Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Manganese is essential for the synthesis

A. Fatty acids

B. Oxidative phosphorylation

C. Organic matrix of bone

D. All of these

Correct Answer :

D. All of these

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Molybdenum is essential for

A. Carbonic anhydrase

B. Catalase

C. Xanthine oxidase

D. All

What is the correct answer?


Protein efficiency ratio can be calculated by following formula

A. g wt. gain/ g protein absorb

B. g N retained/ g N absorb

C. g wt. gain/ g protein consumed

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The vitamin not essential in the diet of poultry but needs supplementation during summer stress is

A. Nicotinic acid

B. Biotin

C. Ascorbic acid

D. Retinol

What is the correct answer?


Find out the Antifungal feed additives:

A. propionic acid

B. sodium propionate

C. nystatin

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Protein contains of a egg is:

A. 20 %

B. 18 %

C. 9 %

D. 12 %

What is the correct answer?


The number of thin shelled and soft shelled increases subsequently egg production and hatchability show marked decline

A. Vitamin B2

B. Vitamin B5

C. Vitamin D3

D. Vitamin C

What is the correct answer?


The most refined measure of food energy for poultry is




D. None

What is the correct answer?


Nicotinic acid can be synthesized in the chicks from

A. Tryptophane

B. Ribose

C. Thiamin

D. Lysine

What is the correct answer?


The major end product of nitrogen metabolism in mammals is

A. Ammonia

B. Uric acid

C. Urea

D. Creatinine

What is the correct answer?


Exogenous requirements of choline in birds is influenced by the dietary level of

A. Lysine

B. Methionine

C. Calcium

D. Phosphorus

What is the correct answer?


Microcytic, hyperchromic anemia in chicken is due to deficiency of

A. thiamine

B. Mn

C. Na

D. folacin

What is the correct answer?


Thiamine deficiency symptom is

A. Curled toe paralysis

B. Nutritional myopathy

C. Polyneuritis

D. All

What is the correct answer?


The calcium and phosphorus ratio in layers ration should be

A. 1:1

B. 2:1

C. 3:1

D. 6:1

What is the correct answer?


Deficiency of ……….vitamin causes rough and scaly dermatitis on the bottom of chick foot

A. Nicotinic acid

B. Ascorbic acid

C. Biotin

D. Retinol

What is the correct answer?


The percent of CF should not be more than ……….in layer ration

A. 10 %

B. 12 %

C. 6 %

D. 8 %

What is the correct answer?


FCR of layer is influenced by

A. Pen temperature

B. Rate of egg production

C. Quality of ration

D. All

What is the correct answer?


For production of prothrombin, the vitamin needed is

A. C

B. B6

C. K

D. D

What is the correct answer?


………… is essential for prevention of perosis in chicken

A. Biotin

B. Vit B10

C. Choline

D. Vit B5

What is the correct answer?


The most important feed factors that affect digestability of feed are

A. Preparation of the feed.

B. Feed composition

C. Ration composition

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


DCP is rich source of calcium contains approximatly

A. 29 %

B. 20 %

C. 35 %

D. 15 %

What is the correct answer?


Chelation is used to enhance the absorption of

A. Protein

B. Fat

C. Mineral

D. Carbohydrate

What is the correct answer?


Energy content of a egg is

A. 80 Kcal

B. 60 Kcal

C. 90 Kcal

D. 125 Kcal

What is the correct answer?


Among the poultry feed ingredients as a source of energy which one stands at the top

A. Rice polish

B. Barley

C. Maize

D. Oats

What is the correct answer?


Premix should not be prepared for

A. Vitamin

B. Antibiotics

C. Fish meal

D. Coccidiostate

What is the correct answer?


Gossypol of cottonseed meal react with

A. Zinc

B. Manganese

C. Iron

D. Selenium

What is the correct answer?


The deficiency of ………..in the diet of poultry leads to lesser intake of water

A. K

B. Ca

C. Na

D. Mn

What is the correct answer?


Chicks show Dermatitis, severe lesions of bottom of feet in early stages and mandibular lesion at a later stage is due to deficiency of

A. Vitamin B2

B. Vitamin B5

C. Biotin

D. Folic acid

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is needed for maturation of RBC in poultry

A. Biotin

B. Pantothenic acid

C. Folic acid

D. B6

What is the correct answer?


The best protein feed which contain all the essential amino acid required for chicken is

A. Meat meal

B. Ground nut cake

C. Fish meal

D. Lucern meal

What is the correct answer?


Bowing of legs with enlargement of hock joint without slipping of achilles tendon is caused by deficiency of

A. Calcium

B. Choline

C. Nicotinic acid

D. Carotene