Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What antibiotic could result in red man syndrome?

A. vancomycin

B. clindamycin

C. streptomycin

D. tobramycin

Correct Answer :

A. vancomycin

vancomycin could result in Red-man syndrome: flushing, fever, chills, rash, hypotension (histaminic effect).

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What is the correct answer?


What is the most common cause of hematuria in men over 60 yrs.?

A. kidney stones

B. glomerulonephritis


D. bladder cancer

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What is the best initial therapy for hyponatremic dehydration?

A. administration of hypertonic saline

B. administration of crystalloid

C. administration of normal saline

D. administration of ringer lactate

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Which organism is capable of proliferation in the urine and causing urethritis?

A. Ureaplasma urealyticum

B. Chlamydia trachomatis

C. E. coli

D. Neisseria gonorrhea

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Which agent is safe to kidneys?

A. amoxicillin

B. gentamycin

C. diclofenac

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What is the nature of the prostate-specific antigen?

A. protease

B. lyase

C. carboxylase

D. hydrolase

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What is the most significant innervation of the vas deferens?

A. sympathetic nervous system

B. parasympathetic nervous system

C. somatic nervous system

D. none of the above

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What are the posterior relations of the kidneys?

A. quadratus lumborum and diaphragm

B. psoas and diaphragm

C. psoas and latissimus dorsi

D. transversus abdominus and paraspinous

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Where is Santorini plexus located?

A. at either side of the prostate

B. in the pubo-prostatic space

C. anterior to the seminal vesicles

D. posterior to the vaso-epididymal junction

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During fluoroscopy, what is the main source of radiation hazards that urologists could be exposed to?

A. scattered radiation from the unleaded wall

B. scattered radiation from the patient

C. scattered radiation from the floor and ceiling

D. radiation from the primary beam

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Which nephron segment contains the most diluted urine in central diabetes insipidus patient?

A. proximal convoluted tubules

B. distal convoluted tubules

C. collecting duct

D. loop of Henle

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What vessels are located in the prostate neurovascular bundle?

A. Watson plexus

B. capsular arteries and veins

C. inferior vesical and midrectal vessels

D. Santorini plexus

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What is false concerning coagulase splitting bacteria (Griess) test?

A. it is a reduction reaction that converts nitrate to nitrite

B. nitrazine reagent papers are used to elicit the reaction

C. it is false negative in diluted urine, on taking vitamin C, and in gram +ve bacteria

D. the reaction takes 4 minutes to complete

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The manifestations of autonomic dysreflexia include:

A. hypotension and tachycardia

B. hypotension and bradycardia

C. hypertension and tachycardia

D. hypertension and bradycardia

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following lab results indicates prerenal failure?

A. serum BUN : creatinine > 20

B. urine [Na] < 30 mEq/L

C. Na excretion fraction < 1

D. all of the above

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When should a 70 yrs. man with 40 ml prostate volume, and total PSA of 2.0 ng/ml, go for a prostate biopsy?

A. if PSA reading had exceeded 2.7 ng/ml over 12 months

B. if free PSA reading was less than 0.4 ng/ml

C. if total PSA reading was greater than 8 ng/ml

D. any of the above

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What is the most frequent anomaly associated with multicystic renal dysplasia?

A. ureteral atresia

B. vesicoureteral reflux

C. ureteropelvic junction obstruction

D. ureteral duplication

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Which of the following hormones, primarily, controls spermatogenesis?


B. testosterone



What is the correct answer?


At what month of intra-uterine life do testes descend into the scrotum with the aid of the intra-abdominal pressure and the gubernacula?

A. sixth

B. seventh

C. eighth

D. ninth

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What is the approximated bladder capacity of an 8 yrs. girl?

A. 150 ml

B. 200 ml

C. 250 ml

D. 300 ml

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All of the following conditions are related to obesity syndrome, EXCEPT:

A. super fertility

B. increase aromatization reaction

C. increase resistance to circulating insulin

D. sleep apnea

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What is false about indinavir sulfate stones?

A. intratubular crystal formation might occur

B. CT cannot reliably confirm the presence of indinavir calculi

C. stone formation is demonstrated in 80% of patients taking the medication

D. is a protease inhibitor with poor solubility and significant urinary excretion

What is the correct answer?


What does make UTI more common in mid-aged females than in males?

A. short female urethra

B. pregnancy

C. vaginal colonization with enterobacteria

D. all the above

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The epithelial component of the prostate consists of all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. basal cells

B. intermediate cells

C. tubulo-columnar cells

D. neuroendocrine cells

What is the correct answer?


What fascial layer(s) cover(s) the prostate?

A. Denonvilliers fascia

B. prostatic fascia

C. levator fascia

D. all of the above

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What are the first and second most common zones from where prostate cancers arise?

A. central then transitional

B. peripheral then transitional

C. peripheral then central

D. transitional then central

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Which statement explains the first event in the micturition reflex?

A. opening of internal bladder sphincter

B. fall in urethral pressure

C. rise in intravesical pressure

D. cessation of sphincter EMG activity

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Branches of what artery travel under the endopelvic fascia form the prostate to the sidewall of the pelvis?

A. obturator artery

B. midrectal artery

C. inferior vesical artery

D. pudendal artery

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Which medicine(s) might enhance hypoprothrombinemic effect on oral anticoagulants?

A. allopurinol

B. aminoglycosides

C. cimetidine

D. all of the above

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Which of the following is false regarding zona glomeruloza?

A. the most superficial layer of the adrenal cortex

B. responses to increased potassium levels, renin or decreased renal blood flow

C. it causes pheochromocytoma

D. secretes aldosterone

What is the correct answer?


Adult size of bladder capacity is achieved at what age?

A. 5 6 yrs.

B. 7 8 yrs.

C. 9 10 yrs.

D. 11 12 yrs.