Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is false regarding malakoplakia?

A. is an uncommon granulomatous disease that affect the skin and/or urinary bladder

B. it might be due to a disturbed function of B lymphocytes

C. characterized by the presence of basophilic inclusion structure (Michaelis-Gutmann body)

D. it might be due to a defective phagolysosomal activity of monocytes or macrophages

Correct Answer :

B. it might be due to a disturbed function of B lymphocytes

the incidence of malakoplakia in immunocompromized states, suggests that a disturbed function of T-lymphocytes may play a role in the pathogenesis.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What are the most commonly affected organs by genitourinary schistosomiasis?

A. kidneys and adrenals

B. bladder and ureters

C. prostate and vasa

D. testes and epididymi

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning UTI in long-term care facilities?

A. in catheterized individuals, entry of bacteria into the bladder is facilitated by the bacterial glycocalyx biofilm

B. infection cannot be reliably distinguished from bacteriuria by lab tests

C. co-trimoxazole is the preferred antibiotic for empiric therapy

D. symptomatic UTI may be a diagnosis of exclusion

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does NOT cause sterile pyouria?

A. inadequately treated UTI

B. renal papillary necrosis

C. acute emphysematous pyelonephritis

D. urinary tract tuberculosis

What is the correct answer?


What is false regarding urethral syndrome in postmenopausal women?

A. pH of vaginal secretions increases after menopause

B. estrogen deficiency manifests as trophic urethritis and atrophic vaginitis

C. topical conjugated estrogen replacement carries a significant risk of breast and endometrial cancers

D. manifestations might include obstructive symptoms and non-infectious cystitis

What is the correct answer?


What is true concerning HIV infection?

A. HIV is a retrovirus that infects B-cells and dendritic cells

B. circumcised men are at lower risk for HIV infection

C. HPV infection increases the risk for cancers in HIV patients by 6.3 times

D. plasma HIV RNA load is a predictor of disease remission

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning radiation cystitis?

A. the average time from the beginning of radiation therapy to initial symptoms could be 2 4 weeks

B. treatment with stationary radiation, portals carry a higher risk of morbidity than treatment with rotating portals do

C. it occurs in about 10% of patients treated with definitive irradiation therapy for prostate cancer after 10 years

D. most cases are mildly affected and require no specific therapy

What is the correct answer?


What type of cells is implicated most in the pathogenesis of BPS/IC?

A. histocytes

B. T lymphocytes

C. mast cells

D. B lymphocytes

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning sepsis syndrome?

A. poor tissue perfusion manifests as hyperlactemia and decreased capillary refill

B. acute oliguria indicates an organ dysfunction and circulatory collapse

C. septic shock is an extreme form of sepsis when hypotension persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation

D. hypotension is a sign of hyperdynamic circulation at an early septic shock

What is the correct answer?


What factor(s) increase(s) the risk of bacterial colonization in the prostate?

A. acute epididymitis

B. indwelling urethral catheters

C. transurethral surgery

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is NOT a poor clinical practice on caring for urethral catheters?

A. taking urine samples by draining the urine bag

B. daily cleansing the external meatus

C. placing the urine bag on the floor

D. changing the urine bag once it is full

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following factors increases the risk of UTI due to promotion of microbial colonization?

A. neurogenic bladder

B. the use of spermicide

C. urinary catheterization

D. fecal incontinence

What is the correct answer?


What is false regarding Gonorrheal STD in women?

A. nucleic acid amplification tests are the preferred to diagnose Gonococcal and Chlamydial infections

B. shows dark yellow, purulent, thick urethral discharge

C. the most common site of the infection is the endocervix

D. the incubation period is 2 3 weeks

What is the correct answer?


Which statement best defines reinfection?

A. a new episode of UTI caused by different species or occurring at long intervals

B. recurrent UTIs caused by the same organism in each instance, classically, at close intervals

C. recurrent UTIs due to failure of medical therapy to eradicate the infection

D. recurrent UTIs due to a persistent pathology that is obstinate to surgery

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning genitourinary TB?

A. is the commonest extra-pulmonary site of infection

B. bladder TB is secondary to renal TB, and usually begins at the ureteral orifices

C. in the kidneys, TB is typically bilateral, cortical, and adjacent to the glomeruli; they may remain dormant for ages

D. epididymal TB might occur by hematogenous or direct spread from the urinary tract

What is the correct answer?


What is the preferred antibiotic for BPS/IC cases?

A. rifampicin

B. doxycycline

C. azithromycin

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is true regarding chronic epididymitis symptomatology?

A. pain is dull aching in the scrotum, perineum, inner thighs, and lower abdomen

B. dysuria, frequency, and/or urgency

C. long-standing (> 6 weeks) history of scrotal pain, and tenderness

D. low grade fever, malaise, and urethral discharge

What is the correct answer?


No need for radiologic studies for recurrent UTI in:

A. children

B. the elderly

C. men

D. women

What is the correct answer?


What is false regarding Fournier`s gangrene?

A. is defined as a polymicrobial chronic infection of the perineal, perianal, or genital areas

B. as the disease progresses, branches from the inferior epigastric, deep circumflex iliac, and external pudendal arteries get thrombosed

C. presents as a dark skinned-scrotum, subcutaneous crepitation, and foul smell

D. surgical debridement often spares the testes

What is the correct answer?


As per NIH classification of prostatitis, which type requires no treatment?

A. type I

B. type II

C. type III

D. type IV

What is the correct answer?


What is the most commonly affected organ by genitourinary Brucellosis?

A. kidneys

B. bladder

C. prostate

D. epididymis

What is the correct answer?


What could cause unresolved bacteriuria?

A. drug resistance

B. non-compliance

C. the presence of persistent pathology

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


Management of acute epididymo-orchitis in hospitalized patients includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. scrotal support and elevation

B. ice packs

C. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents

D. urethral catheterization

What is the correct answer?


What type of human Herpes virus is implicated in all forms of Kaposi sarcoma?

A. 2

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

What is the correct answer?


What type of bladder cells secretes antiproliferative factor?

A. bladder epithelial cells

B. type C nerve endings in the bladder

C. type A delta nerve endings in the bladder

D. the innermost longitudinal fibres of detrusor muscle

What is the correct answer?


What is true regarding Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis?

A. CT shows the characteristic bear paw sign

B. it is an infected, obstructed, poorly functioning kidney containing stones

C. nephrectomy is the treatment

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a treatment option for BPS/IC?

A. substitution cystoplasty and continent diversion

B. fulguration of a Hunner`s ulcer or hydrodistention

C. intravesical installation of silver nitrate or dimethyl sulfoxide

D. low dose external beam irradiation

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a first-choice antimicrobial agent for uncomplicated acute cystitis in women?

A. nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals

B. trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

C. ampicillin

D. fosfomycin

What is the correct answer?


What is the least important measure in indwelling catheter care?

A. cleansing the urethral meatus with aseptic agent

B. careful aseptic insertion of the catheter

C. maintenance of a closed drainage system

D. maintaining a dependant drainage system

What is the correct answer?


What are the sequelae of recurrent uncomplicated UTI in young women?

A. minimal

B. chronic persistent infections

C. chronic relapsing infections

D. bouts of chronic pyelonephritis

What is the correct answer?


What is the most common serotype of HPV associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the penis?

A. 16

B. 18

C. 22

D. 12