Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


This area in Flash is similar to the clipboard in Microsoft Office applications.

A. Merge Drawing

B. Flash Tool

C. Oval Tool

D. Object Drawing

Correct Answer :

A. Merge Drawing

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What is the correct answer?


The ink bottle changes the color of...

A. ...strokes.

B. ...fills.

C. ...the background.

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To instruct a button to stop on the first frame of another scene, called replay, you would need to call the following method

A. gotoandplay(1, replay);

B. gotoAndPlay(replay, 1);

C. gotoAndStop(replay, 1);

D. gotoAndStop(1, replay);

What is the correct answer?


Shape tweens can only

A. be used to tween between one shape on one frame and another shape on another frame, but on the same layer.

B. be used on the main stage.

C. change the shape of a symbol.

D. eat bunnies.

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You can control the fluidity of the line drawn with the pencil tool.

A. True

B. False

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Clicking and dragging the playhead will scrub through your movie so you can see the animation.

A. True

B. False

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Use this to make a symbol disappear from view (great for changing pictures). You would use motion tween for this method. You have to change the alpha� setting of the symbol. Alpha represents transparency.

A. Zoom

B. Masking

C. Fade Effect

D. Morphing

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To start Adobe Flash, Click on Start>______>Adobe Flash

A. Adobe Collection

B. All Programs

C. Run

D. Open

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What is not a possible value for a boolean variable?

A. 0

B. on

C. false

D. 1

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This action allows you to save the object in the library panel for future use.

A. Importing

B. Exporting

C. Convert to text

D. Convert to Symbol

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This tools allows you to scale, rotate and skew objects in the flash stage.

A. Merge Tool

B. Free Convert Tool

C. Free Transform tool

D. Object tool

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Actionscript refers to movieclips via their...

A. symbol name

B. instance name

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The two ways to draw fills in a drawing?

A. Ink and Pencil

B. Brush and Spray

C. Oval and Shape

D. Fill and Autofill

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To make an object transparent, the ______ should be set in the Property Inspector panel.

A. Alpha Value Settings

B. Transparency Settings

C. Color Settings

D. Object Settings

What is the correct answer?


A stroke is...

A. ...the width of the paintbrush.

B. ... the color of the paintbrush.

C. ... the outline around a shape.

D. ... the fill of a shape.

What is the correct answer?


____________ is a way to partially hide an image in the layer immediately below another layer. The 2 layers get locked� together to produce the effect.

A. Morphing

B. Tweening

C. Stacking

D. Masking

What is the correct answer?


You can change a solid color into a gradient in the....

A. ... color menu.

B. ... swatches menu.

C. ...properties inspector.

D. ... all of the above.

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A powerful tool in flash that allows you to have greater control when creating lines.

A. Powerline

B. Line Tool

C. Powertool

D. Pen Tool

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This is a way to take a word and animate each letter separately.

A. Distribute to layers.

B. Break apart

C. frame-by-frame

D. Convert to symbol

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The Windows> Align> Entire Stage makes the ____________.

A. object align with another object

B. object fill the entire stage

C. object fill another object

D. object fill the entire screen

What is the correct answer?


What is an acceptable instance name?

A. 1thumb_mc

B. thumb01.mc

C. *thumb01_mc

D. $01thumb

What is the correct answer?


This tool is useful when you are zoomed in and need to move around an area in your artwork.

A. Merge Tool

B. move Tool

C. Hand Tool

D. Zoom Tool

What is the correct answer?


Anticipation is...

A. the animation principle that deals with the motion at the end of an action.

B. the animation principle that deals with the effect on the surrounding environment as an action occurs.

C. the animation principle that deals with the motion at the beginning of an action.

D. the animation principle that deals with the transformation of object as it moves through its action and reacts with gravity.

What is the correct answer?


This is, by far, the most tedious way to create animations.

A. Shape Tween

B. Motion Tween

C. Mask

D. Frame-by-Frame

What is the correct answer?


What is the most common user error (according to Meg) in writing actionscript?

A. forgetting to name your instances

B. misspelling an instance name or variable

C. forgetting a { or }

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


The ___________________ is a holding place for all symbols and imported images and sounds within a single Flash file.

A. library

B. timeline

C. properties

D. tools panel

What is the correct answer?


The __________ shows the frames in the movie.

A. toolbar

B. Properties pane

C. timeline

D. scene

What is the correct answer?


A pen tool with a small circle next to it means you can...

A. ...close a shape.

B. ...open a shape.

C. ...delete a shape.

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Any item placed on a frame that has not been converted to a graphic, button, or movie clip. This includes shapes you draw as well as images you insert/import (jpg, bitmaps, etc.). Use this to do a shape tween or mask effect.

A. Layer

B. vector

C. bitmap

D. object

What is the correct answer?


Clicking and dragging with the pen tool creates...

A. a straight line.

B. a curved line.

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A white box with a diagonal red line through it means...

A. ... no color.

B. ... do not enter.

C. ... no data.