioning, what term is used to describe the process of weakening a behavior by removing a desired stimulus after the behavior occurs?

A. Reinforcement

B. Punishment

C. Extinction

D. Shaping

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Who is known for the theory of classical conditioning and the famous Little Albert experiment?

A. John Watson

B. Ivan Pavlov

C. B.F. Skinner

D. Albert Bandura

What is the correct answer?


Which neurotransmitter is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward?

A. Serotonin

B. Dopamine

C. Acetylcholine


What is the correct answer?


Which type of reinforcement involves reinforcing a behavior after a specific number of responses?

A. Fixed-ratio

B. Variable-ratio

C. Fixed-interval

D. Variable-interval

What is the correct answer?


Who is known for the social learning theory and the concept of self-efficacy?

A. Albert Bandura

B. Carl Rogers

C. B.F. Skinner

D. Abraham Maslow

What is the correct answer?


Which type of reinforcement involves reinforcing a behavior after a varying number of responses?

A. Fixed-ratio

B. Variable-ratio

C. Fixed-interval

D. Variable-interval

What is the correct answer?


Who developed the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes in personality theory?

A. Sigmund Freud

B. Carl Jung

C. Alfred Adler

D. Karen Horney

What is the correct answer?


According to Erikson's theory, what is the primary task of early adulthood?

A. Intimacy vs. Isolation

B. Generativity vs. Stagnation

C. Identity vs. Role Confusion

D. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

What is the correct answer?


Who is associated with the social-cognitive theory and the concept of reciprocal determinism?

A. Abraham Maslow

B. Albert Bandura

C. Carl Rogers

D. Jean Piaget

What is the correct answer?


What is the role of the amygdala in the brain?

A. Regulating body temperature

B. Processing emotions, especially fear and aggression

C. Controlling movement and coordination

D. Regulating sleep-wake cycles

What is the correct answer?


What is the primary function of dendrites in a neuron?

A. To transmit electrical signals

B. To receive signals from other neurons

C. To produce neurotransmitters

D. To cover and protect the axon

What is the correct answer?


According to Abraham Maslow, what is the highest level in the hierarchy of needs?

A. Esteem needs

B. Self-actualization

C. Safety needs

D. Belongingness and love needs

What is the correct answer?


Who is known for the hierarchy of cognitive development stages, including the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages?

A. B.F. Skinner

B. Lev Vygotsky

C. Albert Bandura

D. Jean Piaget

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the nervous system is responsible for activating the fight or flight response in stressful situations?

A. Central nervous system

B. Sympathetic nervous system

C. Parasympathetic nervous system

D. Autonomic nervous system

What is the correct answer?


Who conducted the famous Little Albert experiment on classical conditioning?

A. John Watson and Rosalie Rayner

B. Ivan Pavlov

C. B.F. Skinner

D. Albert Bandura

What is the correct answer?


Which type of memory is responsible for recalling information about how to do things or perform specific tasks?

A. Sensory memory

B. Procedural memory

C. Semantic memory

D. Short-term memory

What is the correct answer?


According to Erikson, what is the primary task of infancy (0-1 year)?

A. Trust vs. Mistrust

B. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

C. Initiative vs. Guilt

D. Industry vs. Inferiority

What is the correct answer?


Who proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance, which suggests that individuals experience discomfort when their attitudes and behaviors are inconsistent?

A. Leon Festinger

B. Solomon Asch

C. Stanley Milgram

D. Philip Zimbardo

What is the correct answer?


According to Maslow, what is the term for the motivation to fulfill one's potential and become the best one can be?

A. Esteem needs

B. Self-actualization

C. Safety needs

D. Belongingness and love needs

What is the correct answer?


According to the attachment theory, what term is used to describe the type of attachment where a child is distressed when a caregiver leaves but is easily comforted upon their return?

A. Secure attachment

B. Avoidant attachment

C. Anxious-ambivalent attachment

D. Disorganized attachment

What is the correct answer?


Which defense mechanism involves attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to another person?

A. Displacement

B. Rationalization

C. Projection

D. Regression

What is the correct answer?


According to the stages of grief proposed by Elisabeth K�bler-Ross, which stage involves accepting the reality of the loss?

A. Denial

B. Anger

C. Bargaining

D. Acceptance

What is the correct answer?


In classical conditioning, what is the term for the process of gradually reducing the intensity of a conditioned stimulus while still obtaining the conditioned response?

A. Extinction

B. Generalization

C. Discrimination

D. Habituation

What is the correct answer?


Which perspective in psychology emphasizes the influence of societal and cultural factors on behavior and mental processes?

A. Sociocultural

B. Humanistic

C. Psychodynamic

D. Cognitive