Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Firm that operates internationally is able to

A. earn a greater return from their skills and core competencies

B. realize location economies where they can be performed most efficiently

C. realize greater experience curve economies, which reduces the cost of production

D. All the above

Correct Answer :

D. All the above

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Free international trade maximizes world output through

A. Countries specializing in production of goods they are best suited for.

B. Reduction in taxes.

C. Increased factor income.

D. Encouraging competition.

What is the correct answer?


A country with high uncertainty avoidance will witness

A. lower level of stress among people.

B. decision taken as a result of group consensus.

C. less dependence on rules and regulations.

D. people are serene.

What is the correct answer?


Porter suggests the following reasons for one nation being more competitive than another

A. Ability to speak English; developed network of supporting industries; absence of competition; and low labour cost.

B. Abundant natural resources; skilled labour force; temperate climate; and democracy.

C. Factor conditions; demand conditions; related and supporting industries; and firm strategy, industry strategy and rivalry.

D. Strong sporting ethos; emphasis on individual achievement; strong national party in power; large home market.

What is the correct answer?


Business across several countries with some decentralization of management decision making to subsidiaries is

A. Global business.

B. Multinational business.

C. Transnational business.

D. Multi-regional business.

What is the correct answer?


Factor of Interdependence in Multi-domestic strategy is





What is the correct answer?


The world trade organization was formed in the year _________ with GATT as it basis.

A. 1992

B. 1993

C. 1995

D. 1994

What is the correct answer?


In 90s the global management perception was based on

A. Standardization v/s adaptation

B. Globalization v/s localization

C. Global integration v/s Local Responsiveness

D. Local responsiveness

What is the correct answer?


The income level of residents in a country is indicated by

A. gross national income.

B. gross domestic product.

C. per capita gross national income.

D. per capita gross domestic product.

What is the correct answer?


An attribute that doesnt contribute to Porters Diamond model is

A. Government

B. Organized Trade union

C. Factor Conditions

D. Demand Conditions

What is the correct answer?


As per cultural dimensions of Hofstede, masculinity refers to

A. Male- female ratio in the country.

B. Society dominated by male members.

C. Society characterized by aggressive and materialistic behaviour.

D. War- ridden societies.

What is the correct answer?


Religion of a person affects his/her

A. attitude towards entrepreneurship.

B. gifting practices.

C. use of products.

D. all of the above.

What is the correct answer?


Quantitative restrictions refer to limit set by countries to curb

A. Imports

B. Exports

C. Imports and Exports

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The first phase of globalization started around 1870 and ended with …

A. The World War I

B. The World War II

C. The Establishment of GATT

D. In 1913 when GDP was high

What is the correct answer?


General Agreement on Trade in Services will not be applicable to

A. Services supplied from one country to another cross border supply

B. Transaction of goods across the border Export Import

C. Individuals traveling from own country to supply services in another presence of natural persons.

D. Consumers/firms making use of a service in another country consumption abroad.

What is the correct answer?


In a business cycle, the phase preceding prosperity is

A. recession.

B. depression.

C. recovery.

D. recession or depression.

What is the correct answer?


Identify a factor that doesnt play an important role in attracting FDI

A. Laws, rule sand regulations

B. Administrative procedures and efficiency

C. Infrastructure related factors

D. Language

What is the correct answer?


B2B sector specific policy of Indian Government is

A. FDI up to 100% subject to condition that they invest 26 % in favour of Indian Public within 5 yrs

B. FDI up to 100%

C. FDI up to 100% subject to condition that they invest 26 % in favor of Indian Public within 10 yrs

D. FDI up to 49%

What is the correct answer?


Power distance Index (PDI) of 77 compared to a world average of 56.5 for India indicates

A. High level of inequality of power and wealth within the society

B. Normal Power and Wealth

C. High level of political corruption

D. Low level of Human Development Index

What is the correct answer?


Quantitative restrictions refer to limit set by countries to curb

A. Imports

B. Exports

C. Imports & exports

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The five forces that affect the level of competition in an industry are

A. Threat of entrants; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of substitutes; competitive rivalry.

B. Threat of buyers; power of entry; power of substitutes; threat of suppliers; threat of recession.

C. Threat of recession; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of management failure; competitive rivalry.

D. Threat of entry; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of substitutes; government action

What is the correct answer?


Social stratification is done based on

A. Income level.

B. caste.

C. education.

D. any of the above.

What is the correct answer?


Countries/ regions with huge market size will attract

A. Market seeking FDI.

B. Efficiency seeking FDI.

C. Vertical FDI.

D. Created assets seeking FDI.

What is the correct answer?


_______ theory states that, lack of resources often helps countries to become competitive

A. Competitive theory

B. Porters Diamond Model

C. Theory of Mercantilism

D. Product life cycle theory

What is the correct answer?


The following factors are key drivers of globalisation

A. Government action, exchange rates, competition and sociodemographic factors.

B. Market convergence, competition, exchange rates and cost advantages.

C. Cost advantages, government action, economic cycles and competition.

D. Market, cost, competition and government policies.

What is the correct answer?


International business does not result in the following

A. Innovation is encouraged.

B. International cooperation is encouraged.

C. Imports are rendered cheap.

D. Consumption is minimized.

What is the correct answer?


By having business in different countries, a firm reduces

A. credit risk.

B. political risk.

C. financial risk.

D. business risk.

What is the correct answer?


Theory of Mercantilism propagates

A. Encourage imports and exports

B. Encourage exports and discourage imports

C. Discourage imports

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


When the exporter, expects the importer, to make the payment immediately upon the draft being presented to him is called.

A. Sight Draft.

B. Usance Draft

C. Demand draft

D. Pay Note

What is the correct answer?


The following factor does not differentiate international business from domestic business

A. different currencies

B. product quality

C. product mobility

D. trade policies

What is the correct answer?


The disadvantages of Greenfield FDI as compared to acquisition is

A. Profit will be less.

B. Size of investment will be high.

C. Lesser control in management.

D. Delay in establishment.